Quantifying Stability Using Frequency Domain Data from
Wireless Inertial Measurement Units Stephen Slaughter, Rachel Hales, Cheryl Hinze, Catherine Pfeiffer (Pages: 1-4)
The quantification of gait stability can provide valuable
information when evaluating subjects for age related and
neuromuscular disease changes. Using tri-axial inertial
measurement units (IMU) for acceleration and rotational data
provide a non-linear profile for this type of movement. As
subjects traverse various surfaces representing decreasing
stability, the different phasing of gait data make comparisons
difficult. By converting from time to frequency domain data,
the phase effects can be ignored, allowing for significant
correlations. In this study, 12 subjects provided gait
information over various surfaces while wearing an IMU.
Instabilities were determined by comparing frequency domain
data over less stable surfaces to frequency domain data of
neural network (NN) models representing the normal gait for
any given participant. Time dependent data from 2 axes of
acceleration and 2 axes of rotation were converted using a
discrete Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. The data over less
stable surfaces were compared to the normal gait NN model by
averaging the Pearson product moment correlation (r) values.
This provided a method to quantify the decreased stability.
Data showed progressively decreasing correlation coefficient
values as subjects encountered progressively less stable surface
environments. This methodology has allowed for the
quantification of instability in gait situations for application in
real-time fall prevention situations.
Biobank Metaportal to Enhance Collaborative Research:
sail.simbioms.org Maria Krestyaninova, Ola Spjuth, Janna Hastings, Jörn Dietrich, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann (Pages: 5-10)
In order to identify new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat
diseases, biobanks systematically collect samples of human
tissues and population-wide data on health and lifestyle.
Efficient access to population biobank data and to biomaterial is
crucial for development and marketing of new pharmaceutical
products, especially in the area of personalised medicine.
However, such access is hindered by legal and ethical
constraints, and by the huge semantic diversity across different
biobanks. To address these challenges, we have developed
SAIL, a sophisticated metaportal for biobank data annotation
across different collections and repositories, harmonised to allow
cross-biobank searchability, while preserving the anonymity and
privacy of the underlying data such that legal and ethical
requirements are met. We describe the technological architecture
and design of SAIL that allows us to meet these pressing
challenges, and give an overview of the current functionality of
the application. SAIL is available online at sail.simbioms.org,
and it currently contains around 200 000 samples from 14
Modeling of Worsening Kalman Ziha (Pages: 11-16)
This paper aims to add impetus to understanding of worsening
phenomena and prevention of their consequences. The
introductory notes outline the uncertainty, the empirical
character and the subjective meaning of the term “worsening”.
The underlying hypothesis takes up the idea of general cause
and effect relations in order to reveal the cause and effect
interaction concept of worsening. The concept of worsening is
analytically modeled as an accumulation of effects in permanent
interaction with causes. The mathematical formulation of the
worsening concept is applied to examples of common
engineering problems of material plasticity, fatigue and
Monitoring the International Standardization Process
Theoretical Choices and Methodological Tools Brigitte Juanals, Jean-Luc Minel (Pages: 17-23)
Many organizations are in charge of global security
management. This paper outlines and argues for the
construction of a theoretical and methodological framework in
order to critically assess the new technopolitics currently being
developed in the field of global security and which are
materialized in standards. The main purpose is to design both a
methodology and specific text mining tools to investigate these
standards. These tools will be implemented in a platform
designed to provide cartographic representations of standards
and to assist the navigation of an end-user through a corpus of
A Suite of Petri net based Tools for Monitoring and Debugging Distributed
Autonomous Systems Joaquín López, Diego Pérez, Alejandro Santana-Alonso, Enrique Paz (Pages: 24-29)
This paper describes the use of Petri nets in a suit of tools to
design, analyze, monitor, log and debug the run-time
coordination of distributed control systems. The interaction
between the distributed components is modeled using Petri
nets. Before running the application, different Petri net analysis
tools can be used to analyze the system. While running,
interactions between the different components of the
distributed system can be easily monitored watching the
evolution of the different Petri nets. Besides monitoring, the
system can be instrumented to log state changes with different
levels of detail. Finally, graphical tools can be used for
visualizing the evolution of the system step by step or at the
same running pace. These tools allow also go to a specific point
of the execution and visualize the state of the global system.
