Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics

ISSN: 1690-4524 (Online)

Peer Reviewed Journal via three different mandatory reviewing processes, since 2006, and, from September 2020, a fourth mandatory peer-editing has been added.

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Published by
The International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics

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(A Community of about 40.000.000 Academics)

Honorary Editorial Advisory Board's Chair
William Lesso (1931-2015)

Nagib C. Callaos

Sponsored by
The International Institute of
Informatics and Systemics

Editorial Advisory Board

Quality Assurance


Journal's Reviewers
Call for Special Articles

Description and Aims

Submission of Articles

Areas and Subareas

Information to Contributors

Editorial Peer Review Methodology

Integrating Reviewing Processes

Improving Argumentation Skills through AI-Driven Dialogues: A Transdisciplinary Approach
Birgit Oberer, Alptekin Erkollar
(pages: 1-17)

Overcoming Obstacles to Interdisciplinary Research: Empirical Insights and Strategies
Cristo Leon, James Lipuma
(pages: 18-34)

Knowledge Integration in Students After Transdisciplinary Communication with the Oldest Old
Sonja Ehret
(pages: 35-47)

Generative Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT in Education: Challenges and Opportunities
Bilquis Ferdousi
(pages: 48-64)

IT Ecosystem in a Globalized World
Olga Bernikova, Daria Frolova
(pages: 65-77)

Enhancing Pedagogy and Biblical Exegesis with Emotional Intelligence
Russell Jay Hendel
(pages: 78-112)

The Necessity for Transdisciplinary Communication in Law-Making
Adrian Leka, Brunilda Jani Haxhiu
(pages: 113-123)

The Facilitation of Online Learning for Middle-aged Employees
Gita Aulia Nurani, Ya-Hui Lee
(pages: 124-145)

The Dangers of Aestheticized Education: A Return to Curiosity in a Curated World
Juan David Campolargo
(pages: 146-150)

Navigating Transdisciplinary Communication: A Graduate Student's Perspective
Sirimuvva Pathikonda, Cristo Leon, James Lipuma
(pages: 151-172)




Volume 20 - Number 1 - Year 2022

Collaborating Toward Convergence Efforts for K-20 STEM Education
James Lipuma, Cristo Leon
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 20(1), 351-389 (2022);

Authors Information | Citation | Full Text |
The paper examines the use of NSF’s Collaborative Infrastructure and the Convergence Research approach for complex social innovation challenges used by the authors in their NSF INCLUDES project (#1744490). The paper clarified terminologies related to Convergence Research for multi-, co- inter- and trans-disciplinary. This paper defines and describe collaborative research at each of these interfaces. Then it discussed key factors for engaging in collaborative partnerships as individuals, with teams, and as organizations. Then, it presented concepts tied to individual factors for engagement with the attitude, investment, motivation, and scenario analysis method. Next, by drawing on business and management research, the Availability, Interest, and Knowledge methodology provided a simple way to identify the alignment of the vision, mission, and theory of change by understanding the why, what, and how of your actions. Following this, the authors integrated the concepts of strategic planning and logic models with the Universal Model of Strategic Planning. The authors discuss the double diamond model to represent the complex web of partnerships and the framework developed for communication and collaboration amongst stakeholders. The result is the Collaborative Convergence Pyramid framework for negotiating understanding within a new common space being generated together. Finally, the work concluded with a discussion of the vital roles collaborative infrastructure and strategic planning played in facilitating the Convergence Research approach with a multi-stakeholder coalition.
Full Text