A 3D Hand-drawn Gesture Input Device Using Fuzzy ARTMAP-based Recognizer Jing Yang, Won-Chul BANG, Eun-Seok CHOI, Sung-Jung CHO, Jong-Koo OH, Joon-Kee CHO, Sang-Ryong KIM, Eun-Kwang KI, Dong-Yoon KIM (Pages: 1-7)
In this paper, a novel input device based on 3D dynamic hand-drawn gestures is presented. It makes use of inertial sensor and pattern recognition technique. Fuzzy ARTMAP based recognizer is adopted to realize gesture recognition by using 3-axis acceleration signals directly instead of reproduced trajectories of gestures. The proposed method may relax motion constraints during inputting a gesture, which is more convenient for user. This prototype of input device has been implemented on a remote controller to manipulate TVs. The recognition rate of 20 gestures is higher than 97%. It clearly shows the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed input device. As a result, it is a powerful, flexible interface for modern electronic products.
A Method for Upper Bounding Long Term Growth of Network Access Speed Thomas Phillip Knudsen, Ahmed Patel, Jens Myrup Pedersen, Ole Brun Madsen (Pages: 8-11)
The development in home Internet access speed has shown an exponential development with growth rates averaging 25% per year. For resource management in network provisioning it becomes an urgent question how long such growth can continue. This paper presents a method for calculating an upper bound to visual content driven growth, proceeding from datarate requirements for a full virtual environment. Scenarios and approaches for reducing datarate requirements are considered and discussed. The presented figures for an upper bound on network access speed are discussed and perspectives on further research presented.
A Multi-functional Information Leitstand for Top-Management - A Proposal Peter Mertens, Marco C. Meier, Martin Stößlein, Sandra Gilleßen (Pages: 12-17)
Demand pull and technology push as well as recent initiatives by market-leading software companies indicate that the science of information systems needs to take a new run at the upper layers of management. One of the reasons is the growing importance of external and qualitative data for decision-making. In addition, companies need to communicate more actively with their stakeholders. As a direct consequence, the workload of manage¬ment and functional departments in charge of information dissemination has increased. Thus, we need to power up the efficiency of information logistics processes. Acknowledging that full automation cannot be a goal of the foreseeable future, the paper focuses on a semi-automated approach – what we call the Multi-functional Information Leitstand. The concept we propose is based on a number of experiences we made while developing an Editorial Leitstand as well as others for distrib¬uting stakeholder information and consulting trusted third par¬ties.
Dissimilarity Application in Digitized Mammographic Images Classification Ubaldo Bottigli, Bruno Golosio, Giovanni Luca Masala, Piernicola Oliva, Simone Stumbo (Pages: 18-22)
Purpose of this work is the development of an automatic classification system which could be useful for radiologists in the investigation of breast cancer. The software has been designed in the framework of the MAGIC-5 collaboration.
In the traditional way of learning from examples of objects the classifiers are built in a feature space. However, an alternative ways can be found by constructing decision rules on dissimilarity (distance) representations. In such a recognition process a new object is described by its distances to (a subset of) the training samples. The use of the dissimilarities is especially of interest when features are difficult to obtain or when they have a little discriminative power.
In the automatic classification system the suspicious regions with high probability to include a lesion are extracted from the image as regions of interest (ROIs). Each ROI is characterized by some features extracted from co-occurrence matrix containing spatial statistics information on ROI pixel grey tones. A dissimilarity representation of these features is made before the classification. A feed-forward neural network is employed to distinguish pathological records, from non-pathological ones by the new features. The results obtained in terms of sensitivity and specificity will be presented.
Dynamic Verification of an Object-Rule Knowledge Base Using Colored Petri Nets Chakib Tadj, Toufik Laroussi (Pages: 23-31)
In this paper, we propose a formal description for the dynamic verification of an Object-Rule Hybrid Knowledge-based System (HKBS), capitalizing on the work carried out within the verification framework of Frame-Rule Hybrid Expert Systems. The main idea is to model an HKBS by means of a Colored Petri Network (CPN). In this way, method invocations, state class changes, rules and productions will be modeled as components of the CPN. Detection and analysis of the HKBS will be carried out by the construction and analysis of the markings graph, which results from the inference process.
