Design of Pulse Oximeter with WiFi Connectivity and Interoperability with Standard HL7 and IEEE 11073-10404:2008 Víctor Ochoa, Raul Sandoval (Pages: 1-8)
Given that health is so relevant for global productivity and
competitiveness, and that the Information and Communications
Technology (ICTs) play an important role in all of the
productivity factors, this work makes use of the ICTs in health
matters proposing the to use a WiFi oximeter. This article
describes the operating principles of a Pulse Oximeter (PO)
which is an opto-electronic non-invasive medical instrument
capable of measuring changes in heart rate (HR) and SpO2 at
the fingertip and its upgrade to the standards; HL7 and IEEE
11073-10404:2008, its design, and its validation against the
three existing devices. Variables (SpO2%, Ppm and
Temperature) were compared, and its performance and impact
were discussed the addition of the WiFi technology allows a
better communication between devices, causing a greater
impact in global competiveness.
On the Criticality of Interdisciplinary Communications for Continued Scholarly Research, and the Potential Applicability of the Case Studies Methodology (Invited Paper) Jeffrey A. Dunne (Pages: 9-12)
Increasing the prevalence and effectiveness of interdisciplinary communication/collaboration is not a simple matter, but has significant benefits to offer. Ironically, one of the greatest challenges, namely the diversity in perspectives and contributor nature, provides one of its most significant payoffs. Diversity in backgrounds, skills, knowledge, and approaches promotes ingenuity and creativity, and is a powerful source of innovation. But perhaps more importantly, effective interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for applying forefront research to the most challenging societal problems.
This reflection paper describes a line of reasoning for why effective interdisciplinary collaboration skills have emerged as an essential, and yet largely neglected, requirement for maintaining the development and relevance of scholarly research. It outlines challenges that must be overcome in meeting this requirement, important factors for addressing those challenges, and concludes by discussing the applicability of the case methodology, as introduced at the 2014 International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, as a mechanism for training people to become effective participants in interdisciplinary endeavors.
Interdisciplinary Program For In-Service Teachers; Working with Industry And University to Enhance Learning Experiences in the State of Ohio (Invited Paper) Suzanne Lunsford, William Slattery (Pages: 13-16)
Science Teaching for Ohio’s New
Economy (STONE) is an interdisciplinary
professional development program that inservice
teachers grades K-12 that experience
the integration of earth and physical science
in an inquiry-based field. There are various
field trips to various industrial settings that
teach how geoscientist works in the
aggregate industry. During the academic
year there is a support system where the
industry and the in-service teachers engage
their students into real world industrial
applications in the aggregate industry. This
paper will discuss the utilization of high –
tech instrumentation such as X-Ray
Fluorescence and Scanning Electron
Microscopy to teach real-world science
applications of concern.
Pre- and Post-test assessments as addressed
by R.R. Hake have shown that these inquirybased
professional development workshops
that integrated academia with industry as a
positive outcome for our students in Ohio.
The Way of No-Way to Pursue Knowledge in Many Ways (Invited Paper) Jayanta Choudhury (Pages: 17-21)
"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name;
this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery."–Lao Tsu (B.C. 2500)
The above is an English translation of the first verse of the book “Tao Te Ching” by Lao Tsu. A working meaning of the word “Tao” is “way”. The technical jargon “multidisciplinary research” or “interdisciplinary research” are research in many named established areas (i.e. chemistry, physics, sociology, mathematics, statistics, theology, philosophy, political science etc.) by an individual or a group of individuals. This type of research has a mysterious common theme that cannot be isolated but is present in the manifestations in various research disciplines. One example of a common theme can be the goal of a new technological innovation. In this article, the problems and solutions of such endeavors are identified by practical analogies of living and nonliving natural phenomena to the above quoted verse by Lao Tsu.
Developing a Hybrid Graduate Program Ronda Sturgill, Jacob Wilson, J.C. Andersen (Pages: 22-24)
There is a continuing need for flexibility and adaptability in the dynamic world of program development in higher education. Students today have more responsibilities and obligations outside of the classroom. Therefore, educational programs that offer alternative class meeting times and other flexible options are attractive to the nontraditional student. The purpose of this paper is to describe and demonstrate a model for a graduate program delivered by a hybrid, or blended, format. The model will be a master’s degree program in exercise and nutrition science where the program is delivered through blending both face to face classroom learning and e-learning teaching methodologies. Challenges of development, lessons learned, and future recommendations will also be presented. This hybrid model is interdisciplinary and can be adapted and utilized across a variety of disciplines.
Critical Thinking and Collaboration: A Strategy to Enhance Student Learning Ronald A. Styron, Jr. (Pages: 25-30)
In numerous studies relative to collaboration and
critical thinking, an instructional strategy called Team-
Based Learning has proven to be an effective approach to
teaching and learning. Team-Based Learning utilizes a
specific sequence of individual work, group work and
immediate feedback to create a motivational framework
in which students increasingly hold each other
accountable for coming to class prepared and
contributing to discussion. Using an action research
conceptual model diffusion of innovation theory, the
process of P-20 quality enhancement using Team-Based
Learning is examined.
A Process Model for Goal-Based Information Retrieval Harvey Hyman (Pages: 31-34)
In this paper we examine the domain of information search and propose a “goal-based” approach to study search strategy. We describe “goal-based information search” using a framework of Knowledge Discovery. We identify two Information Retrieval (IR) goals using the constructs of Knowledge Acquisition (KA) and Knowledge Explanation (KE). We classify these constructs into two specific information problems: An exploration-exploitation problem and an implicit-explicit problem. Our proposed framework is an extension of prior work in this domain, applying an IR Process Model originally developed for Legal-IR and adapted to Medical-IR. The approach in this paper is guided by the recent ACM-SIG Medical Information Retrieval (MedIR) Workshop definition: “methodologies and technologies that seek to improve access to medical information archives via a process of information retrieval.”
