Adapting to Student Learning Styles: Using Cell Phone Technology in Undergraduate Science Instruction Richard Pennington, Julia Paredes, Mai Yin Tsoi, Candace Timpte, Deborah Sauder, David Pursell (Pages: 1-5)
Students of science traditionally make 3x5 flash
cards to assist learning nomenclature, structures, and
reactions. Advances in educational technology have
enabled flashcards viewed on computers, offering an
endless array of drilling and feedback opportunities for
students. The current generation of students is less
inclined to use computers, but they use their cell phones
24 hours a day. This report outlines these trends and an
even more recent educational technology initiative, that
of using cell phone flash cards to help students learn
biology and chemistry nomenclature, structures, and
reactions. Students responded positively to cell phone
flash cards in a pilot study and a more detailed study is
planned for the coming year.
A Novel Control Algorithm for Integration of Active and Passive Vehicle Safety Systems in Frontal Collisions Daniel Wallner, Arno Eichberger, Wolfgang Hirschberg (Pages: 6-11)
The present paper investigates an approach to
integrate active and passive safety systems of
passenger cars. Worldwide, the introduction of
Integrated Safety Systems and Advanced Driver
Assistance Systems (ADAS) is considered to
continue the today
Investigation of a new low cost and low consumption single poly-silicon memory Patrick Calenzo, Jean-René Raguet, Romain Laffont, Rachid Bouchakour, Philippe Boivin, Pascal Fornara, Stephan Niel (Pages: 12-16)
In this paper is presented an investigation on a
new low cost and voltage consumption single
poly-silicon memory cell for passive RFID (Radio
Frequency IDentification)applications. This structure
is low cost due to its single poly-silicon design. This
memory cell has two particularities : the first one is that
no deported capacitor is necessary to program this cell
which allows to reduce the structure size to 1.1μm².
The second one is the way the cell is erased. A Zener
diode is used to generate carriers in order to be injected
into the floating gate. This Zener diode is one of the
key points for the functionality that has to be validated
with some electrical trials. These trials permit to
integrate and use the Zener diodes measured in
simulations of the complete memory cell. This is done
to validate the best candidate between the Zener diodes
used for the cell and highlight the efficiency in
consumption and rapidity to erase the cell. Besides, the
writing and the reading cases are simulated in order to
show the low consumption required by the cell during
these phases.
Linking Cognition to Cognitive Dissonance through Scientific Discrepant Events Allen G. Rauch, Marjorie S. Schiering (Pages: 17-21)
The aim of this workshop and paper is to provide a conceptual framework that will develop skills in the areas of observation, cognition/meta-cognition with emphasis on critical thinking, decision making and problem solving. Simultaneously, this endeavour is designed to stimulate one‟s curiosity and thereby provide motivation to learn. These are accomplished through the learning style methodology with emphasis on interactive instructional resources addressing a multi-modality approach to teaching and learning. It will be shown that discrepant events impact thinking with respect to problem solving. The aforementioned is demonstrated with the use of gravity, molecular structure and optical illusions. The workshop presenters will show how cognitive dissonance, precipitated within each of these constituents, fosters curiosity and therefore provides an ideal motivational component for exploration.
Using Informatics to Create a New Triangular Array of e-Assessment Tools through an International Synergy between Education and Business Gary R. Tucker, Tina Powers, Scott E. Hamm (Pages: 22-27)
The increased power of the Internet, advances in
authoring software, and the availability of sophisticated content
management systems (CMS) have enabled instructional
designers, educators, and teachers, to create flexible learning
environments that use advanced pedagogies based on active
learning, collaboration, multiple perspectives and knowledge
building. As the new learning environments gain ground
instruction there is an increased emphasis in what is called
“authentic assessment.” Due to the difficulty with translating
authentic assessment into grades faculty are not being provided
the information technology support systems that they need. This
is a report on three assessment tools developed to address this
need that came about due to the synergy of an international
Proposal of interference reduction routing for ad-hoc networks Katsuhiro Naito, Kazuo Mori, Hideo Kobayashi (Pages: 28-33)
In this paper, we propose an interference reduction
routing protocol for ad-hoc networks. The interference is one of
the degradation factors in wireless communications. In the ad-hoc
network, some nodes communicate simultaneously. Therefore,
these communications cause interference each other, and some
packets are corrupted due to interference from another node. In
the proposed protocol, each node estimates required transmission
power according to hello messages. Therefore, the node can
transmit a data packet with minimum required transmission
power. Consequently, the interference against neighbor nodes
can be reduced. From simulation results, we can find that the
proposed protocol can reduce the number of control messages
and can improve the throughput performance.
