Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics



Election of water resources management entity using a multi-criteria decision (MCD) method in Salta province (Argentine)
Juan B. Grau, José M. Anton, Ana M. Tarquis, Diego Andina
(Pages: 1-7)

At present, the water resources are a strategic element, each time more necessary and limited becoming a source of conflicts. For that, it is fundamental to create an independent and competent entity with good reputation and social acceptation. This entity, must be able to obtain, store and process all data dispersed in different entities creating a network for these purposes. Finally, it must be able to organize different branches between the government and the final users. Using one of the well-known Multicriteria Decision Methods (MCDM) with several realistic alternatives and several criteria identified in expert seminars in Salta and Madrid, we have obtained hopeful results and more recently, new modifications introduced have generated better results.

A Study of Successful ERP – From the Organization Fit Perspective
Huei-Huang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, Li-Hung Tsai
(Pages: 8-16)

Many enterprises implemented Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems as a bedrock strategy with a view to integrating all data and bringing an organization into a joint system. However, most enterprises in an attempt to carry out ERP often end up in failure and it seems the probability of the mishaps is considerably high. This paper applies the Organization Fit Theory to examine an organization characters and features beforehand can present a clearer picture for the ERP designers. This paper is to sort out key variables in Organization Fit corresponding to successful ERP cases. Questionnaires are sent through conventional postal means and electronic networks. Its samplings include top 500 enterprises in Taiwan with data regarding successful working experience of ERP as well as impacts on the ERP process as a result of the related variables. The research result shows that organizational fit of ERP has a positive influence on implementation success. The research result also shows that none of ERP adaptation, process adaptation, and organizational resistance has any moderating effect on organizational fit of ERP and ERP implementation success.

Building an Agent-Based Laboratory Infrastructure for Higher Education
Hong Lin, Khoi Nguyen, Muna Saqer
(Pages: 17-22)

We present an ongoing project at the University of Houston- Downtown (UHD) that aims to build a grid as a laboratory environment to support undergraduate education. We intend to use this PC clusters centered grid to allow students to perform laboratory exercises through web interfaces. In order to accommodate lab packages of a growing number of courses, we design the system as a modular system using multi-agent modeling. Students are recruited to implement the units of the system as senior student project topics or research activities sponsored by the Scholar’s Academy of UHD. Through these projects, we geared our research toward higher education and provided students with opportunities to participate in building a computational infrastructure for curriculum improvement. This is very important for a minority-serving institution (MSI) with limited resources such as UHD.

MA-IS: Design of Information System in a Multi-Agents Environment
Roberto Paiano, Anna Lisa Guido, Enrico Pulimeno
(Pages: 23-26)

The complexity of the information systems has recently had a remarkable increase, mostly thanks to the enormous impact that it has had in the multi-agent system (MAS) area; hence the need to integrate two systems and obtain an IS that takes advantage of the potentialities of the MAS. To this purpose, a methodology to analyze and design a multi-agent system is needed. In order to define such a methodology, which should take into account all the aspects of the MAS, first we need to establish not only a conceptual model of the system but also a communication level model. In this paper we propose the use of DDS framework for the communication level and the use of the BWW ontology for representation and design of the domain knowledge base. The idea of the above-mentioned methodology was conceived in the SISTDE project, which uses the ontology for the description of the domain, so as to provide the agents with a knowledge base that concurs to define their behaviour according to external events. In addition to this, the experience we have matured in the IS modelling using the BWW ontology is a key-point of our approach.

Teaching Better Electronically or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Internet Teaching
M. Louise Ripley
(Pages: 27-31)

Internet teaching is a worthy topic today because changes in society demand “that learners change their knowledge and skill bases and change them faster than at any time in history” [1], and Internet teaching is proving to be one of the best ways to reach those learners. This paper explores ten of the most common difficulties of online courses. It explains how the proper use of readily available technology can be brought to bear on these difficulties in ways that will reduce worry and stress both for beginners faced with teaching a first course and for professors who already have taught online courses but may be seeking ways to improve upon the experience.

A Value-Based Business Approach to Product Line Software Engineering
Raman K. Agrawalla
(Pages: 32-37)

The present conceptual paper is an attempt to provide a Value-Based Business Approach (VBBA) to product line software engineering. It argues that Product line software engineering should be seen as a system and considered as a means towards the end of appropriating more and more value for the business firm; contingent upon the fact that it provides value to customer and customer’s customers operating its value creating system with agility, speed, economy and innovation; getting governed by the positive sum value creation outlook and guided by value- based management. With our value-based business triad, the product line engineering process can hope to achieve simultaneously value, variety and volume, product differentiation and cost leadership enabling the business firm to land on the virtuous value spiral.