Data Mining on Survival Prediction after Chemotherapy for Diffuse Large-B-Cell Lymphoma and Genomics of Metastasis Cancer Shen Lu, Richard Segall, Thomas Hahn (Pages: 35-42)
This research pertains to the applications of data mining of microarray databases for large-B-cell Lymphoma and metastasis cancer, the latter of which little has been known about the genomic events that regulate the transformation of a tumor into a metastatic phenotype.
A Privacy-Preserving Prediction Method for Human Travel Routes Wen-Chen Hu, Naima Kaabouch, Hung-Jen Yang (Pages: 43-48)
This paper proposes a kind of location-based research, human travel route prediction, which is to predict the track of a subject’s future movements. The proposed method works as follows. The mobile user sends his/her current route along with several dummy routes to the server by using a 3D route matrix, which encodes a set of routes. The server restores the routes from the 3D matrix and matches the restored routes to the saved routes. The predicted route is found as the trunk of the tree, which is built by superimposing the matching results. The server then sends the predicted routes back to the user, who will apply the predicted route to a real-world problem such as traffic control and planning. Preliminary experimental results show the proposed method successfully predicts human travel routes based on current and previous routes. User privacy is also rigorously protected by using a simple method of dummy routes.
The Projection of Country Universally Sustainable Development Applying the Integral Cluster of Knowledge, Innovation and Technologies Aleksandras Vytautas Rutkauskas (Pages: 49-58)
The paper presents the rudiment of universally sustainable development project for a small country that lacks exceptionally valuable or unique natural resources. This is a result of rather long experience of the author while studying the perspectives of small country development under conditions of intense globalization and conflict because of world territorial division among the different development ideologies or simply different interests. Along with that, the beginning of primary interests and possibilities for a self-sufficient development organization is analysed, as well as the formation problems of development resources and implementation technologies orienting towards the clusters of scientific knowledge, innovation and technologies. Such cluster is being treated as the key inexhaustible resource for a medium-sized country. The development of integral KNIT cluster for the implementation of different functions of country development is being performed. Finally, the selection of a model of universally sustainable development as a complex of instruments for development will be reasoned. The experimental assessment is performed on the example of the Republic of Lithuania case.
The PhD Ethos-Mythos: What Chances do Have Young Talented Researchers in Reality? (Invited Paper) Bernard Wallner, Helmut Schaschl, Martin Fieder (Pages: 59-61)
The nuclear tasks of universities did not change in the course of time. However, new responsibilities are added mostly depending on the en vogue zeitgeist, which does not necessarily facilitate strategic planning in an easy way. Because changes following the ideology of the spirit of the time are frequently not really adaptable to established structures. The classical parameters of university achievements are research and its output as well as teaching concepts to educate young scientists. Both, teaching and research, represent the major performance columns for universities and are dependent from each other and cause each other mutually. Many institutions proclaim that research-led approaches of scientific teaching generates the best academically trained graduates, who succeed competitively in the working environment and in the research world of universities. However, during the last 100 years the developments in the academic world showed that teaching and research do not cause each other like Castor and Pollux in order to be successful.
Efficient Work Team Scheduling: Using Psychological Models of Knowledge Retention to Improve Code Writing Efficiency Michael J. Pelosi, Michael Scott Brown, Henry Dirska, Mir Mohammed Assadullah (Pages: 62-65)
Development teams and programmers must retain critical
information about their work during work intervals and gaps in
order to improve future performance when work resumes.
Despite time lapses, project managers want to maximize coding
efficiency and effectiveness. By developing a mathematically
justified, practically useful, and computationally tractable
quantitative and cognitive model of learning and memory
retention, this study establishes calculations designed to
maximize scheduling payoff and optimize developer efficiency
and effectiveness.
Comparing a Real-Life WSN Platform Small Network and its OPNET Modeler Model using Hypothesis Testing Gilbert E. Pérez, Ivica Kostanic (Pages: 66-73)
To avoid the high cost and arduous effort usually associated with field analysis of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Modeling and Simulation (M&S) is used to predict the behavior and performance of the network. However, the simulation models utilized to imitate real life networks are often used for general purpose. Therefore, they are less likely to provide accurate predictions for different real life networks. In this paper, a comparison methodology based on hypothesis testing is proposed to evaluate and compare simulation output versus real-life network measurements. Performance related parameters such as traffic generation rates and goodput rates for a small WSN are considered. To execute the comparison methodology, a “Comparison Tool”, composed of MATLAB scripts is developed and used. The comparison tool demonstrates the need for model verification and the analysis of good agreements between the simulation and empirical measurements.
The Next Steps in Developing the Triple Helix Model: A Brief Introduction to National Open Innovation System (NOIS) Paradigm Teemu Santonen, Jari Kaivo-Oja, Jyrki Suomala (Pages: 74-82)
On the basis of beliefs on open innovation, online social networks and Web 2.0, we propose a new type of approach based on people-to-people interaction to support national innovation activities. With the aim of generating new ideas, our National Open Innovation System (NOIS) combines two rival innovation sources: (1) technology and social foresight research, and (2) customer needs and experiences (i.e. customer orientation strategy), while following the principles of latest incarnation of Triple Helix model. The resulting NOIS is an effective and comprehensive open innovation structure where university students and senior citizens are engaged as a significant resource for the business community, in order to fulfil the national innovation strategy as defined by the government.