Using Collaborative Technology in CS Education to facilitate Cross-Site Software Development Marie Devlin, Sarah Drummond, Andrew Hatch (Pages: 1-6)
With offshore computing becoming more prevalent, it is
essential that we increase our students’ employability by
providing new and relevant experiences in software
development and project management; giving them valuable
skills that are essential in an ever-increasing and changing
global market. What is new about the work we discuss here is
how collaborative technologies have facilitated a year-long
cross-site software engineering project between Durham
University and Newcastle University students. Our use of
various collaboration technologies such as online discussion
forums, video-conferencing, company repositories, version
control software etc., as part of the collaborative team project
has not only encouraged students to develop technical
‘transferable’ skills but also gain an understanding, through
realistic experiences, of how the use of these technologies
involves more than just learning their technical aspects and
operation, but that it is essential to develop and implement the
soft processes and skills required to use them successfully and
effectively and hence optimize their cross-site working
partnerships and productivity. In this paper we describe the
project, the technologies employed by the student teams and the
results and anecdotal evidence of staff and students that show
the successes and, it must be admitted, occasional failures of
this work. We discuss how we have tried to manage the
expectations of the students throughout the project, how the
technologies we have provided have affected the students’
experience of cross-site collaboration and the impact of crosssite
collaboration on our assessment strategies and curriculum
Advancing Risk and Value Management Practices for Processes and Products Pasi Ojala (Pages: 7-12)
During the last decades software has become an important part of our everyday life in the form of various information processing intensive products and services. The competition between software companies has risen considerably and at the same time the importance of cost efficient and value creating software development has been recognized in many companies.
Value Engineering has been a usable to method for developing high value products for several years. Earlier it has been applied successfully to software process as well as to software product development. Normally the development of high value products contains also several risks. Combination of efficient value management practices and risk management is one possibility to try to avoid the most dangerous risks to realize for planned value.
This research combines Value Engineering and risk management practices into a usable new method in order to better respond to the challenges that risks might cause to the value of software products and their development. This is done in part by defining the concepts of value, worth and cost and in part by defining the Value Engineering process with necessary risk management practices.
Three practical industrial cases show that proposed two-dimensional method works in practise and is useful to assessed companies.
eGovernment 2.0 - How can Government benefit from web 2.0? Soren Duus Ostergaard, Michael Hvass (Pages: 13-18)
The purpose of this paper is to identify the major global trends
in social computing/ collaborative computing as they seem to
evolve under the ‘web 2.0’ heading, evaluate possible future
trends seen from a technology point of view as well as from
a socio-economic perspective and compare these trends to the
current state and need for eGovernment. Finally, some general
guidelines, ideas and projections for eGovernment will be proposed
and discussed.
Operation-Based Notation for Archimedean Graph Hidetoshi Nonaka (Pages: 19-22)
We introduce three graph operations corresponding to
polyhedral operations. By applying these operations, thirteen
Archimedean graphs can be generated from Platonic graphs that
are used as seed graphs.
Web Mining of Hotel Customer Survey Data Richard S. Segall, Qingyu Zhang (Pages: 23-29)
This paper provides an extensive literature review and list
of references on the background of web mining as applied
specifically to hotel customer survey data. This research
applies the techniques of web mining to actual text of
written comments for hotel customers using Megaputer
PolyAnalyst®. Web mining functionalities utilized
include those such as clustering, link analysis, key word
and phrase extraction, taxonomy, and dimension
matrices. This paper provides screen shots of the web
mining applications using Megaputer PolyAnalyst®.
Conclusions and future directions of the research are
Distance Education at Silesian University of Technology Piotr Klosowski (Pages: 30-35)
This paper presents Distance Learning Platform used by
Silesian University of Technology. Distance Learning Platform
is based on modular object-oriented dynamic learning
environment, represents LMS (Learning Management Systems)
technology, a software package designed to help educators
create quality online courses. Currently on Distance Learning
Platform at Silesian University of Technology are available
over 520 online courses created for students of twelve
University’s faculties. Number of Distance Learning Platform
users exceeds 12000. Distance Learning Platform works as
typically asynchronous e-learning service, but in the future
more synchronous e-learning services will be added. Distance
Learning Platform has great potential to create a successful elearning
experience by providing a plethora of excellent tools
that can be used to enhance conventional classroom instruction,
in hybrid courses, or any distance learning arrangements.