Computer Aided Engineering of Cyber-Physical Information
Gathering and Utilizing Systems Alfred P. Defonzo, Anthony P. Hopf (Pages: 30-35)
Engineering Cyber-physical information gathering and utilizing
systems(CIGUS) presents the systems engineer with a difficult,
multi-criterion, multi-objective decision problem. Research, development
and design is done over many disciplines, across many domains, each
with their specific models. Systems engineers are expected to provide a
common level of communication amongst the domains to promote convergence
to a design. We present novel information measures that enable
combination of the underlying domain specific subsystems parameters
in a way that makes the information yield of the system intelligible to
decision makers and domain experts. These measures enable, for the
first time, the application of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and
end-to-end computer aided engineering of CIGUS.
Our novel approach is validated and verified through the application
and direct comparison of simulated and experimental results of state-ofthe-
art weather radar network test bed designs. The approach resulted
in Pareto optimal point within an average of 10% of the actual case
study design parameters and within 25% of the Pareto ideal point.
No additional parameters beyond the underlying domain parameters
were introduced. This demonstrates that the computationally aided
engineering approach presented in this work facilitates engineering
feasibility decisions and the subsequent evolution of the engineered
systems in way that reduces cost and effort.
Technical and Vocational Education and Training - Curricula Reform Demand in
Bangladesh Faruque A. Haolader, Reinhold Nickolaus (Pages: 36-40)
This case study investigates the Diploma-in-Engineering
(Electronics Technology) curriculum in Bangladesh. It includes
student assessment approach and learning/ teaching outcomes,
and compares them with Germany’s initial vocational training in
the Dual System. The required data was collected through a selfdesigned
test and a questionnaire. The test measured mainly
students’ technical competencies, particularly in the case of
practical relevant tasks. Both quantitative and qualitative
methodologies were used to analyze the data. A comparison
between the polytechnic students and vocational school trainees
in Germany at different cognitive levels was made. The findings
show that the polytechnic students in Bangladesh perform poorly.
It was found that the differences in the categories of Apply and
Understand were bigger than the difference in the category of
Remember. Furthermore, this study investigated and found that
the student assessment approaches in Bangladesh and Germany
differ greatly regarding their theoretical requirements and
practical relevance. The Diploma curriculum mainly focuses on
theoretical matters. Germany’s learning field based curriculum in
vocational schools focuses on practice oriented learning and
teaching, and fosters the trainees’ knowledge transfer capability.
The current TVET reform in Bangladesh that introduces CBT&A,
among others, may address these issues and help Bangladeshi
TVET graduates to compete in an international labour market.
Preparing Students for the Ethical Challenges of Global Citizenship Madelyn Flammia (Pages: 41-45)
This paper describes an approach to teaching ethical
intercultural communication. This approach helps
students become aware of their own ethnocentric
attitudes and helps them move beyond those perspectives
to develop a mindful approach to intercultural
communication. The paper begins by introducing the
concept of mindful communication and the challenges of
developing of a code of ethical behavior for
communicating across cultures. Then, strategies for
reconciling cultural relativism and universalism are
offered. Finally, the paper provides a set of guidelines
for ethical behavior in intercultural encounters.