Scheduling real-time indivisible loads with special resource allocation requirements on cluster computing Abeer Hamdy (Pages: 34-39)
The paper presents a heuristic algorithm to schedule real time
indivisible loads represented as directed sequential task graph
on a cluster computing. One of the cluster nodes has some
special resources (denoted by special node) that may be needed
by one of the indivisible loads
Realistic Measurement of Student Attendance in LMS Using Biometrics Elisardo González-Agulla, Jose L. Alba-Castro, Enrique Argones-Rúa, Luis Anido-Rifón (Pages: 40-42)
In this paper we propose a solution to obtain useful and reliable
student session logs in a Learning Management System (LMS)
combining current logs with biometrics-based logs that show
the student behaviour during the whole learning session. The
aims of our solution are to guarantee that the online student is
who he/she claims to be, and also to know exactly how much
time he/she spends in front of the computer reading each LMS
content. Even when the proposed solution does not completely
avoid cheating, the use of biometric data during authentication
and face tracking provides additional help to validate student
performance during learning sessions. In this way it is possible
to improve security for specific contents, to gain feedback of the
student effort and to check the actual time spent in learning.
The Virtual Forest: Robotics And Simulation Technology As The Basis For New Approaches To The Biological And The Technical Production In The Forest J. Rossmann, M. Schluse, Christian Schlette (Pages: 43-48)
In order to support competitiveness on the worldwide market - but also to overcome efficiency
problems related to the forest owner structure in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany - the
"Virtual Forest" is being developed as an intelligent planning and decision support tool for forest growth
as well as for wood mobilization. In practice, the heart of the Virtual Forest consists of a database of
approx. 240 million single trees in NRW, its major wood resource. In order to identify the trees, latest
aerial survey and satellite technology is used and combined with virtual reality and robotics know how in
order to efficiently gather and visualize the data. Thus, the Virtual Forest will serve as a reliable and
very up-to-date base and framework for new efficient forest planning, wood mobilization and machine
logistics methods.
New Evaluation Techniques of Hyperspectral Data Veronika Kozma-Bognár, József Berke (Pages: 49-53)
Multiband aerial imagery in remote sensing is a technology
used more and more widely in present days. It can excellently
be used in research fields where there is need for high spectral
resolution images in order to obtain adequate level results. At
present, data collection is of a much higher level than
processing and use. As the technical development of sensors is
followed by a significant delay in data processing methods and
applications, it seems reasonable to refine processing methods
as well as to widen practical uses (agriculture, environmental
In the year of 2004, a new examination method based on fractal
structure was introduced, which, according to our experiences,
has made more accurate spectral measurement possible as
opposed to other techniques. The mathematical process named
spectral fractal dimension (SFD) is directly applicable in multidimension
colour space as well, making thus possible to choose
new examination methods of multiband images. With the help
of SFD, it is possible to obtain more useful data offered by high
spectral resolution, or to choose the bands wished to process
applying different methods later.
Diversity Measures and Coarse-graining in Data Analysis with an Application Involving Plant Species on the Gal´apagos Islands Radu Cornel Guiasu, Silviu Guiasu (Pages: 54-64)
In a numerical entity-characteristic incidence ma-
trix we can use simple or multiple regression
and calculate correlations between pairs of char-
acteristics. However, in order to detect similari-
ties/dissimilarities, interdependence, and multiple
probabilistic causality among the characteristics we
have to group the entities in classes. The num-
ber of uniform classes obtained by coding the given
values of these characteristics depends on the bal-
ance between the class uncertainty and class ambi-
guity. The similarity, interdependence, and multi-
ple probabilistic causality among characteristics are
analyzed. When a set of entities and the abundance
of their components are given, the average within-
entity diversity and the average between-entity di-
versity are studied. The results are applied to the
number of endemic and immigrant plant species in
the Gal´apagos Islands.
