Web X-Ray: Developing and Adopting Web Best Practices in Enterprises Reinaldo Ferreira (Pages: 1-6)
The adoption of Semantic Web technologies constitutes a promising approach to data structuring and integration, both for public and private usage. While these technologies have been around for some time, their adoption is behind overall expectations, particularly in the case of Enterprises. Having that in mind, we developed a Semantic Web Implementation Model that measures and facilitates the implementation of the technology. The advantages of using the model proposed are two-fold: the model serves as a guide for driving the implementation of the Semantic Web as well as it helps to evaluate the impact of the introduction of the technology.
The model was adopted by 19 enterprises in an Action Research intervention of one year with promising results: according to the model’s scale, in average, all enterprises evolved from a 6% evaluation to 46% during that period. Furthermore, practical implementation recommendations, a typical consulting tool, were developed and adopted during the project by all enterprises, providing important guidelines for the identification of a development path that may be adopted on a larger scale.
Meanwhile, the project also outlined that most enterprises were interested in an even broader scope of the Implementation Model and the ambition of a “All Web Technologies” approach arose. One model that could embrace the observable overlapping of different Web generations, namely the Web of Documents, the Social Web, the Web of Data and, ultimately, the Web of Context. One model that could combine the evaluation and guidance for all enterprises to follow. That’s the goal of the undergoing “Project Web X-ray” that aims to involve 200 enterprises in the adoption of best practices that may lead to their business development based on Web technologies.
This paper presents a case of how Action Research promoted the simultaneous advancement of academic research and enterprise development and introduces the framework and opportunities related to Web Science and how the different and overlapping Web generations offer a relevant opportunity for enterprise development. It also discusses the learnings from bringing academic research to the enterprises and how it leads to further development of both the research and the utility of the results. Finally, it introduces the fundamentals for a new and broader Web Technology Implementation Model that may become a reference for Enterprise adoption.
The Use of MARIE CPU Simulator in Computer Architecture Course: A Case Study of Student's Perception of Learning and Performance Jorge Fernando Maxnuck Soares, Luís Tadeu M. Raunheitte, Takato Kurihara (Pages: 7-13)
This study aims to show results of employing a case study in the use of Active Learning Practices in the Computer Architecture discipline. The practice in question is the use of Marie® CPU Simulator as a practical tool in the development of the course. The methodology of the study aims to verify whether the use of Marie® CPU Simulator contributes to improving the learning of the Computer Architecture discipline, especially whether it provides a better understanding of the parts that integrate the architecture of a given CPU, with an explanation of the function of the parts, and their interrelationship. This study shows the first results of a more comprehensive study on the use of active learning practices, using software in high-tech disciplines of an information system course. The secondary purpose is to show the application of the case study as a methodology outside the usual areas, such as: medicine, psychology and business administration. This study seeks to show the advantages and limitations found, highlighting its potential in the academic field in relation to the use of active learning practices in lessons of technical subjects, such as Computer Architecture, without losing scientific thoroughness in data processing and in the research methodology.
A Paradigm for Systems Thinking as a Real-Time Approach for Human Adaptation in the 21st Century Melissa J. Mills (Pages: 14-21)
Contemporary neuroscientists, human anthropologists,
biologists, and psychologists suggest that the human species is
still evolving. The productivity of science, research, education
and capital investment can be seen in the phenomenal growth of
the human population. Yet the trajectories that have brought us
to the present-day apex of material well-being and social health
are not sustainable. How can we take the deep advances in
distinct academic disciplines and bring them together in ways
that inform and coordinate human ingenuity to meet and
address the challenges of the 21st century? By taking
contemporary research results from a broad range of disciplines
and applying them to human dynamics through definable
structures, humans are empowered to leverage their capacity to
find solutions through joint intention.
Exploring the Synergies between Teaching and Consulting: The Baldrige National Quality Award Experience Ramachandran Natarajan (Pages: 22-25)
Many articles have been written on the Baldrige criteria and its success in improving organizational performance in various sectors of the economy. What is not as well discussed is the impact of the Baldrige Award experience on teaching and learning. The main objectives of this paper are to illustrate the impact of Baldrige consulting with specific cases, and to identify some of the success factors required to increase the likelihood that these synergies will be derived. To accomplish these objectives, a case study approach has been used to gather knowledge and address the research question.
