Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics



A Cybersemiotic Approach to Agent Based Simulation of Evolutionary Processes within Digital Business Ecosystems
Vasile Georgescu
(Pages: 1-6)

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Anonymous Authorship Control for User-Generated Content
Suk-Bong LEE, Sang-Gyoo SIM, Yeo-Jin KIM, Yun-Sang OH, Kyung-Im JUNG, Bong-Nam NOH
(Pages: 7-12)

User-Generated Content (UGC) is opening up new large market in content services, and more and more people are visiting web sites to share and enjoy UGCs. These trends make many authors to move into online. Authors want to conserve their authorship and expect to publish their UGC anonymously in cases. To meet the requirements, we propose a new authorship control model based on watermarking and metadata. Authors can embed their authorship into their UGC with identities or with anonym. Even though an author publishes his UGC anonymously, he can prove his authorship without unveiling his identity via 5 methods utilizing the proposed authorship model. The proposed model and methods need no TTP and are robust even based on fragile underlying watermarking scheme.

Compilation Techniques Specific for a Hardware Cryptography-Embedded Multimedia Mobile Processor
Masa-aki FUKASE, Tomoaki Sato
(Pages: 13-21)

The development of single chip VLSI processors is the key technology of ever growing pervasive computing to answer overall demands for usability, mobility, speed, security, etc. We have so far developed a hardware cryptography-embedded multimedia mobile processor architecture, HCgorilla. Since HCgorilla integrates a wide range of techniques from architectures to applications and languages, one-sided design approach is not always useful. HCgorilla needs more complicated strategy, that is, hardware/software (H/S) codesign. Thus, we exploit the software support of HCgorilla composed of a Java interface and parallelizing compilers. They are assumed to be installed in servers in order to reduce the load and increase the performance of HCgorilla-embedded clients. Since compilers are the essence of software’s responsibility, we focus in this article on our recent results about the design, specifications, and prototyping of parallelizing compilers for HCgorilla. The parallelizing compilers are composed of a multicore compiler and a LIW compiler. They are specified to abstract parallelism from executable serial codes or the Java interface output and output the codes executable in parallel by HCgorilla. The prototyping compilers are written in Java. The evaluation by using an arithmetic test program shows the reasonability of the prototyping compilers compared with hand compilers.

Gender and web design software
Gabor Horvath, Gloria Moss, Rod Gunn, Eszter Vass
(Pages: 22-27)

There are several studies dealing with the differences between sites originated by men and women. However, these references are mainly related to the “output”, the final web site. In our research we examined the input side of web designing. We thoroughly analysed a number of randomly selected web designer softwares to see, whether and to what extent the templates they offer determine the final look of an individual’s website. We have found that most of them are typical masculine templates, which makes it difficult to any women to design a feminine looking website. It can be one of the reasons of the masculine website hegemony on the web.

The Application of Phase Type Distributions for Modelling Queuing Systems
(Pages: 28-32)

Queuing models are important tools for studying the performance of complex systems, but despite the substantial queuing theory literature, it is often necessary to use approximations in the case the system is nonmarkovian. Phase type distribution is by now indispensable tool in creation of queuing system models. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a method and software for evaluating queuing approximations. A numerical queuing model with priorities is used to explore the behaviour of exponential phase-type approximation of service-time distribution. The performance of queuing systems described in the event language is used for generating the set of states and transition matrix between them. Two examples of numerical models are presented – a queuing system model with priorities and a queuing system model with quality control.

A Predictive and Preventative Computation for the Diagnosis of the Heartbeat Control Systems: DFA for the Risk of Mortality in Both, Animal Models and Humans
Toru Yazawa, Katsunori Tanaka, Tomoyuki Nagaoka, Tomoo Katsuyama
(Pages: 33-37)

We analyzed the heartbeat interval by the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) in models and humans. In models, the myocardium of the healthy heart contracted regularly. The deteriorated heart model, however, showed alternating beats so-called “alternans.” The DFA revealed that if the heart is having “alternans” exhibited there is a declined scaling exponent (~0.5). In humans, the heart that had “alternans” also showed a low scaling exponent (~0.6). We consider that the coexistence of “alternans” and a low scaling exponent can be a risk marker in predictive and preventative diagnosis, supporting the idea that “alternans” can be a harbinger of sudden death.

