Effect of Pulsatile Electric Field
on Cultured Muscle Cells in Vitro Shigehiro Hashimoto, Fumihiko Sato, Ryuuhei Uemura, Aki Nakajima (Pages: 1-6)
An effect of an electric field on proliferation and on differentiation of cultured muscle cells has been studied in vitro. C2C12 (the mouse myoblast cell line originated with the cross-striated muscle of C3H mouse) was exposed to electric stimuli. In the first experiment, the adhered cells were exposed to the electric field between two electrodes made of platinum wire of 0.2 mm diameter dipped in the medium at 37 degrees Celsius for 72 hours. The electric pulses at a period of one second with a pulse width of 0.1 second were generated with a function generator. Variation was made on the pulse amplitude < 12 V. The number of adhered cells was counted after exposure to electric stimulation. In the second experiment, the cells were cultivated for 96 hours without electric stimulation in an incubator, after electric stimulation of 0.1 V for 72 hours. After incubation, the movement of myotubes was observed with electric stimulation at a period of one second with a pulse width of one millisecond of 30 V. The experimental results show that cells adhere and proliferate under electric pulses lower than 8 V, and that differentiation accelerates with the electric pulses of 0.1 V.
A second order cybernetic model of scientific conceptual understanding with pedagogical applications to kinematics Louis Trudel, Abdeljalil Métioui (Pages: 7-17)
Even if difficulties of the students in sciences are diversified, most seem linked to deficiencies in their understanding of basic concepts. Since about twenty years, different researches tried to bring solutions in this problem, favouring the multiplication of directives that can be applied to science education. To integrate their results, we offer a second order cybernetic model of scientific conceptual understanding which allows, not only to describe all the paths learners took to understand, but also to choose instructional strategies of education appropriate to do so. We illustrate the application of this model to the teaching of the kinematical concepts of speed and acceleration. As a conclusion, we draw limits of the model and make suggestions for future research.
Simulation of the Prokaryotic Cell Cycle at http://simon.bio.uva.nl/cellcycle/ Arieh Zaritsky, Conrad L. Woldringh, Norbert O. E. Vischer, Ping Wang, Charles E. Helmstetter (Pages: 18-23)
The bacterial Cell Cycle is presented using the Simulation program CCSim, which employs four parameters related to time (inter-division , replication C, division D) and size (mass at replication initiation Mi), sufficient to describe and compare bacterial cells under various conditions. The parameter values can be altered and the effects of the alterations can be seen. CCSim is easy to use and presents the kinetics of cell growth in a digestible format. Replicating chromosomes and growing bacillary cells are coupled to parameters that affect the cell cycle and animated. It serves as an educational tool to teach bacteriology and to compare experimental observations with the model best describing cell growth thus improve our understanding of regulatory mechanisms. Examples are displayed of transitions between known physiological states that are consistent with experimental results, including one that explains strange observations. The program predicts enhanced division frequencies after a period of slow replication under thymine limitation if a minimal distance (Eclipse) exists between successive replisomes, as observed. Missing features and ways to improve, extend and refine CCSim are proposed, for both single cells and random populations under steady-states of exponential growth and during well-defined transitions. Future improvements and extensions are proposed for single cells and populations.
A Serious Game for Second Language Acquisition in a Virtual Environment Marilisa Amoia, Treveur Bretaudiere, Alexandre Denis, Claire Gardent, Laura Perez-Beltrachini (Pages: 24-34)
In this paper, we present I-FLEG, a 3D language game
designed for interactively learning French as a second
language. I-FLEG differs from previous computer-aided
language learning (CALL) approaches in that it combines a
situated, language learning environment with advanced
artificial intelligence and natural language generation
techniques which support user adaptivity and the automatic,
context-aware generation of learning material. In addition,
because it is integrated in a 3D virtual reality environment, IFLEG
naturally supports e-learning and facilitates the
collection of test data.
Improving the Learning Experience by Harnessing Digital Technology Pierre Jarméus, Carl Sundberg, Simone Masog, Per Andersson, Christopher Rosenqvist, Panagiota Koulouvari R. (Pages: 35-41)
The paper will explore how a social media based E-learning 2.0
solution for formal learning (social IS) can be implemented,
focusing on the technology acceptance process.
The paper aims to increase the knowledge on how the
acceptance regarding social media based E-learning 2.0
information systems for formal learning can be increased and
how the acceptance affects the social learning experience. To
achieve this, the paper relies on both a qualitative and
quantitative approach and is primarily inductive. The paper
concludes that the acceptance cannot be seen as a linear process,
as is common practice. Instead, one should see the process of
acceptance as interlinked with the experience and external
variables in a continuous process that can either ‘spiral’
upwards or downwards. Furthermore, the paper identifies the
problem of innovation resistance. The paper then analyzes
information gathered from industry experts, practitioners and a
live case to find how one can improve acceptance and thereby
the social learning experience. Once these variables have been
identified the paper presents strategic advice. The paper ends by
a discussion of the results, both regarding the impact and
contrast to previous research as well as highlighting areas for
further research
Learner corpora: the case of the NOSE corpus Ana Díaz-Negrillo (Pages: 42-47)
This paper provides a brief overview of the scope of
learner corpus research and describes a learner corpus by
Spanish university students of English, the NOn-native
Spanish corpus of English (NOSE). It presents the corpus
data, its annotation and how it can be retrieved and
exploited for research purposes in the areas of
interlanguage studies and automatic recognition of
learner-specific features. It also reviews the various
research topics that have been investigated in the corpus.