E-Government & Public Service Delivery: Enabling ICT to put "People First" – A Case Study from South Africa Wikus Visser, Hossana Twinomurinzi (Pages: 36-41)
The literature on the effectiveness of e-government in
developing countries towards improving public service
delivery is littered with failure stories. Notwithstanding,
the failures have not stopped most governments in
developing countries from increasingly turning to ICT,
most notably internet based models, as the preferred
channel for citizen-centered service delivery. This paper
investigated e-government within the developing country
context of South Africa. We used the interpretive
paradigm primarily because we wanted to increase our
understanding of the phenomenon of e-government for
public service delivery within the local South African
context. The investigation focused on one of the
governments primary service delivery programmes –
social grants. The analysis of findings suggest that egovernment
in South Africa is not aligned to the service
delivery philosophy, Batho Pele, and is hence not
effective in delivering on the public service delivery
mandate. Batho Pele which literally means “people first”
is similar to the UNDP Human Development Indicators
for development. The contribution of this research can be
extended to both practice and IS theory. The research
highlights the need for ICT4D, particularly e-government
in developing contexts, to firstly be aligned to the current
over-arching government philosophies if they are to have
any effective impact on service delivery. The practical
contribution of the research is a possible framework that
could be used to align e-government in South Africa to
the government philosophy of service delivery.
Study on a Threat-Countermeasure Model Based on International Standard Information Guillermo Horacio Ramirez Caceres, Yoshimi Teshigawara (Pages: 42-47)
Many international standards exist in the field of IT security.
This research is based on the ISO/IEC 15408, 15446, 19791,
13335 and 17799 standards. In this paper, we propose a
knowledge base comprising a threat countermeasure model
based on international standards for identifying and specifying
threats which affect IT environments. In addition, the proposed
knowledge base system aims at fusing similar security control
policies and objectives in order to create effective security
guidelines for specific IT environments. As a result, a
knowledge base of security objectives was developed on the
basis of the relationships inside the standards as well as the
relationships between different standards. In addition, a web
application was developed which displays details about the
most common threats to information systems, and for each
threat presents a set of related security control policies from
different international standards, including ISO/IEC 27002.
Detecting Internet Worms Using Data Mining Techniques Muazzam Siddiqui, Morgan C. Wang, Joohan Lee (Pages: 48-53)
Internet worms pose a serious threat to computer security.
Traditional approaches using signatures to detect worms
pose little danger to the zero day attacks. The focus of
malware research is shifting from using signature patterns
to identifying the malicious behavior displayed by the
malwares. This paper presents a novel idea of extracting
variable length instruction sequences that can identify
worms from clean programs using data mining techniques.
The analysis is facilitated by the program control flow
information contained in the instruction sequences. Based
upon general statistics gathered from these instruction
sequences we formulated the problem as a binary classification
problem and built tree based classifiers including
decision tree, bagging and random forest. Our approach
showed 95.6% detection rate on novel worms whose data
was not used in the model building process.
Responsibilities in the Usability Requirements Elicitation Process Marianella Aveledo, Ana M. Moreno (Pages: 54-60)
Like any other software system quality attribute,
usability places requirements on software components.
In particular, it has been demonstrated that certain
usability features have a direct impact throughout the
software process. This paper details an approach that
looks at how to deal with certain usability features in
the early software development stages. In particular, we
consider usability features as functional usability
requirements using patterns that have been termed
usability patterns to elicit requirements. Additionally,
we clearly establish the responsibilities of all the
players at the usability requirements elicitation stage.