Now What? Think Fast: Using Healthcare Clinics as Universal Language to Maximize Learning for International Students in a Graduate Classroom Sanda Katila (Pages: 26-37)
International students in Masters programs come to the US
optimistic and willing to learn. Upon arrival and entrance into
programs, they often encounter unexpected environments.
Culture shock and language barriers may seem like obvious
hurdles, but work ethic and scope of visual knowledge also pose
unique challenges for both students and design educators.
Although all students share new challenges in graduate school,
international students face tougher impediments in studio
environments where they express themselves both visually and
verbally. Additionally, much of design uses humor, idioms, and
visual clues only understood in English. So how do educators
help international students build on what they already know?
How do educators break barriers between domestic and
international students so they may teach one another through a
shared language?
In fall 2015, my Conceptual Development and Implementation
class was struggling to exchange ideas in the classroom. We
moved through that struggle by developing a shared language
around each student’s experiences with healthcare clinics in
their country of origin. Students explained what makes
healthcare clinics reputable; how people access information in
India, China, small towns and larger urban areas; and where
people look for trustworthy information. This paper discusses
how one educator used student experience of healthcare clinics
to find a universal language to maximize learning for
international students in design education.
Quality Management in Education: A Comparative Case Study in Swedish Municipalities Per-Olof Hansson, Elin Wihlborg (Pages: 38-42)
This paper focuses on the growing use of quality management in primary education and on processes at different levels, how processes can be supported either by professionals or/and technology to improve educational quality. The paper investigates quality in education by analysing data from Swedish public schools and the municipal administration. Case studies in five municipalities have been conducted, varying in size and by numbers of schools and structures of quality management. Based on this multi-case study we discuss implications. There is a need to clarify the roles and obligations of the different levels and actors in the education sectors. Further, there is a need to support and develop roles that can strengthen quality in public schools no matter of the size of the municipality administration. The support can be implemented by certain services as quality coordinators in a community of practice. Integration of new types of technology to support quality is another opportunity; people in a virtual community of practice collaborate online, share experiences and support each other in legislative matters, human resources etc. Finally, there is need to elaborate on the meanings of quality management in public settings, and open up the meanings of quality in relation to education in particular and public services in general.
Introducing Problem-Solving Method in the Business School of a Brazilian University Lilian A. P. Miguel, Adilson Caldeira (Pages: 43-48)
This article has as the primary objective discussing the cultural roadblocks faced as part of the process of introducing a new method in a traditional educational institution, as well as showing the preliminary results of that effort, besides proposing some ideas of breaking the resistances. It also emphasizes the difficult to break the institutional mental model of producing only academic theoretical works as a way of achieving goals, no matter the quality of new knowledge and expertise created. The first results showed that 30% of the professors are “risking” themselves on the new method. The students involved – almost 400 – seem to be a little more confident, choosing the new rather than the “traditional”. It appears that they foresee much more opportunities than the professors do. The preliminary results show that some new steps are required. If the resistances are deeply understood, they maybe can be diminished and broken. Another important point to be emphasized is that being in strict contact with the market would help them to develop their classes, enriching with updated and local examples.
Academic Formation and Formative Research Integration Management for the Culmination of Studies Process in Higher Education Lorna Cruz Rizo, Eneida Catalina Matos Hernández (Pages: 49-55)
Given the up- dated international difficulties in the completion of studies process, theoretical and practical studies developed in this field are surprisingly scarce.
Particularly, there has been a limited quantity of students that support their diploma thesis after completing their credits at the School of Languages and Linguistics at the University of Guayaquil. Consequently, this paper faces the problem of the insufficiencies in the culmination of studies process in relation to the management of the academic and scientific formation.
Thus, the objective is: to improve the completion of studies or degree- obtaining processes in university education, through the implementation of a praxiological proposal of academic formation and formative research integration. Accordingly, the author´s experiences systematization is the methodology mainly used.
The essential logic for the management of the academic formation and formative research integration was revealed as the main proposal, therefore this is the solution to the problem diagnosed. This is based on a curricular structure, in which each of the subjects was interrelated to each of the essential stages of the scientific research. As main results obtained, the students were able to solve real-life problems diagnosed at educative institutions, also they drew up the draft of their theses.
