Peer Reviewed Journal via three different mandatory reviewing processes, since 2006, and, from September 2020, a fourth mandatory peer-editing has been added.
The paper presents the rudiment of universally sustainable development project for a small country that lacks exceptionally valuable or unique natural resources. This is a result of rather long experience of the author while studying the perspectives of small country development under conditions of intense globalization and conflict because of world territorial division among the different development ideologies or simply different interests. Along with that, the beginning of primary interests and possibilities for a self-sufficient development organization is analysed, as well as the formation problems of development resources and implementation technologies orienting towards the clusters of scientific knowledge, innovation and technologies. Such cluster is being treated as the key inexhaustible resource for a medium-sized country. The development of integral KNIT cluster for the implementation of different functions of country development is being performed. Finally, the selection of a model of universally sustainable development as a complex of instruments for development will be reasoned. The experimental assessment is performed on the example of the Republic of Lithuania case.