Engaging Digital Natives through Social Learning Nina Sarkar, Wendy Ford, Christina Manzo (Pages: 1-4)
Digital natives account for a substantial portion of the total
enrollment in higher education. This calls for significant
educational reforms because traditional education systems do
not cater to the needs and interests of digital natives. The most
effective way that both students and instructors can benefit from
this paradigm shift is to integrate technology that is appropriate
to the cognitive learning patterns of the digital natives into the
curriculum. This paper builds upon previous research in
technology/personality theory and specifically attempts to
provide examples of technology that will address the
instructional needs of digital natives. Further this paper provides
empirical evidence of the impact of technology integration on
the learning outcomes of digital natives. In this study, the
authors explored the impact of targeted technology on academic
performance in three businesses courses. Three functional
technologies were used by the authors to build engaging course
content, efficiently manage course content, and to interact with
digital native students. This study found that these technologies
can assist digital natives in the learning process and lead to
better academic performance.
ASIE Model: An Innovative Instructional Design Model for Teachers in Enhancing and Sustaining the Quality of the 21st Century Learning Ismail Md Zain (Pages: 5-10)
An effective and systematic design of instruction will determine
the quality of learning and teaching practices. Hence,
instructional design models are required, to move from just
adopting a standard approach to developing models that have an
impact on learners’ profiles, creating a much better learning
experience, skills, and knowledge both in the classroom and
online. The 21st Century Learning Framework requires learners
to develop their thinking skills, communication skills,
collaborating skills and enhancing their creativity, (4Cs) towards
establishing “globally competitive learners.” An Integral ASIE
Instructional Design Model is an innovative 21st Century
teachers’ designing tool that provides a solution to the above
challenges. The Model assist teachers in Planning, Utilizing and
Sharing (PLUS) instructions with others across nations. It
promotes the Professional Learning Community practices where
educationist, stakeholders, parents, and corporates work
collaboratively ensuring its quality and sustainability in
addressing the future employability issues of the learners. Results
from 5 Likert Scales Questionnaires given to teachers in
workshops and pilot project conducted, shows positive views on
the model.
Infusing 21st Century Competencies into the Curriculum: A School-Level, Multi-Disciplinary Perspective Tze Yong Tan, Siew Yee Lim, Chin Pang Tham, Deepa Patel, Linda Shear (Pages: 11-13)
This study sharing the findings of a school-wide approach to
infusing 21th Century Competencies into various subjects in the
Instructional Program. Each team of teachers designed its own
action research study to investigate questions that were relevant
and meaningful for their respective content area.
Through these studies, a cross-study analysis was conducted to
explore how innovative teaching could support students in
developing 21th Century Competencies. At the same time the
ways in which pedagogical approaches such as inquiry-based
learning and place-based learning support innovative teaching
was also investigated.
Through this analysis, it was found that innovative lessons do
provide students with meaningful opportunities to develop 21th
Century Competencies. Both students and teachers also reported
that innovative teaching methods had resulted in lessons being
more student-driven and students were motivated to find out
more about the subject area.
Education for Managing Digital Transformation: A Feedback Systems Approach Michael Von Kutzschenbach, Carl Brønn (Pages: 14-19)
"Digital transformation" is becoming the newest mantra of business leaders. It is clear that there are tremendous business opportunities resulting from this revolution, but there is also a price to be paid. Most management literature focuses on the benefits of digitalization, reflecting the desire to increase performance and efficiency in selected business activities. However, digital transformations may lead to the disruption of established ways of doing the work of the firm, stakeholder power may be fundamentally changed, and there is the potential for redefining the nature of the firm itself. Consequently, the decision to “go digital” requires managers to develop perspectives that have the requisite variety to cope with these challenges. Feedback systems thinking is a powerful means for managers to develop and communicate business models that include those aspects of digitalization that affects their firm’s theory of success. The Uber case illustrates the principles of applying feedback systems thinking to the radical changes that it has presented the public transportation sector. This paper analyzes Uber’s platform business by presenting an endogenous explanation of the drivers and eventual constraints to growth of the theory of success upon which the firm is based. This type of analysis has implications for all firms considering implementing a significant digital transformation process.
