ISSN: 1690-4524 (Online)
Peer Reviewed Journal via three different mandatory reviewing processes, since 2006, and, from September 2020, a fourth mandatory peer-editing has been added.
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The International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics
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Academia.edu (A Community of about 40.000.000 Academics)
Utilization of Artificial Intelligence by Students in Interdisciplinary Field of Biomedical Engineering Shigehiro Hashimoto (pages: 1-5)
Transdisciplinary Applications of Data Visualization and Data Mining Techniques as Represented for Human Diseases Richard S. Segall (pages: 6-15)
Beyond Status Quo: Why is Transdisciplinary Communication Instrumental in Innovation? James Lipuma, Cristo Leon (pages: 16-20)
How We Can Locate Validatable Foundations of Life Themes Jeremy Horne (pages: 21-32)
Bringing Discipline into Transdisciplinary Communications -The ISO 56000 Family of Innovation Standards- Rick Fernandez, William Swart (pages: 33-39)
To AI Is Human: How AI Tools with Their Imperfections Enhance Learning Martin Cwiakala (pages: 40-46)
Knowledge, Learning and Transdisciplinary Communication in the Evolution of the Contemporary World Rita Micarelli, Giorgio Pizziolo (pages: 47-52)
Human Complexity vs. Machine Linearity: Tug-of-War Between Two Realities Coexisting in Precarious Balance Paolo Barile, Clara Bassano, Paolo Piciocchi (pages: 53-62)
A Cybernetic Metric Approach to Course Preparation Russell Jay Hendel (pages: 63-70)
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education John Jenq (pages: 71-76)
Bridging the Gap: Harnessing the Power of Machine Learning and Big Data for Media Research Li-jing Arthur Chang (pages: 77-84)
Image Processing, Computer Vision, Data Visualization, and Data Mining for Transdisciplinary Visual Communication: What Are the Differences and Which Should or Could You Use? Richard S. Segall (pages: 85-92)
Identification – The Essence of Education Jeremy Horne (pages: 93-99)
The Greek-Roman Theatre in the Mediterranean Area Maria Rosaria D’acierno Canonici Cammino (pages: 100-108)
Examination of AI and Conventional Teaching Approaches in Cultivating Critical Thinking Skills in High School Students Luis Castillo (pages: 109-112)
Thoughts, Labyrinths, and Torii Maurício Vieira Kritz (pages: 113-119)
Can Two Human Intelligences (HIs or Noes) and Two Artificial Intelligences (AIs) Get Involved in Interlinguistic Communication? – A Transdisciplinary Quest Ekaterini Nikolarea (pages: 120-128)
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