Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics



The Role of Librarians in Academic Success
Claudia J. Dold
(Pages: 1-5)

Librarians address all levels of information needs for the university: its acquisition, its production, its storage, and instruction for its safe and gainful use. Most of today’s college students have a high degree of computer literacy but are weak in their abilities to determine the quality of the information that is so readily available. Students need to be taught to find, evaluate, and use information in an academically-oriented manner in order to solve complex problems. Good library skills are integral to academic success. In conjunction with research and teaching faculty, librarians create a framework for knowledge acquisition in the evolving university education.

Critical Thinking, Transfer, and Student Satisfaction
Joanne R. Reid, Phyllis R. Anderson
(Pages: 6-11)

A pedagogical treatment was developed to teach critical thinking knowledge, skills, and strategies to college students. This treatment was implemented at a Midwestern University for a three-year period. Graduates were surveyed to determine the extent to which the treatment affected their personal, academic, and professional lives. Graduates reported that they had transferred the critical thinking knowledge, skills, and strategies they had acquired, and were using it in their personal, academic, or professional lives. The graduates also reported that this transfer was extremely beneficial to them in all aspects of their personal, academic, or professional lives, leading to high levels of satisfaction in their undergraduate education.

Plan-for-Gov[IT] - Planning for Governance of IT Method: use of the Techniques of “Text Retrieval” for mapping the expected support needs from IT Area to serve of the Corporation’s Core-Business expectations
Altino José Mentzingen De Moraes
(Pages: 12-17)

The IT - Information Technology, in accordance with the philosophy of the IT Governance (and also as defined by Authors listed as follows) requires its integration to the process of Strategic Planning of its Corporation, with the intention to align its actions with the Core-Business aiming at to reach the expected results by the IT Area. The question is how the IT can, under a methodological and direct way, to know how to interpret the expectations expressed by the Strategic Planning (a component of the Corporative Governance), in actions that are addressed to its Area in a practical manner and with an adequate tool kit related to the Frameworks (Models) focused to the implementation of the IT Governance, for posterior creation of the necessary Effectiveness Indicators for monitoring about success level of the actions of IT in alignment with the Business. The result of this work is the proposal of the Text Retrieval and its subsequent validation (as a plausible resource for actual use to try to help the Governance of IT in its primary task of assisting the Corporation Core-Business), which was named as Plan-for- Gov[IT] - Planning for Governance of IT Method, which can be automated by the use of resources of "word finding" in Word Processors or in another software products with also this purpose.

A Biometric for Neurobiology of Influence with Social Informatics Using Game Theory
Mark Rahmes, Kathy Wilder, George Lemieux, Ronda Henning, Carey Balaban
(Pages: 18-25)

This paper is constructed on the premise that human belief dependent emotions can be triggered by story-telling or narratives. With recent technological advancements to measure neurobiological measurements of the brain, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and non-invasive brain computing interface (BCI) equipment, these technologies can allow for visualization and data collection of brain activation patterns showing unconsciously controlled responses to narratives or stories. Current game theory application to belief networks has been modeled to help explain observed behavior when material payoffs of others matters to the individual. We discuss a method of how game theory, utilizing communication packet theory, can now be modeled to belief dependent emotions and intentions measured through a new biometric tool correlating neurobiological emotional states and responses.

Development of an Electromechanical Ground Support System for NASA’s Payload Transfer Operations: A Case Study of Multidisciplinary Work in the Space Shuttle Program
Felix A. Soto Toro, Chan Ham
(Pages: 26-34)

Space shuttle Atlantis was launched from Kennedy Space Center on July 8, 2011 and landed on July 21, 2011, the final flight of the 30-year Shuttle Program. The development and support of the Space Transportation System (STS) had required intensive coordination by scientists and engineers from multiple program disciplines. This paper presents a case study of a typical multidisciplinary effort that was proposed in the late 1990

Processing Incomplete Query Specifications in a Context-Dependent Reasoning Framework
Neli P. Zlatareva
(Pages: 35-40)

Search is the most prominent web service, which is about to change dramatically with the transition to the Semantic Web. Semantic Web applications are expected to deal with complex conjunctive queries, and not always such queries can be completely and precisely defined. Current Semantic Web reasoners built upon Description Logics have limited processing power in such environments. We discuss some of their limitations, and show how an alternative logical framework utilizing context-dependent rules can be extended to handle incomplete or imprecise query specifications.

Multi-SOM: an Algorithm for High-Dimensional, Small Size Datasets
Shen Lu, Richard S. Segall
(Pages: 41-46)

Since it takes time to do experiments in bioinformatics, biological datasets are sometimes small but with high dimensionality. From probability theory, in order to discover knowledge from a set of data, we have to have a sufficient number of samples. Otherwise, the error bounds can become too large to be useful. For the SOM (Self- Organizing Map) algorithm, the initial map is based on the training data. In order to avoid the bias caused by the insufficient training data, in this paper we present an algorithm, called Multi-SOM. Multi-SOM builds a number of small self-organizing maps, instead of just one big map. Bayesian decision theory is used to make the final decision among similar neurons on different maps. In this way, we can better ensure that we can get a real random initial weight vector set, the map size is less of consideration and errors tend to average out. In our experiments as applied to microarray datasets which are highly intense data composed of genetic related information, the precision of Multi-SOMs is 10.58% greater than SOMs, and its recall is 11.07% greater than SOMs. Thus, the Multi-SOMs algorithm is practical.