Understanding the Process and Success Factors to Increase Synergies between Research and Teaching Deborah Ballou, Brian Huguenard, Brian Nagy, Curtis Armstrong, Tor Guimaraes (Pages: 56-59)
While the synergies between research for knowledge discovery and teaching are widely accepted, the evidence is mostly implicit, verbal and poorly documented, and many times contradictive. In an effort to better understand the interaction between these important activities, the main objective of this study is to collect knowledge illustrating their synergies through specific cases. A complementary objective is to identify the important factors, which professionals should implement or avoid for increasing the likelihood that these synergies will be derived. To collect the necessary information personal interviews have been used to address the research question. The same set of questions was sent to several professionals known to have extensive experience in the areas of academic research and teaching. The respondents were asked to: 1. briefly describe the knowledge area in which the synergies occurred; 2. For the specified knowledge area, to please describe in summary form but specifically how they derived the synergy between research and teaching; and 3. Based on their personal experience, to please identify the important factors to increase the likelihood that academic research will produce benefits for teaching, and vice versa. The results strongly corroborate the importance of academic research for effective teaching. Based on the results, a set of recommendations are made to faculty members and school administrators to further promote academic research as an important factor for more effective teaching.
Getting Smart: Need to Focus on Creating an Enabling Environment Structured Around the Objective of Realizing the True Potential of Our Next Generations Hassan Sattar, Sadaf Nazir (Pages: 60-65)
Grade-assessment-method of monitoring progress against target learning outcomes, in our observed opinion, is essentially a “production-factory” model. Leadership and success are not necessarily a function of academic achievement but are also reliant on key virtues of an individual. Virtues fortify through use and diminish through neglect. Within this context, in our study, we have: (1) identified 23 outliers over 2500 years and analyzed emerging pattern of virtues that can be attributed to having played an impelling role in life outcomes of these individuals; (2) addressed three key questions – Is there a pattern of virtues? If so, is it significant enough to emulate? Is it possible to structure a targeted intervention and measure results? We have concluded that: (a) 8 intellectual virtues can be isolated as having played a definitively influencing part and the pattern of occurrence warrants prioritizing their development in the next generations; (b) a key curriculum objective must be to focus on providing the tools to facilitate pupils in exploring and developing their potential for these 8 skills; (c) original research is required to evolve a set of methodologies for “enabled” development and an “indicator” mechanism must be fashioned to assess pace of individual (not relative) progress.
How to Efficiently Conduct an IT Audit – In the Perspective of Research, Consulting and Teaching Gabriel Felley, Rolf Dornberger (Pages: 66-70)
This article reflects the topic of IT audit – information technology audit – with respect to research, consulting and teaching. The expression ‘IT audit’ comprises information systems audits as well as information security audits combining the short-term to long-term management of the IT infrastructure with its daily operation in order to achieve the organization's objectives. No overall common standard procedure for an IT audit works generally.
However, standard procedures for IT audits, e.g. ISO 27001, are available, which must be particularly adapted and customized to fulfil a company’s needs. This task requires experts. Thus, students of all Information Systems Bachelor or Master programs are trained to work in IT audit projects or even to lead them. This paper presents a case study, concerning the IT audit of organizations acting in the Swiss social insurance environment. The derived concepts are discussed. A best practice for the transfers of knowledge to students in terms of connecting research and consulting is proposed and discussed.
Breaking the Boundaries: Academic Applications of Multidisciplinary Research in Computer Science and Dentistry Patricia Witt, José Ignacio Peláez, Gustavo Vaccaro (Pages: 71-75)
Undergrad students are trained on a specific set of skills matching their corresponding careers, as modern sciences trend to specialization; however, it has promoted the creation of a virtual boundary among different professions. In this regard, state-of-the-art dental research involves the application of ever-increasing complex computational solutions; thus, requiring of multidisciplinary research teams. Multidisciplinarity is often achieved on a higher research context (e.g., postgrad); but involves a high degree of difficulty for both factions. The aim of this work is to present a novel application of multidisciplinary research to the learning process of undergrad students in computer sciences and dentistry careers. In order to do so, we leveraged previous research on computational intelligence and image processing techniques applied to dental diagnosis, and integrated it with the clinical assessment and software engineering subjects on dental and computer engineering careers correspondently. With this, we explored the possibility to enhance diagnosis skills of dental students, while improving the software engineering skills of computer sciences students; furthermore, we intended to introduce the concepts of applied computational intelligence, multidisciplinarity, and collaboration on both sides.