A Study of A Web 2.0-based Educative Platform
Jang-Ruey Tzeng, Shih-Chi Liu, Wei-Kuo Lin
(Pages: 38-43)

Despite the booming information technology, traditionally one-way teaching/learning mode remains dominating the class. Although there are some education institutes take information system as a supplementary tool and some courses has been taught online, teaching materials in class are in the main the written ones, and online forms of teaching still concentrate in one classroom assisted by programmed media. Generally speaking, textbooks and classrooms are the major vehicles of the education in Taiwan with a main purpose to have face-to-face conveyance of knowledge. The conventional means to education has been criticized as monotonous, depressing and restraining [1]. To orient the situation toward the future that education is a service system with students rather than tutors at the center [2], this paper looks at the application potentials of Web 2.0 technology to be integrated into the teaching frameworks. With the core value of Web 2.0 technology that lies in the empowerment of internet users from sole capabilities to download and reading into one that can upload and share, the paper seeks to construct an educative platform supported by the Web 2.0 technology with a view to transform conventional forms of tutors-centered education and improve teaching and learning effects. The paper is structurally divided into four sections. Section 1 gives a brief on the Web 2.0 technology. Section 2 frame the current gaps left by digital educative platforms. Section 3 is to construct a preliminary educative model supported by the Web 2.0 technology with four elements—website users, contents, virtual community and tools—put into the flowchart. A discussion and recommendation for further research lies in Section 4, which also serves as a conclusion.

Generic Energy Matching Model and Figure of Matching Algorithm for Combined Renewable Energy Systems
S. Y. Kan, J.C. Brezet
(Pages: 44-50)

In this paper the Energy Matching Model and Figure of Matching Algorithm which originally was dedicated only to photovoltaic (PV) systems [1] are extended towards a Model and Algorithm suitable for combined systems which are a result of integration of two or more renewable energy sources into one. The systems under investigation will range from mobile portable devices up to the large renewable energy system conceivably to be applied at the Afsluitdijk (Closure- dike) in the north of the Netherlands. This Afsluitdijk is the major dam in the Netherlands, damming off the Zuiderzee, a salt water inlet of the North Sea and turning it into the fresh water lake of the IJsselmeer. The energy chain of power supplies based on a combination of renewable energy sources can be modeled by using one generic Energy Matching Model as starting point.

Analysis of Leading Economic Indicator Data and Gross Domestic Product Data Using Neural Network Methods
Edward Tirados, John Jenq
(Pages: 51-56)

In this report, Leading Economic Indicator (LEI) data and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data have been analyzed to determine if changes in the ten indicators can be used to predict changes in GDP. Three neural network methods and one statistical method were used to complete the analysis. For this project, the intent was to use multiple regression and backpropagation to develop correlations in which LEI values are used to predict the GDP change in the following quarter. Alternatively, Kohonen's self-organizing map and hierarchical clustering were used to group months of LEI data into clusters to determine if months in a cluster (and thus months with similar LEI values) also have similar changes in GDP.

Experiment of Wireless Sensor Network to Monitor Field Data
Moo Wan Kim, Kwang Sik Kim
(Pages: 57-61)

Recently the mobile wireless network has been drastically enhanced and one of the most efficient ways to realize the ubiquitous network will be to develop the converged network by integrating the mobile wireless network with other IP fixed network like NGN (Next Generation Network). So in this paper the term of the wireless ubiquitous network is used to describe this approach. In this paper, first, the wireless ubiquitous network architecture is described based on IMS which has been standardized by 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Program). Next, the field data collection system to match the satellite data using location information is proposed based on the concept of the wireless ubiquitous network architecture. The purpose of the proposed system is to provide more accurate analyzing method with the researchers in the remote sensing area.

Reading Competencies of Fourth-Grade Students: Comparing Print and Hypertext Literacies
Andreas Voss, Inge Blatt, Wilfried Bos, Martin Goy, Lena Kraska, Michael Pfeifer
(Pages: 62-65)

This text presents an outline of research and publications on two studies comparing print and hypertext literacy of fourth-grade students. This set of studies, entitled Reading at the Computer (RaC), consists of two consecutive assessments: a pilot study (RaC–2001), conducted in 2001 as a supplement to the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS–2001), and an advanced study (RaC–2003), conducted in 2003 in the context of the first cycle of a longitudinal assessment in the Federal State of Hamburg, called Kompetenzen und Einstellungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern – Jahrgangsstufe 4 (KESS–4) 1 . KESS–4 applied, among other instruments, some of the tests and background questionnaires from PIRLS–2001.

Managing Risk in Disaster Scenarios with Autonomous Robots
Daniel P. Stormont, Vicki H. Allan
(Pages: 66-71)

Disaster areas are one of the most challenging environments faced by mankind. Uncertainty, hazards, and limited availability of rescuers all impact the ability to save lives. Prepositioned autonomous rescue robots offer promise in assisting the first responders to a disaster site, but there is a challenge to using robots in hazardous environments: numerous studies have shown that human rescuers lack trust in fully autonomous systems. This paper introduces the aspects of disaster areas that make them so challenging. The use of robots as a risk management tool for human rescuers is introduced. Then some of the factors that limit human trust in robots are addressed – including one of the key factors: reliability. The design of a computer model used to investigate issues of trust and the impact of reliability in a firefighting scenario is discussed and the results are analyzed. Finally, some preliminary conclusions and plans for further work in this area are presented.