Gender Differences in Website Design: Implications for Education
Gloria Moss, Rod W Gunn
(Pages: 38-43)

This study examines the implications of a gendered website production and preference aesthetic for the teaching of computer studies. Where the website production aesthetic is concerned, it finds evidence of statistically significant differences on 13 of the 23 factors against which sixty student websites were rated. These results were suggestive of a website aesthetic continuum with male and female production aesthetic tendencies at either end. The preference tests, conducted with 67 subjects, revealed preferences to be in tune with production aesthetics such that men had a statistically significant tendency to prefer home pages produced by men, and women those produced by women. This latter tendency was higher than the former. The finding of gendered differences in website production and preference aesthetics has important implications for teaching and assessment. Teachers selecting or assessing websites, whether commercial or produced by pupils and students, need to be mindful of the aesthetic employed in those websites. When selecting websites for educational purposes, a match should be made between the website and end-user preferences. Assessment of students’ work should ideally be mindful of the potential for positive bias on the part of the assessor in the direction of work displaying their own favoured aesthetic.

Metaplasticity Artificial Neural Networks Model Application to Radar Detection
Diego Andina, Juan Fombellida
(Pages: 44-48)

Many Artificial Neural Networks design algorithms or learning methods imply the minimization of an error objective function. During learning, weight values are updated following a strategy that tends to minimize the final mean error in the Network performance. Weight values are classically seen as a representation of the synaptic weights in biological neurons and their ability to change its value could be interpreted as artificial plasticity inspired by this biological property of neurons. In such a way, metaplasticity is interpreted in this paper as the ability to change the efficiency of artificial plasticity giving more relevance to weight updating of less frequent activations and resting relevance to frequent ones. Modeling this interpretation in the training phase, the hypothesis of an improved training is tested in the Multilayer Perceptron with Backpropagation case. The results show a much more efficient training maintaining the Artificial Neural Network performance.

A Fuzzy Inference System Design for ICP Protocol Optimization in Cache Appliances Hierarchies
Oscar Linares, Camilo Orozco
(Pages: 49-53)

A cache appliance is a network terminal which provides cache memory functions, such as object queries service from a user; such objects could be stored in one cache or in a cache hierarchy, trying to avoid carry out service from an origin server. This cache appliance structure improves network performance and quality of service. These appliances use ICP protocol (Internet Cache Protocol) to support interoperation between existing cache hierarchies and web servers, through implementation of a message format to communicate web caches. One cache sends an ICP query to its neighbors. The neighbors send back ICP replies indicating "HIT" or "MISS". When one cache faces an excessive traffic situation, that is, a very high number of service queries from users, ICP protocol may allocate the service to cache which has the desired object. Because of traffic conditions, specific appliance may congests and the requests may be refused, which can decrease network’s quality of service. So, a system designed for optimizing cache allocation, considering factors as traffic and priority could be useful. This paper presents a fuzzy inference system design, which uses entries such as number of queries over a time interval and traffic tendency, and as output, the web cache allocation decision that will provides the service; this design is proposed to optimize allocation of caches into a hierarchy for network services performance, so balancing out requesting among hierarchy members and improving services performance.

Arabic CWR Based on Correlation of Normalized Signatures of Words Images
Hala S. Zaghloul, Taymoor Nazmy
(Pages: 54-59)

The traditional methods for Arabic OCR (AOCR) based on segmentation of each word into a set of characters. The Arabic language is of cursive nature, and the character's shape depends on its position in the word. There are about 100 shape of the characters have to be classified, and some of them may be overlapped. Our approach use a normalized signature of the time signal of the pulse coupled neural network PCNN, supported with some shape primitives to represent the number of the word complementary and their positions within the image of the word. A lookup dictionary of words with its signatures was constructed, and structured in groups using a decision tree. The tested signature was routed through the tree to the nearest group, and then the signature and its related word with higher correlation within the selected group will be the classified. This method overcome many difficulties arise in cursive word recognition CWR for printed script with different font type and size; also it shows higher accuracy for the classification process, 96%.

Development of Infrared Lip Movement Sensor for Spoken Word Recognition
Takahiro Yoshida, Seiichiro Hangai
(Pages: 60-63)

Lip movement of speaker is very informative for many application of speech signal processing such as multi-modal speech recognition and password authentication without speech signal. However, in collecting multi-modal speech information, we need a video camera, large amount of memory, video interface, and high speed processor to extract lip movement in real time. Such a system tends to be expensive and large. This is one reasons of preventing the use of multi-modal speech processing. In this study, we have developed a simple infrared lip movement sensor mounted on a headset, and made it possible to acquire lip movement by PDA, mobile phone, and notebook PC. The sensor consists of an infrared LED and an infrared photo transistor, and measures the lip movement by the reflected light from the mouth region. From experiment, we achieved 66% successfully word recognition rate only by lip movement features. This experimental result shows that our developed sensor can be utilized as a tool for multi-modal speech processing by combining a microphone mounted on the headset.

