The Impact of Virtual Reality Environments on Body Movement and Concentration Skills. A Successful Attempt at Teaching Novice Computer Users Esther Zaretsky (Pages: 1-7)
This research is aimed at investigating the impact of virtual reality technology on body movement and concentration skills by physical education MA students and pupils through action research.
The design and manipulation of virtual reality is based on applying the virtual reality environment to the real world as much as possible by controlling space. The researcher taught the method to 55 MA students majoring in physical education. Such procedures were held among various populations.
The findings showed that the connection between virtual and human movements and the application of this connection in physical education lessons became clear to the students as they practiced the simulation design and manipulation through specific simulative software. The students used their unique disciplinary programs in their teaching work and reported their pupils’ improvement in physical activities and concentration skills.
The students were able to integrate theory and practice in their teaching and improved their level of academic writing. The motivation of the students and their pupils to control, design and manipulate virtual environments was also enhanced.
A Language Exchange Program: Sustainability Innovation in Language and Culture Engagement Trinidad Fernández, Grisel García-Pérez, Joaquin Santiago (Pages: 8-12)
Spanish Educational Laws over the past years have been promoting the widespread use of English as the vehicle for teaching and learning in most curricular subjects. This trend is evincing new needs especially among higher education students. Consequently, Spanish Universities are looking for ways to provide international training involving global partnerships. The Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain (UPM), and the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada (UBCO) have come together to offer opportunities for international collaboration and learning, thus facilitating virtual encounters among Spanish and Canadian students. The Language Exchange Program between the UPM and UBCO acts as a model for sustainability innovation in language and culture engagement as the students can interact with native speakers in communication tasks. This interdisciplinary initiative supports the latest methodological principles observed in the Common European Framework for Languages [1], such as autonomous and life-long learning, self-assessment and peer-assessment as well as the incorporation of new technologies to the learning process. Additionally the ‘virtual’ mobility is provided at no extra cost. This article presents the preliminary results of two virtual exchange programs that have been offering varied forms of study which are venue-independent, promoting collaborative work and cultural exchange.
Secondary Schools Students’ Language Literacy Skills Aided by the Use of Computer Tools Odette Bourjaili Radi (Pages: 13-20)
This paper presents the results of Phase 1 study investigating how and why secondary school students use computer tools (spelling and grammar checkers) to aid them in their English writing and how their patterns of use related to their literacy development. The study was centred on how some students use computers effectively to support their writing, while others struggle to read and write in English. Sixty-five Year 8 students sat the standardised literacy tests, followed by a survey. The survey covered many variables including students’ perceptions on the usefulness of the spelling and grammar checkers while composing their English writing. The students’ responses indicated that their regular use of computer tools (spelling and grammar checkers) at Year 8 level aided them in their English writing, but they did not retain the skills that the tools offered. Some students were unsure of their spelling so they resorted to the computer tools to aid them with their spelling and grammatical sentence structure. Their general reasons were that they did not have to remember any of the corrections due to the computer tools availability when they needed them.
Using an Interdisciplinary Course to Teach Intercultural Communication: Helping Students and Faculty Bridge Disciplinary Divides Madelyn Flammia, Houman Sadri (Pages: 21-26)
There is great value in helping students bridge both cultural and
disciplinary divides as we prepare them for the challenges of
citizenship in the twenty-first century. This paper describes,
Global Perspectives, an interdisciplinary course taught by a
faculty member in a technical communication program together
with a faculty member in a political science department. The
course focused on issues of power and communication as they
relate to global issues: world hunger, environmental concerns,
world health, and human rights. Through this course, the
faculty members addressed a major concern in higher education
today: the need to educate students to be global citizens capable
of meeting the serious challenges facing the world in the
twenty-first century. This concern is relevant for all college
students regardless of their majors.
Trends in Information Security for Mexican Companies, is the Cloud Computing the Answer? Sandra-Dinora Orantes-Jiménez, Graciela Vázquez-Álvarez, Alejandro Zavala-Galindo (Pages: 27-33)
With advances in Information Technology and
Communications infrastructure, different forms and modern
programming models in use have called for innovative forms of
Internet and Cloud Computing has come a long way since it
was first tagged as a future perspective by some researchers.
Cloud Computing, where computing resources and services are
offered and consumed over Internet without the users having
knowledge of the infrastructure.
This idea assumes creating an Internet in which programs and
data are stored at all times and is available for people who wish
to access to them. The truth is that it is not a completely
unknown structure for those who often use services on the Net.
Cloud Computing is convenient for users and is profitable for
suppliers because, despite having some risks, working with this
new type of technology, allows a saving on both licenses and
administration of services and equipment needed. Therefore,
they may represent an importance for businesses, particularly
in Mexico. However, suppliers trying to counter the insecurity
that currently is presented by the Cloud, have to abide by rules
if they want to offer their services.