Web based Interactive 3D Learning Objects for Learning Management
Systems Stefan Hesse, Stefan Gumhold (Pages: 48-50)
In this paper, we present an approach to create and integrate
interactive 3D learning objects of high quality for higher
education into a learning management system. The use of these
resources allows to visualize topics, such as electro-technical
and physical processes in the interior of complex devices. This
paper addresses the challenge of combining rich interactivity
and adequate realism with 3D exercise material for distance elearning.
Virtual reality as a multidisciplinary convergence tool in the product design process Gaël Guerlesquin, Morad Mahdjoub, Florence Bazzaro, Jean-Claude Sagot (Pages: 51-56)
Nowadays firms have to use concurrent design to meet customers’ expectations. A plural approach to the design process is essential. Unfortunately, the design activity involves experts specialized in various aspects of the product such as aesthetics, ergonomics and mechanics. Thus the collaboration between these experts is particularly difficult in the convergence steps and often results in complex adjustments.
This paper details a proposition of design methodology based on a multidisciplinary approach, using virtual reality tools. Our goal is to facilitate the integration of ergonomics and aesthetics in a mechanical design process. In this context, we consider virtual reality as an intermediary design tool useful for collaborative decision support during convergence phases. We present our methodology and associated tools tested during an industrial project, by focusing on an aesthetics-mechanics convergence step.
Innovation Promoted by Meta-Engineering
- Mining-Exploring-Converging-Implementing Process Hiroshi Suzuki, Yuji Okita (Pages: 57-61)
The authors propose a new creative concept of “metaengineering”
as a dynamic engineering approach that is
effective for breakthrough innovation.
A science and technology driven country is expected to play a
leading role in addressing increasingly more diversified global
issues and in solving them with maintaining harmony of
sustainable growth of human society and preservation of
environment in recent years. A key for performing such a role
lies in innovation by continual orchestration of global issues,
science and technology, and new social value.
Addressing merely emerging issues with science and
technology is insufficient for realizing breakthrough innovation.
The proposal maintains that the spiral process is a key driving
force for innovation and solution of challenges that future
societies are faced with. The processes include “mining
invisible and potential/latent issues from bird
Analysis of the Level-Release Polynomial from a Hydroelectric Plant Ieda Hidalgo, Secundino Soares F., Darrell Fontane, João Eduardo Lopes, Marcelo Cicogna, Donato Silva F. (Pages: 62-65)
The mathematic representation of the tailrace elevation as
function of the water release can be modified, for example, by
the geomorphologic impact of large floods. The level-release
polynomial from a hydroelectric plant is important information
to computational models used for optimization and simulation
of the power generation systems operation. They depend on
data quality to provide reliable results. Therefore, this paper
presents a method for adjusting of the tailrace polynomial based
on operation data recorded by the plant’s owner or company.
The proposed method uses a non-linear regression tool, such as
Trendline in Excel. A case study has been applied to the data
from a large Brazilian hydroelectric plant whose operation is
under the coordination of the Electric System
Operator. The benefits of the data correction are analyzed using
a simulation model for the hydroelectric plants operation. This
simulator is used to reproduce the past operation of the plant,
first with official data and second with adjusted data. The
results show significant improvements in terms of quality of the
data, contributing to bring the real and simulated operation
Academic Performance: An Approach From Data
Mining David L. La Red Martinez, Julio C. Acosta, Valeria E. Uribe, Alice R. Rambo (Pages: 66-72)
The relatively low% of students promoted and regularized in Operating Systems Course of the LSI (Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems) of FaCENA (Faculty of Sciences and Natural Surveying - Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y Agrimensura) of UNNE (academic success), prompted this work, whose objective is to determine the variables that affect the academic performance, whereas the final status of the student according to the Res. 185/03 CD (scheme for evaluation and promotion): promoted, regular or free1.
The variables considered are: status of the student, educational level of parents, secondary education, socio-economic level, and others. Data warehouse (Data Warehouses: DW) and data mining (Data Mining: DM) techniques were used to search pro.les of students and determine success or failure academic potential situations.
Classifications through techniques of clustering according to different criteria have become. Some criteria were the following: mining of classification according to academic program, according to final status of the student, according to importance given to the study, mining of demographic clustering and Kohonen clustering according to final status of the student.
Were conducted statistics of partition, detail of partitions, details of clusters, detail of fields and frequency of fields, overall quality of each process and quality detailed (precision, classification, reliability), arrays of confusion, diagrams of gain / elevation, trees, distribution of nodes, of importance of fields, correspondence tables of fields and statistics of cluster.