Governance of Interoperability in Intergovernmental Services - Towards an Empirical Taxonomy Herbert Kubicek (Pages: 61-66)
High quality and comfortable online delivery of governmental
services often requires the seamless exchange of data between
two or more government agencies. Smooth data exchange, in
turn, requires interoperability of the databases and workflows in
the agencies involved. Interoperability (IOP) is a complex issue
covering purely technical aspects such as transmission
protocols and data exchange formats, but also content-related
semantic aspects such as identifiers and the meaning of codes as
well as organizational, contractual or legal issues. Starting from
IOP frameworks which provide classifications of what has to be
standardized, this paper, based on an ongoing research project,
adopts a political and managerial view and tries to clarify the
governance of achieving IOP, i.e. where and by whom IOPstandards
are developed and established and how they are put
into operation. By analyzing 32 cases of successful
implementation of IOP in E-Government services within the
European Union empirical indicators for different aspects of
governance are proposed and applied to develop an empirical
taxonomy of different types of IOP governance which can be
used for future comparative research regarding success factors,
barriers etc.
Robotic Eye-in-hand Calibration in an Uncalibrated Environment Sebastian Van Delden, Frank Hardy (Pages: 67-72)
The optical flow of high interest points in images of an
uncalibrated scene is used to recover the camera orientation of an
eye-in-hand robotic manipulator. The system is completely
automated, iteratively performing a sequence of rotations and
translations until the camera frame is aligned with the
manipulator’s world frame. The manipulator must be able to
translate and rotate its end-effector with respect to its world frame.
The system is implemented and being tested on a Stäubli RX60
manipulator using an off-the-shelf Logitech USB camera.
Explaining mobile commerce services adoption by different type of customers Francisco J. Molina-Castillo, Carolina López-Nicolás, Harry Bouwman (Pages: 73-79)
Mobile phones have been proclaimed as the new service
frontier. Nowadays, in addition to traditional mobile
services, new mobile commerce services are ready to be
used by customers based on 3G-related technologies.
However, little is known about the reasons why different
groups of customers adopt mobile commerce services. By
means of a sample of 542 Dutch consumers, we analyze
the acceptance of these services by four different groups
of customers. We finish our work providing interesting
conclusions for academics as well as practitioners
FlashPort - The Next Generation In E-Portfolios? - The Use of Portable Applications as e-Portfolio Tools in Teacher Education Duncan Mackrill, Stephen Taylor (Pages: 80-85)
Eportfolios are becoming increasingly important in HE in the UK and have tended to move towards web-based versions which are either institutionally owned, or hosted by a commercial company. Whilst there are certainly advantages with these models there are important considerations over the transferability and ownership of students’ work.
This paper reports on the design and implementation of an alternative model, using a set of portable applications as ePortfolio tools for use by initial teacher education students. The work focuses on adding a range of small stand alone applications to USB flash drives along with a set of files and templates focusing on the students’ studies. To this we have given a generic name - ‘FlashPort’ - and developed a specific version for trainee teachers that we have called ‘eLiPort’.
The research takes the form of an intervention, following the introduction of eLiPort to a group of trainee teachers on a one year Secondary (High School) teaching course in the UK. Findings of the initial research are discussed along with how the challenges were addressed, its use in practice and the implications for the future.
Porosity Effect in the Core Thermal Hydraulics for Ultra High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Motoo Fumizawa, Yoshihiko Kaneko, Masanori Izumi (Pages: 86-92)
This study presents an experimental method of porosity evaluation and a predictive thermal-hydraulic analysis with packed spheres in a nuclear reactor core. The porosity experiments were carried out in both a fully shaken state with the closest possible packing and in a state of non-vibration. The predictive analysis considering the fixed porosity value was applied as a design condition for an Ultra High Temperature Reactor Experiment (UHTREX). The thermal-hydraulic computer code was developed and identified as PEBTEMP. The highest outlet coolant temperature of 1316 oC was achieved in the case of an UHTREX at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, which was a small scale UHTR. In the present study, the fuel was changed to a pebble type, a porous media. In order to compare the present pebble bed reactor and UHTREX, a calculation based on HTGR-GT300 was carried out in similar conditions with UHTREX; in other words, with an inlet coolant temperature of 871oC, system pressure of 3.45 MPa and power density of 1.3 w/cm3. As a result, the fuel temperature in the present pebble bed reactor showed an extremely lower value compared to that of UHTREX.