Evaluation of Uncertainty on the Stages of Business Cycle: Implementation of Quantum Principles
Anna Svirina, Elena Parfenova, Elena Shurkina
The goal of the research is to propose implementation of
quantum principles for evaluation of economic development on
stages of business cycle, define the difference between
traditional (deterministic) and quantum approaches and to
provide quantitative analysis based argumentation for use of
quantum economic principles in evaluation of internal and
external factors on the stages of business cycle. The object of
the study is possibility and reliability of quantum economic
principles implementation to evaluate economic system
performance. The authors analyze existing approaches towards
implementation of deterministic, probabilistic and quantum
models for estimating internal and external factors on stages of
business cycle, define the benchmark for shift from traditional
economy models and principles to quantum principles, describe
the stages of business cycle from the quantum economics point
of view and provide quantitative analysis of deterministic and
quantum models quality on the level of enterprise to prove
efficiency and reliability of quantum principles based approach.
Calculations and data processing were carried out using
Microsoft Excel and SSPS Statistics software. Full Text