Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics

 ISSN: 1690-4524 (Online)



Transdisciplinary Communication as a Meta-Framework of Digital Education
Rusudan Makhachashvili, Ivan Semenist
Pages: 1-6
Dynamic transformation of the knowledge economy, enhanced by Industry 4.0/5.0 development and rise of the networked society in the Digital Age, emergency digitization of all social communicative spheres due to pandemic measures have imposed dramatic changes onto transdisciplinary overlap in different areas of human knowledge and experience, induced by the cross-sectorial job market demands of university level education, curriculum design and learning outcomes.

The Covid-19 pandemic induced amplified digitalization measures in the higher education sphere. This end-to end digital shift in the educational processes (communication, content, outcomes and outputs, skills) heralded the introduction of meta-disciplinary dimensions of learning – digital, hybrid and, blended. These meta-disciplinary dimensions can be considered conduits of vertical (endocentric) and horizontal (exocentric) transdisciplinary of digital education as a communicative system.

Applied trans-disciplinary lens contributes to the solution of holistic modeling of processes and results of updating models and mechanisms of the highly dynamic communication system of education in the digital environment as a whole and its individual formats in the emergency digitization measures of different types.

Multidisciplinary Learning Using Online Networking in Biomedical Engineering
Shigehiro Hashimoto
Pages: 7-12
Multifaceted thinking is important to tackle global issues for a sustainable society. It is difficult to select useful information from big data with one-sided thinking. This article takes as an example the controversy related to “vaccines” and “masks” in pandemics. Online education is useful to help control of infectious diseases. Face-to-face group meetings make it easy to interrupt group activities for individual activities. Online meetings are considering various ideas as an alternative to face-to-face meetings. The field of biomedical engineering includes faculties and students from diverse backgrounds. “Cross-cultural exchange” is also useful for multifaceted experiences. With the keyword “life support technology,” a Japanese academic society and a Thai university conducted online networking for information exchange. The academic society is working to encourage students. The university is developing new fields. Information exchange is expected to lead to further developments in complex fields. It is expected to lead to the development of human resources that can deal with global problems.

Augmented Intelligence for Advancing Healthcare
Mohammad Ilyas
Pages: 13-19
Augmented Intelligence (AuI) is being integrated in a variety of our daily activities and applications. Healthcare is one of those applications and, in fact, it will greatly benefit from AuI leading to impressive improvements. Although, as with the use of any new innovations, the use of AuI in healthcare is not without concerns, the benefits are expected to outweigh the concerns. It is also expected and adequate education about AuI related innovations in healthcare and their potential benefits, will build trust among consumers and alleviate perceived concerns. For the process to be relatively smooth, an interdisciplinary dialogue must take place between medical professionals, AuI experts, engineering professionals, and consumers. This paper discusses a brief history of AI and AuI, its potential applications in healthcare, potential benefits that all stakeholders will reap, and potential challenges that we will need to overcome, to fully benefit from using AuI in healthcare.

A Transdisciplinary Approach to Refereeal
Russell Jay Hendel
Pages: 20-25
The paper studies best practices for refereeal by a trans-disciplinary approach. Jewish Slander laws, governing best practices for communications with potentially adverse consequences, has developed a checklist to use prior to any such communication. We review the checklist and show its applicability to academic refereeal. The paper closes with four actual case studies of refereeal, representing typical situations that occur.

The Impact of Convictions on Interlocking Systems
Teresa Henkle Langness
Pages: 26-33
What gives a researcher the conviction that a project deserves the time spent collecting data—or does the data itself inspire the research? Conviction, in this context, refers to the confidence that the data will potentially inform or enhance the work in a given field (a system). While objectivity about the collection process itself requires integrity, the decision to apply for funding and move forward requires this more elusive sense of commitment.

Discussions about integrity in research assume a universal standard, but only recently have studies examined the varied interpretations of “integrity.” More than a moral code, more than a lack of statistical bias, to most researchers, integrity may imply response to an undefinable sense of “truth” (Shaw, Satalkar 2018). Today‘s constantly changing conditions remain fraught with decisions about topical relevance, questions of bias, and the caution not to act on outdated statistics that confirm our worst assumptions and confuse questions of “truth” (Rosling 2018).

This paper draws on research in systems theory, health informatics, environmental and behavioral science, and transdisciplinary education to define an analog for long-term research in which the data itself inspired the conviction to sustain a project with counterintuitive data. Once set in motion, the pattern of sustainability redefined expectations, thus launching parallel research—imitable patterns of hopeful action--in surrounding systems, each driven by new observations and statistics.