The 80/20 Rule and Long-Tail in the Online Auction Market: A Case Study on YAHOO Auction, Taiwan
Shu-Chiung Lin, Shu-Mei Hsu, Jang-Ruey Tzeng, Andrew Chou
(Pages: 72-78)

The online auction market has been growing rapidly, but what are the significant effects on Taiwan? Based upon the 80/20 rule and the Long Tail, the paper started its observation by taking Yahoo Auction platform as a case study and found a negative co-variance existing between performance and the number of online sellers. A further analysis showed that these 20% sellers promoted more items of goods online than numerous online sellers with less efficient performance. The former ones were found to have attracted more patronage than 80% of the sellers do, and they were capable of promoting both popular and rare goods, which led to sustained revenues in E-commerce. The paper concluded that 80% of economies of scale in the online auction market are characterized by higher performance sellers that constitute 20% of the whole participants, a sign that proves supportive of the 80/20 rule. These 20% sellers display more items of goods online and create more revenues than those of the lower performance sellers do, a sign that reflects the Long Tail. The co-existence of the 80/20 rule and the Long Tail, may serve as a preliminary study for further academic research.

Increasing Reliability and Efficiency via Distributed Data Dissemination
Francine Lalooses, Howard Kong
(Pages: 79-84)

As enterprises become more distributed, disseminating data in a timely manner between nodes of the enterprise becomes increasingly critical to doing business. Peer-to- peer technologies are one promising avenue for disseminating data to distributed nodes, while also limiting performance impact. This paper discusses Project MONSOON, a system which seeks to develop reliable and efficient distributed data dissemination within an enterprise, while also preserving data integrity. This paper discusses the motivation for developing the Project MONSOON system and the architecture behind it. The evidence presented in this paper suggests that the peer-to-peer approach not only increases performance as more nodes are added, but the overall reliability of the network is increased as additional nodes participate in the dissemination. This conclusion is reinforced by simulations presented in this paper.

The Marine Education Processes
Frane Mitrovic, Ante Munitic
(Pages: 85-89)

The paper deals with dynamic analysis of automatic ship steering gear systems utilising complex controls that function according to the principle of proportional, integral and derivation regulators. The analysis involves a system dynamic simulation modelling methodology as one of the most suitable and effective means of dynamic modelling of complex non- linear, natural, organisational and technical systems. The paper discusses system dynamics simulation models being used in qualitative (mental-verbal, structural) and quantitative (mathematical and computer) simulation models on ships equipped with trailing steering systems and PID regulator. Authors suggest using the presented models for designing and constructing new steering systems, for diagnosing existing constructions and for education in Universities.

Using E-Learning Portfolio Technology To Support Visual Art Learning
Greer Jones-Woodham
(Pages: 90-99)

Inspired by self-directed learning (SDL) theories, this paper uses learning portfolios as a reflective practice to improve student learning and develop personal responsibility, growth and autonomy in learning in a Visual Arts course. Students use PowerPoint presentations to demonstrate their concepts by creating folders that are linked to e-portfolios on the University website. This paper establishes the role of learning e-portfolios to improve teaching and learning as a model of reflection, collaboration and documentation in the making of art as a self-directed process. These portfolios link students’ creative thinking to their conceptual frameworks. They also establish a process of inquiry using journals to map students’ processes through their reflections and peer feedback. This practice argues that learning e-portfolios in studio art not only depends on a set of objectives whose means are justified by an agreed end but also depends on a practice that engages students’ reflection about their actions while in their art- making practice. Using the principles of the maker as the intuitive and reflective practitioner, the making as the process in which the learning e-portfolios communicate the process and conceptual frameworks of learning and the eventual product, and the made as evidence of that learning in light of progress made, this paper demonstrates that learning-in-action and reflecting-in and-on-action are driven by self-direction. With technology, students bring their learning context to bear with the use of SDL. Students’ use of PowerPoint program technology in making their portfolios is systematic and builds on students’ competencies as this process guides students’ beliefs and actions about their work that is based on theory and concepts in response to a visual culture that is Trinidad and Tobago. Students’ self–directed art-making process as a self directed learning, models the process of articulated learning. Communicating about learning in this way provides a complete and whole picture approach of all the variables of thoughts collected and presented to allow students to see themselves as learners positioning themselves to test the validity of their beliefs and actions within their communities in and out of the classroom. The e-learning portfolios are succinct in the way they scaffold students’ intentions and realize students’ appraisal of new ideas tested on how learning has occurred. They see a total package of their ideas that engages their audience whether live or electronic. Students see the conceptualization of their ideas as concepts of whole self, whole learners in defining their sense of space in this culturally diverse place of Trinidad and Tobago.