Exploring the Effectiveness of Interdisciplinary Instruction on Learning: A Case Study in a College Level Course on Culture, Aid, and Engineering
Timothy Frank, J. R. Aldred, Alice Meyer
(Pages: 47-53)

The opportunity for higher education students to study a topic through multiple, integrated angles is rare even though life outside of the classroom is filled with problems that require blending of knowledge areas to make appropriate decisions. The authors created a course at the United States Air Force Academy called Foreign Area Studies (FAS) 495 in the Spring 2012 semester that integrated African studies, economics, history, political science, literature, project management, military strategy, language, culture, and environmental engineering in the study of how foreign aid has affected Mozambique and how an engineering technology along with cultural consciousness can be effectively used for good. To determine effectiveness of the interdisciplinary approach, qualitative data from student reflection papers and in-class discussions were collected and analyzed. The intent of this paper is to highlight the challenges and lessons learned from developing a project based interdisciplinary course. Results suggest a project based course with interdisciplinary pedagogy can be effective in meeting course goals and increasing meaningful student learning.

Cognitive Connected Vehicle Information System Design Requirement for Safety: Role of Bayesian Artificial Intelligence
Ata Khan
(Pages: 54-59)

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are gaining acceptance around the world and the connected vehicle component of ITS is recognized as a high priority research and development area in many technologically advanced countries. Connected vehicles are expected to have the capability of safe, efficient and eco-driving operations whether these are under human control or in the adaptive machine control mode of operations. The race is on to design the capability to operate in connected traffic environment. The operational requirements can be met with cognitive vehicle design features made possible by advances in artificial intelligence-supported methodology, improved understanding of human factors, and advances in communication technology. This paper describes cognitive features and their information system requirements. The architecture of an information system is presented that supports the features of the cognitive connected vehicle. For better focus, information processing capabilities are specified and the role of Bayesian artificial intelligence is defined for data fusion. Example applications illustrate the role of information systems in integrating intelligent technology, Bayesian artificial intelligence, and abstracted human factors. Concluding remarks highlight the role of the information system and Bayesian artificial intelligence in the design of a new generation of cognitive connected vehicle.

Pattern-Based Development of Enterprise Systems: from Conceptual Framework to Series of Implementations
Sergey V. Zykov
(Pages: 60-64)

Building enterprise software is a dramatic challenge due to data size, complexity and rapid growth of the both in time. The issue becomes even more dramatic when it gets to integrating heterogeneous applications. Therewith, a uniform approach is required, which combines formal models and CASE tools. The methodology is based on extracting common ERP module level patterns and applying them to series of heterogeneous implementations. The approach includes a lifecycle model, which extends conventional spiral model by formal data representation/management models and DSL-based "low-level" CASE tools supporting the formalisms. The methodology has been successfully implemented as a series of portal-based ERP systems in ITERA oil-and-gas corporation, and in a number of trading/banking enterprise applications for other enterprises. Semantic network-based airline dispatch system, and a 6D-model-driven nuclear power plant construction support system are currently in progress.

Understanding Policy Processes by Engineering Principles of Systems Theory
René S. Hosse, Sven S. Sikatzki, Eckehard Schnieder, Nils C. Bandelow
(Pages: 65-72)

Socio-technical systems incorporate several dynamic factors that are analyzed by different scientific communities. Political science underlines the non-linearity of the decision-making process while engineering science has made good progress in applying cybernetics to socio-technical systems in various hazard analysis methods. Therefore, this paper incorporates a lens from policy analysis, MSP (multiple streams perspective) with STAMP (systems-theoretic accident modeling and pro-cesses) to improve the understanding of the political process within socio-technical systems and its results. The method is then applied to the German road traffic system.

Physics of Open Systems: Generation of System Knowledge
Boris F. Fomin, Tamara L. Kachanova
(Pages: 73-82)

Information technologies of Physics of Open Systems (POS) automatically generate reliable, theoretical, system knowledge using the data which are collected by the empirical science. Descriptive technologies begin the production cycle of system knowledge. They create an empirical base of generating system knowledge. Application of these technologies needs participation of subject matter expert. Projective technologies finish the cycle. Their task is to transfer system knowledge to the application area. Specialists of subject area work with projective technologies. Technologies of analytical kernel and constructive component of POS generate system knowledge directly. Technologies of analytical kernel generate knowledge on the level of system ontology. This knowledge is about organization of the space of senses of the system, semantic organization and semantic activity of the system, semantic forms of all qualitative determinacies of the system whole, completeness, significance, reliability, and applicability of the obtained theoretical knowledge. Constructive technologies generate knowledge on the level of subject ontology. This system knowledge forms solution resources of the system problems: cognitive schematic descriptions of local and global states of the system; cognitive schematic descriptions of intrasystem mechanisms; and analytical descriptions of dependencies disclosing relations in the inner world of the system.