Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics



Comparative Study of the Use of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) in Projects for the Supervision of Banking Institutions
Myrna Berríos Pagan
(Pages: 1-5)

The objective of this research is to make a comparative analysis of the use of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) in the projects undertaken for the mandatory filing of banks’ financial information in the United States and the European Union. The agencies overseeing these filing requirements are the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) and the Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) in the United States and the European Union, respectively. This comparative analysis is made for the following five dimensions: 1) project definition and scope; 2) planned project activities and responsibilities of stakeholders; 3) project management methodology and process; 4) progress monitoring, deadlines, and milestones; and 5) outcomes in terms of project goals and objectives.

The Daemon as Educator: Ubiquitous Access to A Personal Mentor
Bernard Rosell, Raluca Sirbu
(Pages: 6-16)

In Socratic philosophy, human beings had access to an inner voice that could be counted on to provide guidance and assistance when needed. This inner voice or daemon was always available and had access to realms of knowledge that mortal consciousness did not have. We propose that the field of Machine Learning has reached the level of maturity where the construction of a personal daemon is now feasible. The ubiquity of broadband access to the internet can guarantee that this personal daemon is always available. Such a construct can greatly increase the efficacy and availability of education for all citizens.

Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Women Empowerment in India
Lal B. Suresh
(Pages: 17-23)

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution has not only opened up new opportunities for economic growth and social development but has also posed problems and challenges. It can shape and enhance wide range of developmental applications in agriculture, industry and social sectors and is influencing all sections of the society. ICT provides unique opportunities for human development. At the same time, ICT has been widening the gaps between and within countries, regions, gender while increasing disparities divide between the rural-urban, rich-poor, elite neglected and also within the different categories of women in various spheres of activity. It is necessary to build up women capacities to involve them in productive activities, institutional building, family and social transformation, decision-making process, political representation, trade and commerce, entrepreneurial development and social leadership. There is a need to enhance opportunities to women to enable them to own, manage and control industries and service enterprises including IT-based units. There is also need to provide more opportunities in erelated sectors to them in higher managerial, technical positions in government and non-government agencies, research, educational institutions in private and public sectors, without confining their role to only call centers, telecentres, data-entry level and lower levels in the organizations. ICT has to address to all these problems of women as a whole and has to be used to facilitate to build a women empowered society.

Identification of Hindi Dialects and Emotions using Spectral and Prosodic features of Speech
K Sreenivasa Rao, Shashidhar G. Koolagudi
(Pages: 24-33)

In this paper, we have explored speech features to identify Hindi dialects and emotions. A dialect is any distinguishable variety of a language spoken by a group of people. Emotions provide naturalness to speech. In this work, five prominent dialects of Hindi are considered for the identification task. They are Chattisgharhi (spoken in central India), Bengali (Bengali accented Hindi spoken in Eastern region), Marathi (Marathi accented Hindi spoken in Western region), General (Hindi spoken in Northern region) and Telugu (Telugu accented Hindi spoken in Southern region). Along with dialect identification, we have also carried out emotion recognition in this work. Speech database considered for dialect identification task consists of spontaneous speech spoken by male and female speakers. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Simulated Emotion Hindi Speech Corpus (IITKGP-SEHSC) is used for conducting the emotion recognition studies. The emotions considered in this study are anger, disgust, fear, happy, neutral and sad. Prosodic and spectral features extracted from speech are used for discriminating the dialects and emotions. Spectral features are represented by Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and prosodic features are represented by durations of syllables, pitch and energy contours. Auto-associative neural network (AANN) models and Support Vector Machines (SVM) are explored for capturing the dialect specific and emotion specific information from the above specified features. AANN models are expected to capture the nonlinear relations specific to dialects or emotions through the distributions of feature vectors. SVMs perform dialect or emotion classification based on discriminative characteristics present among the dialects or emotions. Classification systems are developed separately for dialect classification and emotion classification. Recognition performance of the dialect identification and emotion recognition systems is found to be 81% and 78% respectively.

Social Volunteer Computing
Adam Mcmahon, Victor Milenkovic
(Pages: 34-38)

While both volunteer computing and social networks have proved successful, the merging of these two models is a new field: Social Volunteer Computing. A Social Volunteer Computing system utilizes the relationships within a social network to determine how computational resources flow towards tasks that need to be completed, and the results of these computations are added back into the social network as content. Such a system will provide scientists and artists a new facility to obtain computational resources and disseminate their work. RenderWeb 2.0, a prototype Social Volunteer Computing system, is introduced that allows animations created in Blender to be distributed and rendered within Facebook.

