Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics

ISSN: 1690-4524 (Online)

Peer Reviewed Journal via three different mandatory reviewing processes, since 2006, and, from September 2020, a fourth mandatory peer-editing has been added.

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Published by
The International Institute of Informatics and Cybernetics

Re-Published in
(A Community of about 40.000.000 Academics)

Honorary Editorial Advisory Board's Chair
William Lesso (1931-2015)

Nagib C. Callaos

Sponsored by
The International Institute of
Informatics and Systemics

Editorial Advisory Board

Quality Assurance


Journal's Reviewers
Call for Special Articles

Description and Aims

Submission of Articles

Areas and Subareas

Information to Contributors

Editorial Peer Review Methodology

Integrating Reviewing Processes

Utilization of Artificial Intelligence by Students in Interdisciplinary Field of Biomedical Engineering
Shigehiro Hashimoto
(pages: 1-5)

Transdisciplinary Applications of Data Visualization and Data Mining Techniques as Represented for Human Diseases
Richard S. Segall
(pages: 6-15)

Beyond Status Quo: Why is Transdisciplinary Communication Instrumental in Innovation?
James Lipuma, Cristo Leon
(pages: 16-20)

How We Can Locate Validatable Foundations of Life Themes
Jeremy Horne
(pages: 21-32)

Bringing Discipline into Transdisciplinary Communications -The ISO 56000 Family of Innovation Standards-
Rick Fernandez, William Swart
(pages: 33-39)

To AI Is Human: How AI Tools with Their Imperfections Enhance Learning
Martin Cwiakala
(pages: 40-46)

Knowledge, Learning and Transdisciplinary Communication in the Evolution of the Contemporary World
Rita Micarelli, Giorgio Pizziolo
(pages: 47-52)

Human Complexity vs. Machine Linearity: Tug-of-War Between Two Realities Coexisting in Precarious Balance
Paolo Barile, Clara Bassano, Paolo Piciocchi
(pages: 53-62)

A Cybernetic Metric Approach to Course Preparation
Russell Jay Hendel
(pages: 63-70)

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education
John Jenq
(pages: 71-76)

Bridging the Gap: Harnessing the Power of Machine Learning and Big Data for Media Research
Li-jing Arthur Chang
(pages: 77-84)

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Data Visualization, and Data Mining for Transdisciplinary Visual Communication: What Are the Differences and Which Should or Could You Use?
Richard S. Segall
(pages: 85-92)

Identification – The Essence of Education
Jeremy Horne
(pages: 93-99)

The Greek-Roman Theatre in the Mediterranean Area
Maria Rosaria D’acierno Canonici Cammino
(pages: 100-108)

Examination of AI and Conventional Teaching Approaches in Cultivating Critical Thinking Skills in High School Students
Luis Castillo
(pages: 109-112)

Thoughts, Labyrinths, and Torii
Maurício Vieira Kritz
(pages: 113-119)

Can Two Human Intelligences (HIs or Noes) and Two Artificial Intelligences (AIs) Get Involved in Interlinguistic Communication? – A Transdisciplinary Quest
Ekaterini Nikolarea
(pages: 120-128)





Peer Reviewed Journal via three different mandatory reviewing processes, since 2006, and, from September 2020, a fourth mandatory peer-editing has been added.

The Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: JSCI (ISSN: 1690-4524), is a peer-reviewed open-access international publication in the areas of Systems Philosophy, System Sciences and Engineering (Systemics), Communication and Control concepts, systems and technologies (Cybernetics,) and Information Systems and Technologies (Informatics), as well as on, and especially on, the relationships among these areas and their applications.

Being an Open Access Journal, the content of JSCI is freely available without charge to the users or his/her institution. Readers are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher, as long as the original publication is referenced. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited. This is in accordance to the definition of Open Access provided by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). Printed copies (with different ISSN: 1690-4532) of some special issues might not follow this definition of BOAI, in its printed version, but it will still follow this definition in its potential electronic OPEN ACCESS version.

Since the copyright transfer signed by the respective authors is a non-exclusive one the authors' institution can preserve a second copy of articles published by their researchers, in the institutional repository. This is why we provided always the permission to include a copy in the institutional repository, when we were asked for it.


Editorial Purpose, Strategy and Methodology

As it was emphasized in the editorial of the first issue, the main purpose of the Journal is to collaborate in the systemization of knowledge and experience generated in the areas of Systemics, Cybernetics (communication and control) and Informatics. This systemization process necessarily implies a progressive development and expansion of the relatedness among the associated areas, as well as among their respective disciplines. Since improvement in interdisciplinary communication would provide a very good support for the sought systemization process, the journal is a multi-disciplinary one oriented 1) to support inter-disciplinary communication, and 2) to offer a venue for publishing inter-, trans-, and cross-disciplinary research, enquiry, case studies, and reflections.

We are trying to support the process of interdisciplinary communication among, and in, the areas included in Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, by means of:

  1. providing a multidisciplinary forum in the related areas,

  2. fostering interdisciplinary research in them,

  3. publishing papers related to transdisciplinary concepts, allowing different disciplinary perspectives on the same concept, and

  4. encouraging communication a) among disciplines by means of interdisciplinary tutorials, and b) among the academic, the public and the private sectors by means of publishing information related multi- and inter-disciplinary projects which involve at least two of these sectors.

