Trust Establishment in Ad Hoc Networks by Certificate Distribution and Postponed Verification
Richard Gordon, Dawoud Dawoud
Trust establishment in wireless ad hoc networks is a challenge
because of its unique characteristics. These include the lack of a
central authority and the autonomous, dynamic nature of these
networks which result in poor connectivity and routing failure.
Security can be provided by a certificate based model but key
management is a difficulty in wireless ad hoc networks. A key
management scheme is proposed which realizes certificate
distribution and verification. The key management scheme occurs
in an on-demand, fully distributive, wireless ad hoc network
environment, establishing trust on the routing layer exclusively.
Trust and route establishment are achieved simultaneously with
reduced dependency between the security and routing
mechanisms. Distribution and verification of keying material
places delays upon the delivery of secure communication routes.
Simulations show the overhead of the proposed scheme and that it
has negligible impact on network performance while providing
trust establishment for the network. Full Text