Dynamics and Control of a Maglev Vehicle Won ko (Pages: 32-37)
In this paper, dynamics of a Maglev vehicle was analyzed and controls utilizing an optimized damping and an LQR algorithms were designed to stabilize the vehicle. The dynamics of magnetically levitated and propelled Maglev
vehicle are complex and inherently unstable. Moreover, 6-DOF system dynamics is highly nonlinear and coupled. The proposed control schemes provide the dynamic stability and controllability, which computer simulations
confirmed the effectiveness.
Generalized Tellegen Principle and Physical Correctness of System Representations Vaclav Cerny, Daniel Mayer, Josef Hrusak (Pages: 38-42)
The paper deals with a new problem of physical correctness detection in the area of strictly causal system representations.
The proposed approach to the problem solution is based on generalization of Tellegen's theorem well known from electrical engineering. Consequently, mathematically as well as physically correct results are obtained. Some known and often used system representation structures are discussed from the developed point of view as an addition.
Integrating Web-Based Technology to Assist and Enhance Instruction, Assessment,and Application of Problem-Based Learning for Manual Therapy Techniques Used in Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Todd Botto, Maureen Schorr, Joseph Lema (Pages: 43-46)
As students of the 21st century enter into higher education, faculty’s pedagogical styles and delivery methods must evolve to address the rapidly changing needs and skills of the students and society. One such method is through the use of web-based course management delivery systems and interactive software.
Web-based interactive course management tools are relatively new educational phenomena. In the therapeutic and rehabilitative exercise curriculums this powerful new instrument may be utilized to enhance cognitive comprehension of basic theories, definitions, and applications. In addition, this web-based interactive tool may also function as a virtual assistant for the learning and mastery of various psychomotor skills necessary in the clinic. Incorporating and utilizing the various computer technologies, allows for the necessary foundational cognitive building outside the traditional classroom while creating a more inclusive environment inside the classroom for a deeper and richer problem-based learning exercise. In the rehabilitation settings it is not only important that the student understands the material but that they also develop the necessary critical thinking skills for appropriate application of the theoretical knowledge. It has been shown that incorporating problem-based learning into a curriculum is an effective way to improve an individual’s critical thinking skills. In the model careful planning and implementation was needed to develop an interactive web-based instrument that serves all students in the class regardless of their learning style or rate of comprehension.
Knowledge creation in virtual communities-a communicative perspective Ann Lind, Bertil Lind (Pages: 47-53)
The modern information technique has made it possible to introduce virtual communities. These can appear in different shapes and with widely different purposes. It is a common interest that inspires members to form a virtual community. Some communities are most successful and their members experience an added value through the interaction in the community, whereas other communities are less successful. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of knowledge creation in virtual communities. This process is analyzed seeing the virtual community as a human activity system. One important aspect found in the analysis is that Customers, Actors and Owners consist of the same group of participants in virtual communities, that is their members. The process of creating knowledge is illuminated from different perspectives. The information processing of the individuals in the community that results in knowledge of the individual members is described (intrapersonal communication). The interaction in the community is also analyzed using social constructivist theories that look at the community using a holistic perspective (interpersonal and group communication). Knowledge creation in a virtual community is illustrated using a model. The paper also includes a short discussion of the forces that keep the community together and fosters its development. The role of the computer system in the virtual community is also discussed.
Keywords: Virtual community, knowledge creation, learning, social constructivism, computer mediated communication, human information processing
LabVIEW-Based Software-Defined Radio: 4-QAM Modem Namjin Kim, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Murat Torlak (Pages: 54-61)
A software-defined radio consists of a programmable communication system where functional changes can be made by merely updating software. In this paper, a software-defined radio 4-QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) modem system is implemented in LabVIEW. LabVIEW is a widely used graphical programming environment which allows designing systems in an intuitive block-based manner in shorter times as compared to the commonly used text-based programming languages. Basically, this paper demonstrates the ease with which a software-defined radio system can be built and analyzed via the LabVIEW graphical programming environment. Examples are provided to demonstrate the phase and frequency tracking capability of the system.
Long-range Transport Modeling System and its Application over the Northeast Asia Il-Soo Park, Sang-Kyun Kim, Tae-Yong Lee, Won-Joon Choi, Cheol-Hee Kim (Pages: 62-64)
A Comprehensive Acid Deposition Modeling (CADM) was developed at the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) and Yonsei University in South Korea in order to simulate the long-range transboundary air pollutants and regional acid deposition processes over the Northeast Asia. The modeling system CADM is composed of a real-time numerical weather forecasting model (RAMS) and an Eulerian air pollution transport/dispersion/deposition model including gas- and aqueous-phase atmospheric chemical processes for the real-time acquisition of model results and prediction of acidic pollutants. The main objective of CADM is to facilitate an efficient assessment tools by providing the explicit information on the acidic deposition processes.
