Educational Software for the Teaching and Learning of Quadrilaterals Generated from a Programming Language and the Dabeja Method (Invited Paper)
Daniel Bejarano Segura, Piedad Chica Sosa
The teaching of math is a process that starts from an early age
especially the teaching of geometry through which different
representations, constructions, axioms, and theorems among
others helps develop the formal thoughts of individuals. This
requires not only graphical but demonstrative processes that
mentally schemes chords to generate levels of rational thought.
Quadrilaterals are part of the components of geometry in the
two-dimensional and three-dimensional fields. They possess
properties, definitions, classifications, and studies through
postulations of parallelism and perpendicularity.
Using dynamic strategies and formal processes of knowledge as
the Dabeja method to strengthen the teaching of geometry of
quadrilaterals through the construction of dynamic courseware,
is one of the questions that reveals problems in thought
This is an investigation of a parametric quantitative approach
with an experimental design of research aimed at the techno de
facto and their relationship with the individual development of
a formal thinking. An educational software was developed using
the Java programming language to construct quadrilaterals,
demonstrate their properties and relationships through the
Dabeja method. Full Text