In these transdisciplinary examples, decisions to expand problem-solving contexts or hypotheses resulted from an analog built loosely on these steps: Statistics-gathering; Collaboration and interpretation of data; Conviction of a need to replicate the results, based on the data; Adaptation of the project (and the thinking) based on the data; Stakeholder actions based on confidence in the data; Long-term impacting one field; and finally, Mimicry or movement in parallel fields of research or institutions or locations, based on the results of the prior steps.

In the best-case scenarios cited, a project grounded in data affirms hope and leads to resilience or sustainability over time and across disciplines and interlocking systems (Goodall, 2021, Rosling, 2018, Ribeiro 2021, Langness 2020, Platt 2022).

Collaborative Convergence: Finding the Language for Trans-Disciplinary Communication to Occur
Cristo Leon, James Lipuma
Pages: 34-37
The proper study of communication from existing models opens the doors to scientific research that allows exploring language and coding as an integral part of effective communication to generate new models that include Trans-Disciplinary Collaboration. The authors analyze the factors of communication to describe the application of Trans-Disciplinary Communication.

This paper aims to define the communication processes and their relationship with language, considering their impact on Trans-Disciplinary Collaboration for innovation.

After conducting a systematic literature review the article explored the concepts of communication, functions, language, and Trans-Disciplinary Communication. This led to its application in the convergence research approach as presented in the Collaborative Convergence Pyramid.

Bridging the Gap Between the World of Education and the World of Business via Standards to Develop Competences of the Future at Universities
Paweł Poszytek
Pages: 38-42
The author of this article has proven in a separate bibliometric analysis that in most cases the world of education and the world of business use different terminology when discussing the competences needed on the current and future labor market. The former tends to refer to competences of the future while the latter uses the term competences 4.0 more often, which results from binding this phenomenon with the digital transformation and current changes in industry generally called the 4th industrial revolution. The differences in terminology in this respect also refer to the way these competences are defined, although in most cases they refer to three main domains: (1) technical competences; (2) cognitive competences and (3) social competences.

On the basis of the above, the research group of the Polish NGO, The Platform for the Industry of the Future, designed the certification system for universities which would like to be labelled as universities that educate for the future and develop the competences of the future among their students. This certification system is based on the following standard: (1) curriculum; (2) internal ecosystem at a university; (3) cooperation with an external ecosystem; (4) the teaching staff and (5) infrastructure at a university. The certification system provides and defines detailed criteria for each element of the standard mentioned above, as well as indicators that measure the fulfilment of these criteria.

Multidisciplinary Learning for Multifaceted Thinking in Globalized Society
Shigehiro Hashimoto
Pages: 43-48
Multifaceted thinking is essential to address global proposal. Learning experience in multidisciplinary fields is useful. Following steps are important: multifaceted understanding the purpose of instructions to society, considering advantages and disadvantages, considering options, and considering relationship between individual behavior and society. As a multidisciplinary field, Biomedical Engineering has been applied to the present study. As a topic of case study, COVID-19 has been selected. While answering the questions, the students (in Japan, and in Thailand) noticed the multifaceted problem and the diversity of related disciplines. The education system provided the experience of linking biomedical engineering learning (statistics, bio measurement, cellular mechanics, micromachining, designing, immunology, artificial organs) to the proposal of the solution to the global problem.

From Spirituality to Technontology in Education
Florent Pasquier
Pages: 49-52
Following the traumatic earthquake caused by the wave of terrorist attacks in France in 2015 and its aftershocks in Belgium, Germany and Great Britain, many people questioned the possibility of spirituality in education.

For many, a concern on the interest and the possible place of the spiritual in the educational processes found its source following the traumatic collective earthquake caused by the wave of attacks in France in 2015 and then by its aftershocks in Belgium, Germany and Great Britain. These dramatic events have rekindled existential questions that professionals had previously put to one side by lack of a dedicated institutional space and time to reflect on educational bodies aims and modes of operation.

This concern is motivated by the idea that our world ought to be passed these behaviors. Indeed, the immense advances in modern technology and the easy access to information it provides, combined with worldwide available primary education seem far from being up to the level we would hope for.