In the context of this main purpose, a basic immediate objective of the Journal is to provide a multidisciplinary vehicle for disseminating information about diverse but highly interrelated areas through a single medium. It covers a wide range of areas, sub-areas and topics related to Systems Science, Engineering and Philosophy (Systemics), Communications and Control of Mechanisms and Organisms (Cybernetics) and Computer Science and Engineering, along with Information Technologies (Informatics).

These three major areas are continuously evolving into integrative means of diverse disciplines.

• Informatics provides instrumental means for many disciplines and support processes of inter-disciplinary collaborative research.

• Cybernetics showed to be fruitful in providing conceptual means for inter-disciplinarity as well as for analogy generation and cross-fertilization between mechanisms and organisms, in order

o to improve our understanding of organic systems,
o to enhance our designs of mechanical systems, and
o to inspire the conceptualizations and the production of hybrid systems, as it is the case of cyborgs.

• Systemics has been viewed by an increasing number of authors as one of the most fundamental trans-disciplines.

Consequently, each one of these three major areas has been providing an increasing support for multidisciplinary problem solving research as well as for interdisciplinary communications and integrations among different academic disciplines and among academic, industrial and governmental organizations.

Therefore, the basic aims of this Journal are
  1. To support multidisciplinary information dissemination related to different disciplines in the major areas of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SC&I).

  2. To foster interdisciplinary communication based on the integrative potential of these three major areas. Accordingly, the journal will include not just areas from SC&I, but also from the relationships among them, among their areas and sub-areas and between them and disciplines from other areas, especially in the form of applications of SC&I disciplines in other disciplines, and vice versa. Consequently, a strong emphasis is made on relationship areas and on what has been named as hyphened sciences, engineering and technologies, in order to refer to the inter-disciplines that are emerging as a consequence of multi- and inter-disciplinary real-life-problem-centered research.

  3. To foster and support inter-organizational R&D and enquiry among academy, industry and government; especially in the context of real life problems requiring multi- and/or interdisciplinary teams.
The Journal has been having a multidisciplinary orientation. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary sections will gradually grow. The multidisciplinary part of the Journal will be nourished, basically, from the best papers presented in conferences in the Journal’s areas, basically from the conferences or workshops organized by The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS, which is also the sponsor of the Journal. The best 25%-30% of the papers presented at IIIS’s conferences (roughly equivalent to the 10%-15% of the articles submitted to the respective conference) will be published in the journal, after their respective authors had made the respective modifications and extensions pertinent to archiving and journals. The journal is also publishing invited papers and papers, mostly in special issues related to the plenary keynote addresses delivered at IIIS conferences. Regular papers in regular issues contain original research. Invited papers may also be oriented to 1) inter-disciplinary communication of original research, 2) experience or practice based-reflections, 3) literature review, and/or 4) ways of integrating research with practice, academy with industry, and different academic activities (research, educations, and real life problem solving or consulting). One of the functions of the Journal Editorial Board is to nominate potential authors of invited papers. Other possible authors for invited papers are selected from the top 5% of the best regular papers published in the regular issues of the journal which has been reviewed by the two-tier reviewing methodology of the journal (

Most regular papers published in the regular bimonthly issues in the first 12 years of the journal papers (i.e. about the 95%) have been selected by the audience of IIIS' conference as the best of those presented in the respective sessions. Authors of all papers published in the first 12 years (about 1000 papers) had no Article Processing Charge because of the sponsorship of the IIIS. The plan for the next stage of the journal is to accept submissions which have not been selected among the best 25%-30% of those presented at conferences organized by the IIIS. Consequently, an Article Processing charge will be required for those papers that would be accepted via the two-tier reviewing methodology of the journal briefly described at

Regular papers published since 2006 were accepted by means of the two-tier reviewing methodology, we just referred to, and the final selection was made by the respective conference audience regarding the best sessions' papers.

We think that with this approach we are publishing a very high quality journal, because its basic content will be related to the best 25%-30% of the papers presented in related conferences, which is the equivalent, though not exactly the same, at a rate of 75%-80% of refusal. This way of achieving a high quality Journal, will not be based on a high number of actual refusals. With this strategy we will be avoiding being the cause of the hidden psychological and economical costs caused to the authors of refused papers. The greater the refusal rate, the greater the hidden costs caused, by the editors, to potential authors of refused papers by the editors. We are hoping, with our editorial strategy to minimize the hidden costs we might be causing by means of our editorial decision, while not compromising the journal high quality. With the new stage of reviewing papers sent directly to the journal we will not be able to avoid these external hidden and implicit costs of a high percentage of refusals.

Our methodological strategy will be an evolutionary and a systemic, not a systematic one. To organize the editorial process and to manage the publishing operational activities will be done with an open, elastic, adaptable and evolutionary methodological system. It will have the flexibility required to adapt the Journal, its editorial policy, its organizational process and its management to the dynamics of its related areas and disciplines, to changes produced by the inherent learning process involved, and to the uncertainty of the environment. In the context of the methodological adaptability we are planning to initiate the second stage of the Journal.

A two-tier peer-reviewing methodology will also be used in the new second stage of the the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics. This methodology is based on two-tier reviews: open (or non-blind, non-anonymous) and the traditional double-blind reviews. Final acceptance depends of the two kinds of reviews but a paper should be recommended by non-blind AND double-blind reviewing in order to be accepted for publication. A recommendation to accept made by reviewers in the non-blind method is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient one. A submission, to be accepted, should also have a majority of the reviewers in its double-blind method recommending its acceptance. This double necessary conditions generate a more reliable and rigorous review than those reviewing processes based on just one of the indicated methods, or  just on the traditional double-blind reviewing method.