Structured Metametadata Model to Augment Semantic Searching Algorithms in Learning Content Repository
Amirah Ismail, Mike Joy, Jane Sinclair, Mohd Isa Hamzah
(Pages: 39-44)

This paper discusses on a novel technique for semantic searching and retrieval of information about learning materials. A novel structured metametadata model has been created to provide the foundation for a semantic search engine to extract, match and map queries to retrieve relevant results. Metametadata encapsulate metadata instances by using the properties and attributes provided by ontologies rather than describing learning objects. The use of ontological views assists the pedagogical content of metadata extracted from learning objects by using the control vocabularies as identified from the metametadata taxonomy. The use of metametadata (based on the metametadata taxonomy) supported by the ontologies have contributed towards a novel semantic searching mechanism. This research has presented a metametadata model for identifying semantics and describing learning objects in finer-grain detail that allows for intelligent and smart retrieval by automated search and retrieval software.

Integrating E-Learning and Classroom Learning for Engineering Quality Control unit - Curtin University Experience
Ali M. Darabi Golshani, Hamid Nikraz
(Pages: 45-48)

Engineering employers expect engineering graduates to possess a wide range of skills that goes beyond their technical knowledge. It is vital that graduates have skills which demonstrate that they are responsible for their own development and careers. Some of these skills include; communication abilities, organizational skills, self-promotion, the ability to work as part of a team, be an effective problem solver, be a critical thinker, have good negotiation skills, have the ability to be a leader and being able to network effectively. Department of Civil Engineering at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia offers a Master of Engineering Management degree for Engineers from various disciplines. One of the units taught in this Master degree program is Engineering Quality Control. It was decided to incorporate these non-technical skills in this unit by using an e-learning platform (Blackboard) together with an adaptation of the Seven Principles of Good Practice and Dr Meredith Belbin’s team role theory to divide participants into groups. At the end of the unit, most of the participants were showing improvements in their non-technical skills.

Remote Control of an Inverted Pendulum System for Intelligent Control Education
Seul Jung, Jae Kook Ahn
(Pages: 49-54)

This paper presents a remote control task of an inverted pendulum system for intelligent control education. The inverted pendulum moving on the guided rail is required to maintain balancing while it follows the desired trajectory commanded remotely by a joystick operated by a user. Position commands for the inverted pendulum system are given by a joystick through the network. The inverted pendulum system is controlled by a neural network control method. The corresponding control results are confirmed through experimental studies.

Geometry of Nash Equilibrium in Quantum Hawk-Dove Games
Faisal Shah Khan
(Pages: 55-57)

A game is said to be “quantized" when the expected payoff to the player(s) is computed via the higher order randomization notion of quantum superposition followed by measurement versus the randomization notion of probability distribution. A major motivation for quantizing a game is the potential manifestation of Nash equilibria that are superior to those already available in the game. Quantum superpositions are elements of a (projective) Hilbert space which, among other things, is an inner product space. The inner product of the Hilbert space of quantum superpositions is used here to give a geometric characterization of Nash equilibrium in quantized versions of Hawk-Dove games, a class of games to which the well known game Prisoners

Context-dependent Reasoning for the Semantic Web
Neli P. Zlatareva
(Pages: 58-63)

Ontologies are the backbone of the emerging Semantic Web, which is envisioned to dramatically improve current web services by extending them with intelligent capabilities such as reasoning and context-awareness. They define a shared vocabulary of common domains accessible to both, humans and computers, and support various types of information management including storage and processing of data. Current ontology languages, which are designed to be decidable to allow for automatic data processing, target simple typed ontologies that are completely and consistently specified. As the size of ontologies and the complexity of web applications grow, the need for more flexible representation and reasoning schemes emerges. This article presents a logical framework utilizing context-dependent rules which are intended to support not fully and/or precisely specified ontologies. A hypothetical application scenario is described to illustrate the type of ontologies targeted, and the type of queries that the presented logical framework is intended to address.