Visibility of Open Acces Repositories of Digital University Libraries: A Case Study of the EU Visegrád Group Erzsebet Dani (Pages: 34-40)
For scientific research institutions, as well as for scientists individually, the degree of accessibility of a given institution’s and of an individual researcher’s scientific achievement is of growing significance in this world of the internet: i.e., it is vitally important to know about and to have easy access to what research is conducted in what fields and with what results in the different institutions. In this study I intend to survey the present situation concerning the homepages of leading universities of the so-called Visegrad Group inside the European Union and the extent to which the present situation serves or fails to serve the cause of the philosophy of open access. My aim is twofold. (1) I will consider whether the scienetific-knowledge repositories built by universities are accessible or not, and/or how easy or difficult it is to access them. Provided that those repositories exist at all, because, in spite of the fact that the Berlin Declaration is generally adopted in principle, the homepages of a good number of the surveyed Visegrad Group universities or libraries do not make their research databases easily accessible or accessible at all, or they can be accessed in the given national language only. (2)
[1] [09.18.2013.]
Conflict Resolution and Concensus Development among Inherently Contradictory Agents Using Fuzzy Linguistic Variables Terrence P. Fries (Pages: 41-48)
Decision making based upon the recommendations of multiple intelligent agents has become common in various applications. However, difficulty arises when the agents have quite different recommendations. Many methods have been proposed that attempt to resolve conflicting opinions multiple, heterogeneous agents in decision making. However, all of these methods require that the agents negotiate until they arrive at a consensus opinion. These do not provide for the cases in which the agents have contradictory opinions that cannot be compromised. In certain cases, agent opinions will conflict due to the nature of the agents’ viewpoints. By forcing compromise or neglecting selected conflicting opinions, valuable information may be lost that adversely affect the decision. This paper proposes a method by which a consensus decision can be developed while not requiring that the individual agents abandon their opinions.
A Comparison of Functional and Imperative Programming Techniques for Mathematical Software Development Scott Frame, John W. Coffey (Pages: 49-53)
Functional programming has traditionally been considered elegant and powerful, but also somewhat impractical for ordinary computing. Proponents of functional programming claim that the evolution of functional languages makes their use feasible in many domains. In this work, a popular imperative language (C++) and the leading functional language (Haskell) are compared in a math-intensive, real-world application using a variety of criteria: ease of implementation, efficiency, and readability. The programming tasks that were used as benchmarks involved mathematical transformations between local and global coordinate systems. Details regarding the application area and how language features of both languages were used to solve critical problems are described. The paper closes with some conclusions regarding applicability of functional programming for mathematical applications.
Personalized System of Instruction and Mobile-Learning Models 2014 and Beyond Laura Thompson, Richard Johnson (Pages: 54-62)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the
delivery method used in Personalize System of Instruction
(PSI). Asynchronous in nature, the PSI model may
provide viable alternatives m-learning platforms, while at
the same time fulfilling some of the theories of social
science research. Learning style types are also presented in
this study. A strategic alignment model is measured against
the learning style types in efforts to map the feasibility of
m-learning in social sciences versus other educational
In the case of m-learning, stakeholders include
but are not limited to curriculum creators, ISPs and those
who host mobile sites, streaming content providers, mobile
phone users, instructors, educational institutions and
mobile phone carriers. Verifying the mobile authenticity of
students receiving instruction, and the burden of proof is
also presented in this study as it relates to models used in
the banking industry.
Adobe, ComF5 and AXMEDIS [2] are a few
companies that provide full multi-platform support for
multiple mobile based distribution channels. Mobile
protocol and the development of mobile applications must
minimize frustrations experienced by users. Issues and
concerns in this area range from screen size and resolution
of content, and the balance of reading text versus seeing
live streaming video, all the way to screen scrolling and
mobile keyboard functionality. The conceptual framework
for Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service are
presented to access, capture and share pedagogies toward
[2] AXMEDIS (2006, December). Automating production
of cross media content for multi-channel distribution.
Axmedis 2nd Annual Conference on Content Distribution.
The Co-Existence of Presenteeism and Commitment Organizational: An Institute of Technical and Technological Education Perspective (Short Report) Marcus Vinicius Dantas de Assunção, Renata Lissa Soares da Silva, Miler Franco Danjour, Patrícia Whebber S. de Oliveira (Pages: 63-66)
The present study aims to describe and analyze how presenteeism and organizational commitment of employees are outlined at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), a public organization, over the expansion of the institution. In the last five years, the number of campi went from two to sixteen, thus multiplying the number of employees. This empirical research is characterized by a descriptive and qualitative approach. The questionnaire WLQ-8 was used as a technique for data collection which addresses the presenteeism with the inclusion of two subjective questions addressing the issues Commitment and Presenteeism. The results indicate that employees of IFRN present a high level of commitment to their activities and also a low level of presenteeism. Given the limitations of the study, suggestions for future research are described.