ICT Infrastructure in the Metal Mechanical SMEs of Quito and its Relationship with Business Management Juan Ibujés Villacís (Pages: 20-24)
The central argument which supports this research is that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are not only a key element for economic and social development of towns, but also introduce new variables to the analysis of the effects of the exchange of information in the markets, such as those related to productivity and competitiveness. In addition, from a business perspective, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a very important role in the development of any economy, mainly because of its impact on the generation of jobs and promoting economic growth. In this study of SMEs in the metal mechanical sector of Quito, capital of Ecuador, it determines the importance that this business group gives to ICT from three different areas but they are related. The first of these is focused on determining the importance that this type of SMES gives to investments in ICT in the annual budget for management, the second relates to know what type of ICT infrastructure invests this type of SMEs in and in which productive activities they use them. Finally, the study analyzes how ICT can help this business group to face the challenges of increasing productivity and competitiveness in the domestic and international markets. By grouping these three components of the research, it will determine if there is evidence of the positive impact of ICT on the productivity of the companies.
Discovering and Analyzing Important Real-Time Trends in Noisy Twitter Streams Khalid N. Alhayyan, Imran Ahmad (Pages: 25-31)
We present an approach, called StreamSensing, suitable for processing real-time data in noisy streams. This approach consists of six stages: (1) tokenization, (2) stop words removal, (3) stemming, (4) filtering, (5) conversion into Term Document Matrix (TDM), and (6) pattern analysis. The approach was experimentally tested and implemented using a fast in-memory processing system, called Spark. The results of such implementation are reported and analyzed. The findings of this paper fall into two perspectives: theoretical and practical. The theoretical perspective is represented in the introduction of the StreamSensing approach, while practically; this approach can be employed to perform trend analysis on any real-time text data stream.
Analyzing Motives, Preferences, and Experiences in Video Game Play Donald Loffredo, Alireza Tavakkoli (Pages: 32-37)
This paper presents the results of analyzing motives, preferences, and experiences in video game play. A sample of 112 (64 male and 48 female) students completed online the Gaming Attitudes, Motives, and Experiences Scales (GAMES). Separate one-way independent-measures multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) were used to determine if there were statistically significant differences by gender, age category, hours of videogame play, and ethnicity on the nine Factor Subscales of the GAMES. The results supported two of the proposed hypotheses. There were statistically differences by gender and hours of videogame play on some of the Factor Subscales of the GAMES.
Efficient Beacon Collision Resolution Procedure for IEEE 802.15.4 /Zigbee Wireless Personal Area Networks Bassam A. Zafar, Sofiane Ouni (Pages: 38-44)
While IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee is a promising technology for Wireless Personal Area Networks, several transmission problems are not yet resolved. In particular, the problem of beacon transmission interferences is causing the device connection loss to the network. In order to resolve this problem, we present a new distributed and reactive procedure for beacon collision resolution. It is an extension of the alignment procedure to reorganize randomly the beacon transmission time when a collision has occurred. The detail of the proposed procedure will be fully described and analyzed. The performance of our approach is performed by simulations. The results show that our approach reduces the collision probability and the device disconnections consequently.
Automatic Identification of Travel Locations in Rare Books - Object Oriented Information Management Detlev Doherr, Andreas Jankowski (Pages: 45-48)
The digital content of the Internet is growing exponentially and mass digitization of printed media opens access to literature, in particular the genre of travel literature from the 18th and 19th century, which consists of diaries or travel books describing routes, observations or inspirations. The identification of described locations in the digital text is a long-standing challenge which requires information technology to supply dynamic links to sources by new forms of interaction and synthesis between humanistic texts and scientific observations.
Using object oriented information technology, a prototype of a software tool is developed which makes it possible to automatically identify geographic locations and travel routes mentioned in rare books. The information objects contain properties such as names and classification codes for populated places, streams, mountains and regions. Together, with the latitudes and longitudes of every single location, it is possible to geo-reference this information in order that all processed and filtered datasets can be displayed by a map application. This method has already been used in the Humboldt Digital Library to present Alexander von Humboldt’s maps and was tested in a case study to prove the correctness and reliability of the automatic identification of locations based on the work of Alexander von Humboldt and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
The results reveal numerous errors due to misspellings, change of location names, equality of terms and location names. But on the other hand it becomes very clear that results of the automatic object detection and recognition can be improved by error-free and comprehensive sources. As a result an increase in quality and usability of the service can be expected, accompanied by more options to detect unknown locations in the descriptions of rare books.