This concern is therefore based on an appreciation of a contemporary humanity and state of the world that seems far from being up to the level that would have been hoped for by the immense advances in modern technology, including access to information, combined with a very large scale of primary education across the planet. According to UNESCO’s 2013 figures, 92% of the world’s population had a mobile phone (55% in developing countries), and 82% of the world's population had completed basic education, the equivalent of primary school (74% in developing countries). Seven years later, the Digital Report 2020 produced by We Are Social and Hootsuite, based on data provided by the UN and government sources, counts for a world population of 7.75 billion people: 17.2% of women and 11.2% of men over 15 are illiterate; "103% (of) mobile connections as a percentage of the total population" (due to the possession of multiple devices by some owners and/or of multiple-users for each device); 49% of people are active on social media; 59% of internet users, for an average of 6h43 min, i.e., 40% of the daily waking time. For all that, the overall global situation of humanity still does not seem to have improved, as if, according to the findings of the Complexity Intelligence Network, global connectivity has not resulted in a global human consciousness. Despite these incredible advances, it seems as if the overall global situation of humanity still hasn’t improved. In the words of Complexity Intelligence Network, it looks as if global connectivity has not yet resulted in a global human consciousness. It is still being seen as such because of the lack of access to clean water for more than two billion people in 2019, massive displacement of populations for economic, ecological or armed conflict reasons that are not decreasing etc.

A central hypothesis of my work is that if the spiritual dimension is in some way already present in schools’ curricula and in the common base of schools and colleges’ knowledge, skills and culture (especially through the humanities and relational psycho-social skills), then spirituality would never be exercised in a way that is sufficiently conscious. From this, I argue that spirituality’s positive effects can never be fully realized because it would never be exercised in a way that is sufficiently conscious for it to be beneficial.

This state of affairs, linked to a kind of repression, would slow down the capacity for the formation and emergence of a person who is responsible and acts in a positive manner towards himself, others and the planet. Therefore, the ongoing objective is to try to better understand and accompany the multi-referential process of our humanization through education, insofar as, as Erasmus stated in the Renaissance: “We are not born human beings, we each become one".

Differentiated Learning and Digital Game Based Learning: The KIDEDU Project
Eleni Tsami
Pages: 53-57
The present paper discusses the current developments with regards to digital game-based learning and its applications in the primary education. Furthermore, it presents the KIDEDU project initiated at the University of Piraeus, in order to provide a student-appealing means for cultivating mathematical aptitude.

Emerging Role of Artificial Intelligence
Mohammad Ilyas
Pages: 58-65
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considered a branch of science that deals with the process of machine learning and intelligent behavior of machines. AI is increasingly becoming involved in our existence. Many see emergence of AI as a revolution that will impact every aspect of our lives. Some see it as an evolution based on the recent advances in hardware/software technologies, powerful computational platforms, and access to massive amount of data collected through pervasive communication networks such as Internet of Things (IoT). Irrespective of these opinions, AI is expected to profoundly impact many aspects of our existence including healthcare, transportation, agriculture, energy, social life, entertainment, fighting crime, and many more. How far AI will infiltrate in human existence is within our hands, at least, for now. We, human beings, design algorithms for AI, we restrict or relax the boundaries of their use, we benefit from the artificial intelligence, and we deal with the consequences of the decisions made by machines using AI. How far AI can go in improving our lives and how significant and deep its interference can be in our existence, remains to be seen. This paper captures the current state of AI and discusses its potential to make human existence better.

Practicing Transdisciplinarity and Trans-Domain Approaches in Education: Theory of and Communication in Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE)
Jean-Luc Patry
Pages: 66-71
(Academic) disciplines are a means to structure science and are not appropriate for epistemic discussions. Instead, it is proposed to use the concept of Trans-Domain Approaches (TDA). A TDA typically consists in a General Theory GT that integrates and transcends the Domain-Specific Theories (DTs) referring to a re-search topic. The constructivist teaching-learning tool Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE) is used as a prototype to an-alyze different features of a TDA. First, the theoretical frame-work of VaKE is analyzed under the perspective of TDA: VaKE integrates several constructivist theories, particularly about moral judgment competence, constructivist knowledge acquisi-tion, and social constructivism. Then, the communication be-tween stakeholders is analyzed more in detail, based on Shannon and Weaver’s channel model. The analyses focus on communi-cation among researchers, between researchers and practitioners (teachers), between practitioners and students, and among stu-dents. Several conclusions with respect to TDA can be drawn.

Reflexive Practice for Inter and Trans Disciplinary Research in the Third Millennium
Maria Grazia Albanesi
Pages: 72-76
This paper is about two of the most challenging themes of the science of this century, namely the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. First, some motivations about the difficulties of making interdisciplinary research are described and analyzed. Then, the paper describes an example of a research activity among scientists of different disciplines, the Computational Sustainability, which involves several different “actors”: information and computer scientists, mathematicians, economist, geologist, and biologists. Starting from this experience, a new abstract model for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research is presented, with some considerations about the soft skill (especially, communication skills) that an interdisciplinary researcher should develop. Finally, considerations about moving from inter to transdisciplinary research end the paper; they underline the importance to create a common goal among different disciplines to transfer profitably their results into Society, preferably aiming at increasing the quality of life of humans, plants, and animals.