Validating Avionics Conceptual Architectures with Executable Specifications Nils Fischer, Horst Salzwedel (Pages: 46-55)
Current avionics systems specifications, developed after conceptual design, have a high degree of uncertainty. Since specifications are not sufficiently validated in the early development process and no executable specification exists at aircraft level, system designers cannot evaluate the impact of their design decisions at aircraft or aircraft application level. At the end of the development process of complex systems, e. g. aircraft, an average of about 65 per cent of all specifications have to be changed because they are incorrect, incomplete or too vaguely described. In this paper, a model-based design methodology together with a virtual test environment is described that makes complex high level system specifications executable and testable during the very early levels of system design. An aircraft communication system and its system context is developed to demonstrate the proposed early validation methodology. Executable specifications for early conceptual system architectures enable system designers to couple functions, architecture elements, resources and performance parameters, often called non-functional parameters. An integrated executable specification at Early Conceptual Architecture Level is developed and used to determine the impact of different system architecture decisions on system behavior and overall performance.
Quantum Effectiveness Revealed by Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) as
Applied in Academics, Corporate Consulting and Everyday Life Jeffrey L. Fannin (Pages: 56-64)
This paper presents research data that demonstrates
changes in neuronal patterns to achieve optimally
balanced brain performance. The optimally balanced
brain state is applied in academics, consulting and
business coaching to change subconscious belief
patterns that tend to minimize effective thought and
behavior. This kind of research might well be very
important and useful in processes oriented toward
integrating academic, consulting, business coaching
activities, and similar processes. It may also be
significant in finding ways of integrating research and
education. The author based his conclusion on the
documentation of one hundred twenty-five cases where
data was gathered over a 12 month period, in three
different locations, with different EEG technicians,
using two different types of EEG equipment; the pvalue
is <=0.010. Consequently the conclusions are
well supported. The creation of the essential
neuropathways, indicated by the author might certainly
help in processes oriented to integrate academic
informing in its three main components (research,
education and consulting), as well as in improving the
performance of each of these three activities.
Implementation of Refined Ray Tracing inside a Space Module Balamati Choudhury, R.M. Jha (Pages: 65-68)
Modern space modules are susceptible to EM radiation
from both external and internal sources within the space
module. Since the EM waves for various operations are
frequently in the high-frequency domain, asymptotic raytheoretic
methods are often the most optimal choice for
deterministic EM field analysis. In this work, surface
modeling of a typical manned space module is done by
hybridizing a finite segment of right circular cylinder and
a general paraboloid of revolution (GPOR) frustum. A
transmitting source is placed inside the space module and
test rays are launched from the transmitter. The rays are
allowed to propagate inside the cavity. Unlike the
available ray-tracing package, that use numerical search
methods, a quasi-analytical ray-propagation model is
developed to obtain the ray-path details inside the cavity
which involves the ray-launching, ray-bunching, and an
adaptive cube for ray-reception.
The "SignOn"-Model for Teaching Written Language to Deaf People Marlene Hilzensauer, Franz Dotter (Pages: 69-74)
This paper shows a method of teaching written language to deaf
people using sign language as the language of instruction.
Written texts in the target language are combined with sign
language videos which provide the users with various modes of
translation (words/phrases/sentences). As examples, two EU
projects for English for the Deaf are presented which feature
English texts and translations into the national sign languages of
all the partner countries plus signed grammar explanations and
interactive exercises. Both courses are web-based; the programs
may be accessed free of charge via the respective homepages
(without any download or log-in).
The Bullwhip Effect: Concretization of Entropic Information Dissipation in Supply Chain Systems Tarik Saikouk, Iskander Zouaghi, Alain Spalanzani (Pages: 75-79)
Supply chains represent complex and dynamic systems that incorporate autonomous firms interacting with one another to fulfill a common goal, while insuring their own ones. These firms’ behaviors are considered to be non-linear and sometimes unpredictable. This makes information transfer in the supply chain complex and causes instability when information transferred is incomplete or incorrect. This instability is characterized by the Bullwhip Effect that represents concretization of entropy, namely the degree of disorder within a system. In this paper we develop a new analytical approach assuming that the bullwhip effect is a consequence of the entropy of the supply chain system that is represented by information dissipation.
