Telephony Over IP: A QoS Measurement-Based End to End Control Algorithm
Luigi Alcuri, Francesco Saitta
This paper presents a method for admitting voice calls in Telephony over IP (ToIP) scenarios. This method, called QoS-Weighted CAC, aims to guarantee Quality of Service to telephony applications. We use a measurement-based call admission control algorithm, which detects network congested links through a feedback on overall link utilization. This feedback is based on the measures of packet delivery latencies related to voice over IP connections at the edges of the transport network. In this way we introduce a close loop control method, which is able to auto-adapt the quality margin on the basis of network load and specific service level requirements. Moreover we evaluate the difference in performance achieved by different Queue management configurations to guarantee Quality of Service to telephony applications, in which our goal was to evaluate the weight of edge router queue configuration in complex and real-like telephony over IP scenario. We want to compare many well-know queue scheduling algorithms, such as SFQ, WRR, RR, WIRR, and Priority. This comparison aims to locate queue schedulers in a more general control scheme context where different elements such as DiffServ marking and Admission control algorithms contribute to the overall Quality of Service required by real-time voice conversations. By means of software simulations we want to compare this solution with other call admission methods already described in scientific literature in order to locate this proposed method in a more general control scheme context. On the basis of the results we try to evidence the possible advantages of this QoS-Weighted solution in comparison with other similar CAC solutions ( in particular Measured Sum, Bandwidth Equivalent with Hoeffding Bounds, and Simple Measure CAC), on the planes of complexity, stability, management, tune-ability to service level requirements, and compatibility with actual network implementation. Full Text