Knowledge, Learning and Transdisciplinary Communication in the Evolution of the Contemporary World
Rita Micarelli, Giorgio Pizziolo
In this paper we would like to explore the concept of transdisciplinarity in relation to the changes that have taken place in science, philosophy and the arts in the twentieth century which have influenced the individual and social behaviour of the whole of humanity.
The living environments of the planet have been transformed, the multiple dynamics within the whole biosphere and biosphere and its ecosystems, stimulating their transformation through accelerated transitional phases.
Today, many ecosystems and many of their transitional dynamics are in crisis, and the entire ecosystem-biosphere is in biosphere, while the evolutionary prerogatives of the living world itself are being replaced by the artificial world of the most advanced digital technologies.
This impending crisis can be contained and mitigated in order to return to the living world the prerogatives that are its own and that allow it to continue and sustain the processes of evolutionary transition, escaping the power of the now dominant artificial world.
In this sense, all the practices of transdisciplinary learning and communication, chorally experienced through knowledge and social participation in the transformations of anthropized environments and natural environments, constitute a stimulating reference for re-founding on concrete grounds a contemporary Ecology of the Ternary Systems Human/Society/Environment and for highlighting the problems that arise in facing the epochal crisis of our living world. All of this can be concretely evidenced by many different experiences already underway or possible in contemporary reality from which emerge both extraordinary evolutionary potentials and serious contradictions and difficulties, as we can summarise through the examples we present.
Let us now begin the complex unfolding of the themes announced here in theatrical order and manner. Full Text