Parameter Values and Fatigue Mechanisms for FLIF
Neurons Christian Huyck, Artemis Parvizi (Pages: 80-86)
A typical human brain consists of roughly 100 billion
neurons, and one key aim of Biological Cybernetics is to simulate
neural systems. A good model of a neuron accurately represents the
behaviour of biological neurons, typically the spiking behaviour. For
cybernetic systems that aim to function in real time with thousands,
millions, or even billions of simulated neurons, it is also important
that the model is computationally efficient. One Fatiguing Leaky Integrate
and Fire neuron is a model that has four free parameters per
neuron. This model has been used in cybernetic agents, but there have
been few links to actual biological behaviour. A model of a rat neocortical
neuron is developed with four specific parameter settings.
This model is tuned to a particular input regime. When compared to
a biological neuron it gets 90% of spikes roughly correct. Further
modifications of the fatigue model enables the FLIF neuron to account
for spontaneous neural firing, a known neural property, that is
not present in the data. These modifications provide other FLIF models
with a similar fit to the biological data. The best of these models
correctly predicts over 94% of the spikes.
Semiparametric Mixed Effect Model with Application to the Longitudinal Knee
Osteoarthritis (OAK) Data Huiyong Zheng, Maryfran Sowers, Carrie Karvonen-Gutierrez, Jon A. Jacobson, John F. Randolph, Siobàn D. Harlow (Pages: 87-93)
Motivated by the study of the longitudinal development and
progression of knee osteoarthritis (OA) over a 15-year period,
this study developed non-parametric mixed-effect models for
ordinal outcomes. A stochastic mixed-effect model was used to
evaluate the similarity of trajectories associated with increasing
disease severity of OA in both knees. Then, a non-parametric
mixed-effects model, based on cubic B-splnes, was developed
to characterize the unknown nonlinear trend of logits as a
function of time1-order. A Markov Transition Model was
developed to characterize the transitions among multi-states of
knee OA. This newly developed approach allows more flexible
functional dependence of the ordinal outcome, levels of
increasing knee OA severity, on the covariates.
Empowering Instructors to Become Effective Content Curators: Using the Building Blocks of Today to Manage Dynamic Curriculums for the Education Space Alex Hottenstein (Pages: 94-99)
This paper will examine key technologies that exist in the market today which can be used to enable instructor content curation and idea growth through direct student collaboration. Existing tools can be used to not only recreate the in-class collaborative experience in a distance-learning environment, but can also be used to support growing collections of knowledge on topics/subjects than just what can be gained from a single class or semester.
This paper envisions a method for both instructors and students to help them effectively curate content and helps empower them to communicate through references to a combination of text and digital media. These references originate from multiple platforms across the Web, but relate to a single topic or idea. This “compilation” of material can then be treated as its own form of content and can be assignable, consumable, and gradable in the well-established pedagogy of standard learning management systems.
This form of content would allow instructors or students to present ideas that are greater than the sum of their individual parts and provide a platform for further discussion and learning, ultimately, growing the value of the content itself.
Rapid Production of E-Learning Materials with Reusable Learning Objects:
Experiences from the Global Academy for Extension Practice Mary Holz-Clause, Dileepkumar Guntuku (Pages: 100-103)
Open educational resources, institutional collaborations, and content reusability approaches have been quickly emerging to minimize the time and money spent on developing e-learning materials. Reusing content with reusable learning objects (RLOs) is carving a new path for research on reusing and repurposing available high quality e-learning content. Prior research shows that this component-based approach best fits how educators prefer to access materials. In this paper, without arguing the merits and demerits of RLOs as a concept, the authors present an effective and affordable approach to creating e-learning materials with RLOs. The authors also present how they have implemented the proposed RLO approach in converting learning modules of the Global Academy for Extension Practice into multiple e-learning material formats.