General Architecture and Instruction Set Enhancements for Multimedia Applications
Mansour Assaf, Aparna Rajesh
(Pages: 64-72)

The present day multimedia applications (MMAs) are driving the computing industry as every application being developed is using multimedia in one or the other way. Computer architects are building computer systems with powerful processors to handle the MMAs. There have been tremendous changes in the design of the processors to handle different types of MMAs. We see a lot of such application specific processors today in the industry; different architectures have been proposed for processing MMAs such as VLIW, superscalar (general-purpose processor enhanced with a multimedia extension such as MMX), vector architecture, SIMD architectures, and reconfigurable computing devices. Many of the General Purpose Processors (GPPs) require coprocessors to handle graphics and sound and usually those processors are either expensive or incompatible. Keeping these and the demands MMAs in mind designers have made changes to GPPs; many GPP Vendors have added instructions to their Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). All these processors use similar techniques to execute multimedia instructions. This survey paper investigates the enhancements made to the GPPS in their general Architecture as well as the ISA. We will present the many different techniques used by GPP designers to handle MMAs, the present day GPP available architectures, compare different techniques, and concludes this survey.

An e-Learning Strategy towards a Culture of Cyber Wellness and Health for WMSCI 2007
Janice Putnam, Karen L. Pulcher
(Pages: 73-76)

An overview of the processes, theoretical constructs and technological methodologies used in a comprehensive e-learning wellness program designed for college students is presented. A longitudinal approach to lifestyle modification beginning at the freshman level and continuing to graduation is developed and discussed. Online strategies approach education, risk behavior and lifestyle modifications that address physical and psychological well being. Perspectives and lessons learned from implementation and evaluations are discussed and implications for international applicability are presented.

Access to Mathematics by Blind Students: A Global Problem
Arthur I. Karshmer, Daryoush D. Farsi
(Pages: 77-81)

The issue of blindness and legally blind is becoming a global issue. Based on the last statistics from American Foundation for the blind, there are approximately 10 million blind and visually impaired people in the United States alone. Over 45 million people around the world are completely blind. 180 million more people are legally blind, and approximately 7 million people are diagnosed as blind or legally blind every year. One of the greatest stumbling blocks in the ability of the blind to enter careers in science, technology, engineering or mathematics is the paucity of tools to help them read and write equations. Over the years there have been numerous projects around the world with the goal of building special tools to help the visually impaired student read and write equations. In the current work, we describe some of the most interesting work in this domain and then attempt to make recommendations and/or predictions about the future.

Balancing Venturi and Laissez-Faire Management Styles: Insights from Fluid Mechanical Analogs
Ruud Weijermars
(Pages: 82-90)

Mobilizing distributed Organizational Intelligence involves managerial efforts whereby the generation of new tacit knowledge requires dissemination of newly codified externalized knowledge. The managerial role in the early stage of knowledge creation is to support and stimulate the process of knowledge generation and to aid the diffusion of knowledge across organizational boundaries. In contrast, the subsequent ‘harvesting’ and goal-oriented application of knowledge requires convergence of human actors (H) as carriers of distributed intelligence (DI). Optimization of the organizational performance and improved workflow efficiency is best effectuated by applying insights from fluid mechanical analogs. Several such analogs are introduced here and these provide insight that helps to funnel tacit and explicit knowledge into tangible asset value. Three sets of managerial lessons are inferred from the analogs: (1) Social bonding between professionals needs to be stimulated because professionals with strong social bonds (S) can sustain effective workflows under relatively high pressures, while weak social bonds lead to turbulence and disruption; (2) Effective vision sharing is essential for goal-oriented and accelerated knowledge development in DI systems, and; (3) Managerial pressure may not overheat the critical limit that can be handled by resilient and strongly bonded DI networks, as this would result in disruptive turbulence even in experienced neural networks.

Iterative Filtering of Retrieved Information to Increase Relevance
Robert Zeidman
(Pages: 91-96)

Efforts have been underway for years to find more effective ways to retrieve information from large knowledge domains. This effort is now being driven particularly by the Internet and the vast amount of information that is available to unsophisticated users. In the early days of the Internet, some effort involved allowing users to enter Boolean equations of search terms into search engines, for example, rather than just a list of keywords. More recently, effort has focused on understanding a user’s desires from past search histories in order to narrow searches. Also there has been much effort to improve the ranking of results based on some measure of relevancy. This paper discusses using iterative filtering of retrieved information to focus in on useful information. This work was done for finding source code correlation and the author extends his findings to Internet searching and e-commerce. The paper presents specific information about a particular filtering application and then generalizes it to other forms of information retrieval.

Existence of Solutions for Linear Moment Problems
Dan Butnariu, Benzion Shklyar
(Pages: 97-100)

The Cimmino algorithm is an iterative projection method for finding almost common points of measur- able families of closed convex sets in a Hilbert space. It produces weak approximations of solutions for Fred- holm equations of the first kind provided that solu- tions exist. We obtain an existence criterion for so- lutions of a linear moment of problem considered as Fredholm equation of the first kind and show that if this problems has a solution, then the Cimmino algo- rithm generate norm approximations of such solutions.