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Goal-Directed Reaching in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Feasibility Study Nicole M. G. Salowitz, Bridget Dolan, Rheanna Remmel, Amy Vaughan Van Hecke, Kristine Mosier, Lucia Simo, Robert A. Scheidt (Pages: 67-73)
An unanswered question concerning the neural basis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is how sensorimotor deficits in individuals with ASD are related to abnormalities of brain function. We previously described a robotic joystick and video game system that allows us to record functional magnetic resonance images (FMRI) while adult humans make goal-directed wrist motions. We anticipated several challenges in extending this approach to studying goal-directed behaviors in children with ASD and in typically developing (TYP) children. In particular we were concerned that children with autism may express increased levels of anxiety as compared to typically developing children due to the loud sounds and small enclosed space of the MRI scanner. We also were concerned that both groups of children might become restless during testing, leading to an unacceptable amount of head movement. Here we performed a pilot study evaluating the extent to which autistic and typically developing children exhibit anxiety during our experimental protocol as well as their ability to comply with task instructions. Our experimental controls were successful in minimizing group differences in drop-out due to anxiety. Kinematic performance and head motion also were similar across groups. Both groups of children engaged cortical regions (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital) while making goal-directed movements. In addition, the ASD group exhibited task-related correlations in subcortical regions (cerebellum, thalamus), whereas correlations in the TYP group did not reach statistical significance in subcortical regions. Four distinct regions in frontal cortex showed a significant group difference such that TYP children exhibited positive correlations between the hemodynamic response and movement, whereas children with ASD exhibited negative correlations. These findings demonstrate feasibility of simultaneous application of robotic manipulation and functional imaging to study goal-directed motor behaviors in autistic and typically developing children. The findings also suggest the presence of marked changes in neural activation during a sensorimotor task requiring goal-directed movement.
Authentication and Data Security in ITS Telecommunications Solutions Tomas Zelinka, Michal Jerabek, Zdenek Lokaj (Pages: 74-80)
Paper presents telecommunications security issues with
dynamically changing networking. Paper also presents
performance indicators of authentication as an integral part of
the approach to non-public information. Expected level of
security depend on relevant ITS services requirements,
different solutions require different levels of quality. Data
volumes transferred both in private data vehicle on board
networks as well as between vehicles and infrastructure or
other vehicles significantly and progressively grow. This trend
leads to increase of the fatal problems if security of the wide
area networks is not relevantly treated. Relevant
communications security treatment becomes crucial part of the
ITS telecommunications solution because probability of
hazards appearances grow if vehicles networks are integrated in
the dynamically organized wide area networks. Besides of
available “off shelf” security tools solution based on non-public
universal identifier with dynamical extension and data selection
according to actor role or category is presented including
performances indicators for the authentication process.
Measurement of Pressure between Upper Airway Tract and Laryngoscope Blade during Orotracheal Intubation with Film of Microcapsules Shigehiro Hashimoto, Tianyuan Wang (Pages: 81-85)
The measurement system for the pressure between the blade of a laryngoscope and the upper airway tract during orotracheal intubation has been investigated with a film of microcapsules. Two types of the laryngoscope were used in the study: Wis-Foregger and Mac-Intosh. The film is attached on the surface of the blade of the laryngoscope. The measurement was applied to 20 cases of the orotracheal intubation. In the pressed part of the film, the microcapsules burst and release chemicals, which react with chemicals out of microcapsules and show a red color. The color density was photoelectrically measured, and converted to the pressure value in three regions on the blade; the epiglottis, the tongue, and the upper incisor. The results show that the pressures are 1.2±0.6 MPa on the epiglottis, 0.8±0.4 MPa on the tongue, and (11±3)×10 MPa on the upper incisor, and that the pressures on the epiglottis are 2.0±0.3 MPa in bled cases, and 0.8±0.4 MPa in non-bled cases.
Development of a Web Application: Recording Learners’ Mouse Trajectories and Retrieving their Study Logs to Identify the Occurrence of Hesitation in Solving Word-Reordering Problems Mitsumasa Zushi, Yoshinori Miyazaki, Ryosuke Miki, Ken Norizuki (Pages: 86-91)
Most computer marking systems evaluate the results of the answers reached by learners without looking into the process by which the answers are produced, which will be insufficient to ascertain learners’ understanding level because correct answers may well include lucky hunches, namely accidentally correct but not confident answers. In order to differentiate these lucky answers from confident correct ones, we have developed a Web application that can record mouse trajectories during the performance of tasks. Mathematical analyses of these trajectories have revealed that some parameters for mouse movements can be useful indicators to identify the occurrence of hesitation resulting from lack of knowledge or confidence in solving problems.