Once certain profiles of students with low academic performance, it may address actions aimed at avoiding potential academic failures. This work aims to provide a brief description of aspects related to the data warehouse built and some processes of data mining developed on the same.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators through
Developing their Computer Skills Esther Zaretsky (Pages: 73-78)
The aim of this research was to study the professional
development of college teacher educators by teaching them
computer skills. The study covered 25 instructors and lecturers
teaching at a teacher training college who participated in a
course of computer applications in teaching. Each one of the
teachers applied the skills acquired in the course in his
classroom in his area of specialization. The data was gathered
by means of an open-ended questionnaire and a survey of the
Geometric and Network Model for
Knowledge Structure and Mindspace Chris Arney (Pages: 79-84)
This paper describes an adaptive, complex network
architecture for knowledge representation in virtual
mindspace. Structures and processes for knowing,
remembering, thinking, learning, deciding, and
communicating describe a virtual geometric space
(mathematical model) of a notional mind. This mindspace
model can be visualized as a workspace and this paper
provides a glimpse of a virtual model of the mind.
VN-Sim: A Way to Keep Core Concepts in a Crowded Computing Curriculum R. Raymond Lang, Theresa Beaubouef (Pages: 85-88)
Contemporary computer science curricula must accommodate a
broad array of developments important to the field. Tough
choices have to be made between introducing newer topics and
retaining fundamentals that ground the discipline as a whole.
All too frequently, understanding of low level coding and its
relation to basic hardware is sacrificed to make room for newer
material. VN-Sim, a von Neumann machine simulator,
provides a mechanism for streamlined coverage of low level
coding and hardware topics.
Analyzing water supply in future energy systems using the TIMES Integrated Assessment Model (TIAM-FR) Stéphanie Bouckaert, Sandrine Selosse, Aurélie Dubreuil, Edi Assoumou, Nadia Maïzi (Pages: 89-94)
Even though policies related to water and energy generally dealt with them separately, the two resources are highly interconnected. Energy is required to maintain water supplies while water is essential to produce energy. However, the models developed to estimate future water allocations and energy systems are usually uncorrelated. In order to jointly consider water and energy uses, a water module has been added to the global TIAM-FR prospective energy system model. Water footprints for the processes in terms of withdrawals and consumptions were implemented in the model. This proposed TIAM-FR model shows how water issues are crucial in energy production and can constitute a tool to observe if future energy mixes could be plausible in regards of water availability.
ITEAMS: Increasing the Self-Identification for Girls and Underserved Youth in
Pursuing STEM Careers R. Bruce Ward, Jaimie L. Miller, Frank Sienkiewicz, Paul Antonucci (Pages: 95-99)
We report early findings on the efficacy of a technology-based
project in increasing self-identification for girls and underserved
youth to self-select STEM (science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics) careers. ITEAMS (Innovative Technology-
Enabled Astronomy for Middle Schools) – an out-of-schooltime
program with online, robotic telescopes as its central focus
– targets girls and minority students underrepresented in STEMrelated
vocations. The participating students attend urban
schools in Eastern Massachusetts. ITEAMS’ twofold goal is to:
a) provide inspiration for the participants to pursue STEM
careers, and b) increase the students’ mastery of foundational
subject matter so they are prepared for the rigor of further
STEM study. We use an online system for surveys and
assessments, the former to capture attitudinal changes about
career choices, and the latter to assess the students’ subject
matter knowledge. Participating students take pre-,
intermediate, and post subject-matter tests and career-interest
surveys. While we find statistically significant gains in subject
matter knowledge free of gender, race, or school bias, we also
find girls profess less interest than boys in STEM careers as
early as grades five and six, although other attitudinal indicators
suggest ways to reverse that trend.
Relevance of First-Tier, Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Tenure and Promotion Process at Non-Doctoral Granting Engineering Institutions Amanda S. Florio, Mark M. Budnik (Pages: 100-104)
The IEEE (formerly the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world's largest professional society dedicated to the advancement of technology. While it is indeed growing into multiple technology areas, the IEEE is still first an organization of electrical, electronics, and computer engineering professionals. It has over 400,000 members and publishes nearly 100, first-tier, peer-reviewed journals. As such a large purveyor of scholarly works, engineering faculty at almost all academic institutions (doctoral granting and non-doctoral granting) are familiar with the IEEE. For this reason, the IEEE makes an excellent case study for the relevance of first-tier, peer-reviewed journals in the tenure and promotion process at non-doctoral granting engineering institutions. In our work, we surveyed editors of the 97 IEEE journals. 93% of respondents indicated that 10% or less of their submissions were from non-academic institutions. None (0%) of the respondents believed that the number of non-doctoral granting institution submissions would be increasing over the next three years. In fact, a majority of the respondents (55%) see the number of non-doctoral granting institution submissions decreasing in the same time frame. To correlate this data, we examined a sample of 2,099 articles published in the first issue of each IEEE journal in 2009. 357 (17%) of these 2,099 articles were authored by individuals from academic institutions in the United States. Of the 357, only 35 were published by individuals from non-doctoral granting institutions (1.7%), with only 8 (0.38%) from institutions where a bachelor degree is the highest offered.