Multidisciplinary Approach for Investigation of Injury Formation in Sensitive Tissue Structures Gabriela Spanikova, Pavol Spanik, Michal Frivaldsky, Miroslav Pavelek, Zuzana Loncova, Franco Bassetto, Vincenzo Vindigni (Pages: 49-54)
In this paper the method of human organ (liver tissue) modelling in the COMSOL environment is presented. Mentioned problems are motivated by the occurrence of negative events during operations utilizing electrosurgery in the tissues with high level of heterogeneity, in particular, the emergence of peroperative complications within abdominal operations. The proposed model of hepatic tissue (respecting its heterogeneous character up to the microstructure of hepatic lobulus) is used for analysis of current field distribution within this tissue. Both complex model of tissue structure (respecting heterogenous structure) and approximated model are mutually compared. The obtained results are exploitable for the analysis of probability of injury formation in sensitive tissue structures, while approximated model shall serve for optimization of complex and time consuming analyses.
Rethinking Public Transportation and Logistics as Collaborative Scenarios Gunter Teichmann, Frank-Michael Dittes, Uwe Arnold (Pages: 55-60)
A collaborative approach to optimizing resource utilization of
vehicles by the formation of dynamic networks in logistics and
passenger transport has been developed. It maintains knowledge
about free partial freight and free transport capacities as well as the
transport possibilities of the participating companies. Privacy
interests of different companies are taken into account by defining
trust circles sharing among their members only specific kinds of
information. The approach is implemented in a prototypic way as a
cloud computing solution capable of optimization and cost
simulations carried out on the basis of real data.
Managing IT Complexity in the Manufacturing Industry – An Agenda for Action Günther Schuh, Jörg Hoffmann, Marie Gruber, Violett Zeller (Pages: 61-65)
Growing information systems (IS) often come along with grow-ing IT complexity, because of emerging rag rug landscapes. This development causes rising IT costs and dependencies, which hin-der the maintenance and expansion of the IS landscape. This ar-ticle outlines the current research on published and presented methods to manage the rising IT complexity in a literature re-view. Because definitions of “IT complexity” vary a lot in litera-ture, this paper also includes a definition of the term. In addition to that, it delivers a presentation of the used research methodol-ogy. Subsequently, it presents the findings in literature, high-lights the research gap and – based on the literature analysis – presents the steps that need to be taken. A discussion of the re-sults and a summary complete the article.
Hacking Experiment Using USB Rubber Ducky Scripting Benjamin Cannoles, Ahmad Ghafarian (Pages: 66-71)
By leaving your computer unlocked while you are away for
seconds can give hackers all the time they need to obtain your
personal information from your computer. This paper aims to
detail the necessary research and development of a USB
Rubber Ducky script, to obtain clear text logon id and
passwords from a Windows machine, in mere seconds. Each
stage is laid out in sections discussing Ducky script,
powershell, Mimikatz, and reenabling the vulnerability by
breaking down the attack into two parts for Windows 7 and up
operating systems.
Heterogeneous Networking in C-ITS Martin Srotyr, Zdenek Lokaj, Tomas Zelinka (Pages: 72-78)
Cooperative Systems are part of the Smart Cities solutions and the essential part of the cooperative systems represents guaranteed quality of information exchange both between VANET members (V2V) as well as between VANET and Infrastructure (V2I). This article presents proposal of multiplatform routing protocol designed for combination of two most widely accepted mobile technologies. Properties of proposed protocol are in VANET communication simulation compared with selection of mostl
Ozone Problem: Final Solution Konstantin Statnikov, Gregory Kruchenitsky (Pages: 79-83)
Fields of seasonal and long-period variability of the total ozone content (TOC), including circumpolar regions, have been studied. It is shown that long-period variability of all TOC series (with spatial resolution of 3° latitude x 5° longitude) comes down to parametric resonance with the lowest frequency of tidal oscillation (18.6-year period). After eliminating this effect, series trends for all cells (3° x 5°) become vanishingly small (having different signs) and statistically insignificant. The obtained results are completely incompatible with the anthropogenic version of “ozone depletion”. It is demonstrated that the revealed phenomenon of parametric resonance is also observed in the lithosphere with regard to the global tectonic activity.
Evaluation of Cryptographic Algorithms over an all Programmable SoC (AP SoC) Device Iván Gutiérrez Agramont, Humberto Calderón (Pages: 84-91)
This paper runs an evaluation of cryptographic algorithms
(block ciphers and public key ciphers) in an All Programmable
SoC (AP SoC) device, comparing time, power consumption on
two different test beds a PC and the AP SoC, with a taxonomy
work done comparing all the previous papers about
cryptographic algorithms implemented on FPGAs. The
outcomes show that AES and RSA are the fastest in user time
and both being well known cryptographic algorithms being
AES the fastest with 39139 sec. and RSA with 58964 sec.
which means that in 1 sec; 2.55 AES algorithm is run and 1.69
RSA is run in the AP SoC that consumes 0,279W for 100K