The Emergence of Cybernetics in Semiotics. Case Study: Art, Poetry and Absurd Theatre
Niculae V. Mihaita
(Pages: 64-68)

It is shown in this paper, some results on cybernetic modeling and Informational Statistics application who are presented for sustaining the perfect narrative love poem, Evening Star or Lucifer of Eminescu, the antenarrative of Eugène Ionesco and of critical visual aesthetics and antenarrative spectrality described by David Boje [3] regarding Empire Reading of Manet‘s Execution of Maximilian. Cybernetics concepts of feed-before, feed-forward and feed-back could reveal the narrative behind the antenarrative creating of a theatrical play. It is shown in this paper, some results on fuzzy modeling and Informational Statistics application who are presented for sustaining of critical visual aesthetics and antenarrative spectrality described by David Boje regarding Empire Reading of Manet‘s Execution of Maximilian. The combination with planning statistical experiments and Informational Statistics make fuzzy membership function a new approach for antenarrative analysis independent of initial conditions. This feature allows new arguments obtained by measuring the informational gains to be discussed in art, literature or conversation. This approach can be used to obtain either complete or generalized synoptic ideograms. Several simulations or scenarios could be carried out to illustrate how the methods‘ combination clarify the „black box‖ of understanding complex processes in Art.

The Contribution of Virtual Reality Software to Design in Teaching Physical Education
Esther Zaretsky
(Pages: 69-75)

Up to date research shows that training with virtual software develops the design of virtual simulations by physical education pre service teachers. The design of virtual simulations improved spatial skills, especially visualization of the body

ITEAMS: An Out-Of-School Time Project to Promote Gain in Fundamental Science Content and Enhance Interest in STEM Careers for Middle School Students
Jaimie L. Miller, R. Bruce Ward, Frank Sienkiewicz, Paul Antonucci
(Pages: 76-80)

We report preliminarily on the efficacy of an innovative, STEM education project for middle-school youth participating in outof- school-time programs, targeting girls and students from underrepresented communities. Participating students attend urban schools in Eastern Massachusetts. The two main goals for the technology-based project are to inspire the participants to consider STEM careers and increase the student mastery of fundamental STEM subject matter. The students control robotic telescopes – either from school or home – to acquire and then process images of solar system and deep space objects. Project teachers attend workshops to become adept at using the robotic telescopes, meet weekly with the students, pilot project curricula, collaborate with staff to plan and supervise field trips and star parties, and assist in all project evaluation. There are both academic and non-academic partners; the latter include amateur astronomers and retired engineers. We use an online system to evaluate teacher and student subject matter knowledge and survey students and parents about STEM careers.

Improving the peer review process: an examination of commonalities between scholarly societies and knowledge networks
Susu Nousala
(Pages: 81-86)

Whilst peer review is the common form of scholarly refereeing, there are many differing aspects to this process. There is a view that the system is not without its faults and this has given rise to increasing discussion and examination of the process as a whole. Since the importance of peer review is based on the primary way in which quality control is asserted within the academic world, the concern is what impact this is having on an ever increasing diversity of scholarship, in particular, within and between science and engineering disciplines. The peer review process as is commonly understood, and increasingly considered as a conservative approach which is failing to adequately deal with the challenges of assessing interdisciplinary research, publications and outputs.

Crime Forecasting System (An exploratory web-based approach)
Yaseen Ahmed Meenai, Twaha Ahmed Meenai, Arafat Tehsin, Muhammad Ali Ilyas
(Pages: 87-90)

With the continuous rise in crimes in some big cities of the world like Karachi and the increasing complexity of these crimes, the difficulties the law enforcing agencies are facing in tracking down and taking out culprits have increased manifold. To help cut back the crime rate, a Crime Forecasting System (CFS) can be used which uses historical information maintained by the local Police to help them predict crime patterns with the support of a huge and self-updating database. This system operates to prevent crime, helps in apprehending criminals, and to reduce disorder. This system is also vital in helping the law enforcers in forming a proactive approach by helping them in identifying early warning signs, take timely and necessary actions, and eventually help stop crime before it actually happens. It will also be beneficial in maintaining an up to date database of criminal suspects includes information on arrest records, communication with police department, associations with other known suspects, and membership in gangs/activist groups. After exploratory analysis of the online data acquired from the victims of these crimes, a broad picture of the scenario can be analyzed. The degree of vulnerability of an area at some particular moment can be highlighted by different colors aided by Google Maps. Some statistical diagrams have also been incorporated. The future of CFS can be seen as an information engine for the analysis, study and prediction of crimes.