Organizational Institutions and Their Responsible Behavioral-Cultural Gene Codes and A Measurement for Organizational Efficiency Jason Jixuan (Pages: 65-70)
This essay has two goals. The first is to classify two different
types of organizational institutions from the
four-dimensional system-thinking perspective, and to
identify the relationship between such organizational
institutions and their relevant behavioral-cultural gene codes
embedded within their (P-)individuals. Unlike the popular
belief that authoritarian or totalitarian institutions are caused
by ideologies or created/dominated by tyrannical leaders, the
author defines a concept of behavioral-cultural gene code
and extends the application of self-organization theory to
suggest that behavioral-cultural gene codes carried by the
members of the organization are responsible for the
formation of, either democratic or authoritarian, institutions.
Therefore, transformation of an authoritarian organization
into a democratic one, no matter at the level of groups, of
business enterprises, or of a government, must start from
transforming behavioral-cultural gene codes. The second
goal is to define Organizational Friction Coefficient for
capturing the characteristics of these two types of
organizational institutions, thus adding clarity to the widely
used concept of organizational efficiency in the contexts of
both business organizations and systems of government.
On the expanded information contents for the YUBITSUKIYI system and the Dementia situation taking account of Fuzzy concept of Markov’s information source Masahiro Aruga, Kiyotaka Takagi, Shuichi Kato (Pages: 71-76)
In authors’ previous papers the essential meaning of
the ubiquitous system has been presented as it is in the
idea that the functions that the today’s ordinary and
healthy society lives have lost should be recovered as
before or supported up to their ordinary average levels.
On the other hand the authors have discussed the
design technique and direction of the expanded EMR
(Electric or Electronic Medical Record), and at same
time, in parallel, have developed the communication
system in which the “YUBITSUKIYI (which is the
name of communication tool for blind deaf persons.
See Fig.3)” system is included. Therefore the authors
have proposed that the Life Support System to be
developed from the expanded EMR system should be
restructured and synthesized and used on the basis of
the essential meaning of the ubiquitous concept. And
by using this Life Support System the lost functions are
able to be recovered as before and supported up to the
ordinary average levels. Now when the authors treat
the dementia situation, by considering an ontology of
the situation it is treated as a kind of handicapped
situation from the point of view that the dementia
situation is the situation in which the function to be
gained before has been lost. As a result it is able to be
estimated that the Life Support System can be used to
find and support the dementia situation, especially to
find and support the early dementia situation not only
of the blind deaf persons, but also of the ordinary
persons. And also it is able to be estimated that the
dementia situation can be treated quantitatively by this
Life Support System through the communication
process and the consideration of information
processing. From the point of views of communication
process and information processing the authors have
already presented the new information contents able to
be applied to the dementia situation, at present it is
becoming more clear that the new concepts are able to
be applied to a kind of human error situation of the
ordinary people. On such new information contents at
same time the authors have studied these concepts in
parallel for three directions as main directions. The
first of them is the direction that such information
concepts themselves must be newly considered from
the entirely different view point, and the second of
them is the direction that such concepts should be
studied on the philosophical view point (for example,
Peirce’s semiotics and its interpretant etc.), and the
third of them is the direction that these concepts are
treated on the basis of Fuzzy concepts and expanded
from the ordinary Shannon’s information theory by the
use of Fuzzy system’s idea. In this paper the discussion
of the third one is developed over the discussion which
was already described in the authors’ previous papers.
From the third one of discussing direction authors have
already studied the new information contents on the
basis of Fuzzy concepts and have gained some
important ideas and relations among the information
structures and the meaning and concepts of such
factors. At this time, expanding such results it is
described that the Fuzzy model expanded from the
model of ordinary Markov’s information source is
introduced into the object of Fuzzy set model and some
relations of the Fuzzy information system derived from
the Markov’s information source are described.
Academic Globalization: Universality of Cross-Cultural And Cross-Disciplinary LMR Perspectives Marta Szabo White (Pages: 77-82)
The contribution of this paper suggests that previous research underscoring cross-cultural differences may be misleading, when in fact it is cross-professional rather than cross-cultural differences that should be emphasized. Employing the LMR framework, this paper concludes that business or non-business predisposition has a more direct impact on one’s individual cultural profile than does nationality. Regardless of culture, persons involved in business are characterized primarily by linear-active modes of communication, and persons not involved in business typically employ less linear and more multi-active/hybrid modes of communication. The linkages among individual characteristics, communication styles, work behaviors, and the extent to which the LMR constructs can facilitate and predict leadership, negotiating styles, individual behaviors, etc. are central to academic globalization and preparing global business leaders.