This paper introduces the components of CADM, and describes the comprehensive atmospheric modeling system including atmospheric chemistry for the simulation of acidic processes over the Eastern Asia. The presently developed modeling system CADM has been used to simulate long-range transport over the Northeast Asian region during the spring season from March 5 to 15 2002. For the model validation, the simulated results are compared with both aircraft measurements and surface monitoring observations, and discussed for its operational consideration in Korea
Phylogenetic tree based on complete genomes using fractal and correlation analyses without sequence alignment Zu-Guo Yu, Vo Anh (Pages: 65-73)
The complete genomes of living organisms have provided much information on their phylogenetic relationships. Similarly, the complete genomes of chloroplasts have helped resolve the evolution of this organelle in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In this review, we describe two algorithms to construct phylogenetic trees based on the theories of fractals and dynamic language using complete genomes. These algorithms were developed by our research group in the past few years. Our distance-based phylogenetic tree of 109 prokaryotes and eukaryotes agrees with the biologists’ “tree of life” based on the 16S-like rRNA genes in a majority of basic branchings and most lower taxa. Our phylogenetic analysis also shows that the chloroplast genomes are separated into two major clades corresponding to chlorophytes s.l. and rhodophytes s.l. The interrelationships among the chloroplasts are largely in agreement with the current understanding on chloroplast evolution.
Routing in Unidirectional (n,k)-star graphs Eddie Cheng, Serge Kruk (Pages: 74-78)
The class of (n,k)-star graphs and their unidirectional version
were introduced as generalizations of star graphs and unidirectional
star graphs respectively. In this paper, we substantially improved
previously known bound for the the diameter of unidirectional
(n,k)-star graphs. The previous bound was 10k-5 for small k
and 5k+5[(n-1)/2] for large k; the new bound is
In addition, a distributing routing algorithm is presented, analyzed
theoretically for worst-case behaviour and exercised experimentally
for average case behaviour.
Simulation of Cognitive Pedestrian Agents Crowds in Crisis Situations Margaret Lyell, Mark Becker (Pages: 79-84)
In crisis situations in an urban environment, first responder teams often must deal with crowds of people. Consider the case of a building fire in a dense city environment. People may be injured; walkways may be blocked, with fire equipment attempting to reach the scene. Crowd behavior can become an issue when trying to reach the injured, ensure safety and restore conditions to normal. The motivations of pedestrians that form the crowd can vary. Some are there because they are curious about the crisis situation. Others, attending to their individual concerns, may have found themselves in the ‘wrong’ location. They may be trying to leave the area, but the density of people as well as the spatial layout of the walkways may be impeding their progress. Other individuals, unaware of the fire, may be attempting to reach their intended destinations that happen to be near the crisis area, thus adding to crowd congestion.
With a model of crowd behavior, effective strategies for resource usage in managing crowd behavior can be developed. Our approach to this problem is that of agent-based modeling and simulation. We develop a cognitive pedestrian agent model. Utilizing this model, we simulate crowd behavior in a ‘city fire’ scenario. Characteristics of crowd behavior with different pedestrian personality mixes and a strategy for crowd management are investigated
Software Development Process Changes in the Telecommunications Industry John Kevin Doyle, Robert S. Janek, M. David Long (Pages: 85-90)
The tremendous changes in the telecommunications business in the last several years drove changes in the software development processes of telecommunications equipment providers. We compare changes in these very large projects, in two companies, with those proposed in
the Theory of Constraints / Critical Chains,
Extreme Programming, and Agile development models.
The 2000s have been a time of significant challenge in the telecommunications equipment business. Telecommunications service providers have excess equipment capacity. Many are waiting for next generation telephone switches that will simultaneously lower operating costs and enable additional revenue generation. The large service
providers have drastically reduced their capital and expense purchases. Many small service providers, particularly the dot-coms, went bankrupt; much of their equipment is on the secondary market, at a fraction of the original cost. Thus the equipment market has significantly
shrunk, and the equipment providers have been
reducing expenses, while continuing to deliver software and hardware equipment at the high quality level required by the service providers. This drove many changes in the software development process. While the process changes are reported in two telecommunication equipment
development organizations, the changes are applicable in any product development organization.