Peer Reviewed Journal via three different mandatory reviewing processes, since 2006, and, from September 2020, a fourth mandatory peer-editing has been added.
The MOPEM project includes two fixed scenarios that have
been defined to convey the idea of “learning paths”. Our aim in
this paper is to demonstrate the contexts and conditions for
flexible learning paths that can be tailored to meet individual
needs. The concept of this kind of specialised path is to enable
learners to individualise the learning process and to adjust it to
their personal needs. We will outline the background and pro-
vide examples to explain the concept of learning stations which
we use in our four courses: Online Marketing, CRM Systems,
Business Communications and Event Marketing. This idea of
“freely” combining subject matter naturally leads to the ques-
tion of multi-applicability for the learning blocks in various
educational contexts. The answers to this question are interest-
ing not only in terms of the feasibility of learning paths from a
content and didactic point of view, but also with regard to the
economic viability of E-Learning or Blended Learning Systems,
which ultimately require technical implementation. In addition
we will present some first thoughts on the design of a prototype
“Content Pool”. It would, however, only make sense to develop
and implement this within the scope of a follow-up project.