Effect of Flow on Cultured Cell at Micro-Pattern of Ridge Lines
Haruka Hino, Shigehiro Hashimoto, Yusuke Shinozaki, Hiromi Sugimoto, Yusuke Takahashi
A flow channel with a micro-pattern of ridge lines of a scaffold has been designed to study quantitatively the effect of flow on an oriented cell in vitro. The lines of parallel micro ridges (0.001 mm height, 0.003 mm width, and 0.003 mm interval) are made by the lithography technique on the lower surface of the channel as the scaffold to make orientation of each cell. Variation is made about the angle between the longitudinal direction of the ridge line and the direction of the flow: zero, 0.79 and 1.6 rad. The suspension of C2C12 (mouse myoblast cell line) was injected to the channel, and incubated for two hours on the micro ridges before the flow test for four hours. The flow rate of < 36 cm3/hour is controlled by a syringe pump to make variation of the wall shear stress of < 3 Pa. The action of each cell adhered on the micro pattern was analyzed at the time lapse images. The experimental results show that both the migration and the deformation of each myoblast along the micro ridge are restricted by the wall shear stress higher than 3 Pa. Full Text